Perfil do CMDR Jaxterix > Diário

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galactic driftwood [jaxtrx]
(Krait Phantom)
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Captain's log, 9/4/3305

Captain's log, 9/4/3305

Back in the cockpit of the 'Galactic Driftwood', I strap in for a long run to the 2 Mass star strip. Seventeen jumps later and I have finally arrived. As I'm reporting in to the Ring Mine authority's they inform me of a space weevil infestation, lousy bugs. So they are gonna bug bomb the docking bay in twenty minutes. So I head into the station.

There's this gentlemen's pub in the shady area of the station "The Scratch and Sniff". So I head in and take a seat in the back corner. Check out the menu and ask the waitress what is the special today. So I ordered the "Tuna Free Dolphin sandwiches with spinach and Tofu pudding with a Heaving Beaver" cocktail to wash it all down.

After a few complimentary dances I head to my state room for the night, hell my cockpit is bigger than this room. Anyways I'm gonna get a bit of sleep.

Until Next time

Cmdr Jaxterix

Captain's log 6/20/3305

"Captain's log, 6/20/3305: It's taken us over a week to go from WP7 to WP8. For the first half of that leg, not much worth reporting outside of some cool picture opportunities at a couple of the POI's, specially the Eock Prau Nebula​ one. After we passed POI 7.5, the nav computer was unable to give us a direct plotting to WP8, so we had to manually plot our way for a few thousand LY, which totally slowed our pace. Kenzie has been getting totally hammered with her fermented space sea pod moonshine, but so far I've resisted the temptation to give it a try. We are running low on the pasta food cartridge supply, so we'll have to mix in some of those awful Pomeche serpentine liver ones that we received by mistake, instead of the synthetic fish ones we ordered. We burned though a decent amount of jumponium on the last 1k LY , and looks like we'll have to land to restock at some point soon. More manual plotting ahead. Onwards to WP9!"

Captain's log, 6/14/3305

"Captain's log, 6/14/3305: The last hundred or so jumps from WP6 to WP7 were pretty uneventful and routine outside of adding one more ELW to our tally.. Arrived at Ultima Centauri ahead of schedule. After a quick system scan, and a couple pictures of the neutron star, we supercharged the FSD and pressed on. Kenzie is trying to make fermented space sea pod moonshine, but I want no part of that concoction. At least she's calmed down, and this new project of hers seems to be keeping her busy, so that's a good thing. 48 jumps to go to POI 7.1

Captain's log, 6/12/3305

"Captain's log, 6/12/3305: Decision time! After sobering up, we resumed our journey past WP6 , and by POI 6.1. We last docked at Explorer's Anchorage on the way to Beagle on DW2 some 2 months ago. We only sold enough data there to get Allied with the controlling faction, so we were still carrying the bulk of the data since departing the bubble. Since then we have fully scanned every single jump we've done, by my own records we have added 24 ELW first discoveries, countless WW's and TF HMW's, all of those were each mapped as well, including now the recent additions of the binary ELW's, ELW with WW moon, and the prized ringed ELW. My calculations estimate the data we're carrying is worth well over a billion, perhaps closer to two, but the most important aspect is now the "First Discovered" tag on those rare and prized finds. After discussing whether we should just abort our current long route, and make a straight line fast back to a port, we have decided to just change our approach from "Fully scan every single jump" to "only scan anything interesting" in order to get back sooner, but we'll still visit all waypoints and cool POI's. WP7 next, All ahead full!"

Captain's log 6/10/3305: The brass ring!

"Captain's log 6/10/3305: The Brass ring! Just a few jumps before reaching WP6 we struck gold. First we found a system with an ELW and 2 WW's, after fully mapping everything there, our next jump we couldn't believe our luck to discover another ELW system, this time with 3 TF HMW's, but after fully mapping that system we were totally flabbergasted to find 2 jumps later a system with a ringed ELW! This is our personal exploration holy grail, and after more than 2 years cruising all over the galaxy, here it was..our first ringed ELW discovery! After over an hour taking hundreds of pictures from every angle, and mapping up to the last moon on the system we departed, but not before popping out the bottle of Indi bourbon I had been saving in the ship's safe for a special occasion. If there was ever gonna be a special occasion, this was it! Kenzie and I got lit up pretty good, and could barely manage the landing on a quiet moon in the next system, where we decided to park overnight....hic

Captain's log 6/9/3305

"Captain's log, 6/9/3305: After spending several hours repairing the ship, and doing a couple of test jumps, we found a system with some primitive life forms, and I decided to land at one of the biological sites for a closer inspection, but more importantly...for some well deserved R&R break. Kenzie seemed to enjoy driving around in the SRV, and the pretty sights from the surface seemed to calm her down and relax. We stayed on this site for 3 days before resuming our journey, but not before loading quite a few samples of all the different life forms. Our next jump out of that system landed us in a system with 4 water worlds, and the very next two had an ELW each, so it seems that we are in a relatively lightly explored part of the galaxy with plenty of habitable worlds. Kenzie seems to believe that the sea pod looking things are edible, but I don't know.... 88 jumps to go to WP6!

Captains log, 6/5/3305

Captains log, 6/5/3305: Finally arrived to waypoint 4 "Don Quijote". Some cool pictures, and a full system scan later we were on our way again, this time headed towards a giant blue star that would sure provide us with some spectacular views. Since everything seemed routine, I passed kenzie the con, and headed back to my cabin to get some rest. While I was in the shower, suddenly I heard the main alarm warning sirens going off. I ran out of the shower to the sound of "Warning, taking heat damage" repeating over and over. As I ran back into the bridge, I saw vapors steaming out of all the control panels, the ship was right in between 3 stars, with a very bright, and massive class A right off our left, and an F right ahead. Kenzie seemed to be in full panic mode, and steering way too close to the A star's exclusion zone. As I jumped back on my seat, I hit the controls override and took over, the control panel temperature was reading 126 degrees. I quickly deployed a heatsink, pulled back on the controls to steer away from the A star, but it was too late. We had just entered the exclusion zone, and got dropped off supercruise. The combined heat was too much to survive in there for much more than a minute. We had already used 1 heatsink, and needed to wait for the FSD to do it's safety cooldown protocols before it could fire again. It took all heatsinks remaining, and another minute to re-enter supercruise, and get away from that deathtrap. We made it, but got cooked pretty good. All modules were severely damaged, and our hull was damaged as well. We needed to stop for repairs before our next jump. Once safely far away, I exited supercruise, and did a full power down, to perform the repairs needed. At that moment it dawned on me that I was naked and soaking wet while Kenzie was still sitting next to me on her chair, frozen still in panic. I told her to snap out of it, and go get some rest in her cabin. I can't trust her alone at the controls anymore.

Captain's log 5/30/3305

"Captains log, 5/30/3305: After close to two hundred uneventful jumps through mostly unremarkable systems, we jumped into an amazing system with 4 water worlds and an ammonia world. One of the water worlds had a water world moon. Kenzie named it "Distant waterfalls". Right after that, we jumped into an undiscovered system with an ELW, 2 WW's, and 5 terraformable HMW's. We also went past the "Furthest Fireflies" POI and got some pretty pictures. I'm sure the folks at the Universal Cartographics will pay a pretty penny for this data! On other unrelated good news, after tinkering with the food synthesizer's grid assembly I was able to get it back working, though it requires hitting the front panel to get it to power up. This means that we can now process those food cartridges, and add a bit more variety to the menu. The last neutron boosted jump lowered our FSD to 85%, so will probably need to stop for repairs sometime soon. I think Kenzie is starting to suffer from space madness. I've been catching her mumbling incoherent things to herself, and it's starting to worry me. 69 jumps to go to "Don Quijote's" waypoint!

Captain's log 5/27/3305

"Captain's log, 5/27/3305: Two weeks have passed since I departed Beagle. The lavian brandy long gone, no wine left to be found on board. Hell, my crew mate finished off her damn Onion Head a week ago and is going thru major withdrawals, almost feel bad for her.......almost. 280 more jumps to reach the next waypoint, and a long, long ways to go before reaching civilized space again. Wish i had some coffee. So tired of the synthetic meat. No fresh Fruit and Vegetables. Although I do have some Food Cartridges (wonders how they would taste raw) but the food synthesizer broke month ago before even starting this damn voyage back. Remind me later to jettison the biowaste, cargo bay has a ripe smell lately. Trying to think of something positive about this trip. Still thinking. OH.....Kenzie broke her "Domestic Appliance" while trying to stimulate her "Insulating Membrane". Not sure what the hell that's supposed to mean. On a good note, I got to play with a herd of space Mollusc's the other day. Kinda cute little critters if I may say so! Well there's the dinner bell, more smelly fish and tea (involuntary gagging). Time to go i spose, Jump 279 here we go. "

Start of LRH 3305 Expedition

Departing Beagle Point to start LRH 3305 Expedition on 5/12/3305 at 4:50 am. Headed towards POI #1 (Diamond Geysers/Grand rings on CHEAE EUQ ER-L C21-0