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Asp Explorer
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121.264.719 Cr
The Pit Trip: Permit-Locked Frustrations

Captains Log. Unable to reach Waypoint 7: Oort due to huge cluster of permit-locked systems. Have roamed ~1,500 ly trying to find a path through but neither ingame tools nor EDDiscovery were able to plot a path through - I keep running into dead ends. Has been quite frustrating. With 2 days left to complete the expedition, I'm now backtracking to Waypoint 4: BD-12 1172 in hopes of plotting a path from there.

The Pit Trip: Early Lessons from Third Party Tools

Captain's Log. Reached Waypoint 4: BD-12 1172 (Spirograph Nebula), 1,261.55 ly from 'The Pit Trip' start at Tewanta. Took longer than expected due to a few hiccups with third party tools. Did some troubleshooting and sharing my findings for other CMDRs who might encounter similar issues.

--ISSUE 1-- DESCRIPTION: Frequent and repeated phantom mouse clicks lasting around 60 seconds after each jump into a new system. CONSEQUENCE: Made it near-impossible to complete a discovery system scan (phantom clicks would interrupt the scan). In one case a phantom click interrupted my steering - left me running head-first into an O-type star. Barely regained control in time to avert a tactical face-plant. CAUSE: Narrowed it down to the EDMC-Overlay plugin for EDMC. REPAIR: Disabled the EDMC-Overlay plugin for EDMC (also disabled the EDRecon plugin for EDMC, which relied on EDMC-Overlay) and the issue disappeared.

--ISSUE 2-- DESCRIPTION: EDSM correctly receiving my log data from EDMC, but not updating my progress bar in the expedition. CONSEQUENCE: My expedition status remained at 0.1% for at least six hours despite having successfully reached and synced several waypoints. CAUSE: Turns out although EDSM updates CMDR logs in near real-time, expedition progress takes much longer to update (sometimes over a day). REPAIR: However, it turns out it is possible to FORCE an update of your expedition status by going into EDSM -- [Your Expedition] -- Participants and clicking the blue 'edit' button next to your CMDR name. Change/add your primary/secondary or tertiary role (doesn't matter what you change it to), then click 'edit user' to complete. It will update the expedition screen with your new role, as well as your CORRECT current expedition progress. Mine went from 0.1% to 19.93% instantly.

In other news, I used Waypoint 4 as an impromptu pit-stop to repair minor damage to my ship and modules. Used my 2 x Class 6 AFMU's to repair all modules back to 100%. I also manufactured repair limpets and brought my hull back to 100%. Note power-plant down to 97%, but little I can do about that. I could have repaired it on the GNOSIS mega-ship, but I decided to leave it as-is to better simulate the wear and tear of a longer expedition. Should be ok for this short hop around the bubble.

The Pit Trip: One small step

Captains log. Reached Trade Elite, beheld the glory that is Jameson Memorial, now looking for new in-game goal. Until now have been max 2,000 ly from SOL, so decided to get my feet wet as an explorer and try my first expedition. Just joined 'The Pit Trip'. Nothing too fancy, 11,901.83 ly of circumnavigating of the Bubble. Just enough to iron out any kinks in my exploration build (67.19 ly laden Anaconda) and get the hang of ED-Discovery/Captains Log. Keeping my goals modest: CROSS the finish line; DON'T die; DON'T call fuel rats. Touch wood.