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Iphigenia [JO-09A]
(Asp Explorer)
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A planet somewhere in The Abyss

I'm still out in The Abyss, trying to get myself home.

I came out of a jump a bit weirdly...weird in that usually I find myself staring straight into whatever sun I'd locked onto, but this time I seemed to fly past so when I came out of the jump (is there a better terminolgy than this?), the sun was behind me a little.

It's probably nothing, but thought I'd take a look around. One gas planet, with one moon. Moon was landable. So checked it out.

Some geological "stuff", haven't scanned it yet. Wanted to take off and look around. But it was dark. And that was annoying. Night on this planet is really dark. The sun is some way away, quite faint, plus with hardly any stars in the sky, there was barely any frame of reference. I made it out of orbit, but I could have been heading straight into something hard and unforgiving. It's very dark out here.

I can see why they call it the "Black".

Might take another quick look around, but I can't waste too much time....gotta get home.

EDIT: there are some water ice fumaroles here. In the unlikey event someone reads this and is interested, it was here in the Nuwo RV-N c23-0 system that I found them.


Iphigenia [JO-09A] (Asp Explorer)

I'm going home now

Over four months of floating out here in The Abyss.

Time to move on.

Time to head home.


Iphigenia [JO-09A] (Asp Explorer)

Leaving Beagle Point; into the unknown?

Beagle Point (Beagle Depot), Beagle Point 2

Well, can't sit around in this crater anymore. I've reported in. Time to go. Time to see what else is out there.

Goodbye Beagle.


Iphigenia [JO-09A] (Asp Explorer)

DW2 - Arrived at Beagle Point...finally!

I've arrived, I've arrived, I've arrived! I HAVE ARRIVED!!!

Finally managed to land at Beagle Point 2.

Now admiring the view.

Raising a glass to all the explorers out there, those who came before, those who'll follow and those that didn't make it. And Zy of course.


Iphigenia [JO-09A] (Asp Explorer)

DW2 - Four Jumps to Beagle Point

Ceeckia OY-Q c21-0

Planet: AB 1 A

On piece of rock of rock just four jumps away from Beagle Point...though it's a nice one with rings, so not a bad view!

But no time for sightseeing (yet).

Off we go!


Iphigenia [JO-09A] (Asp Explorer)

To the Abyss

Smootoae QY-S d3-202 (Luna's Shadow)

Managed to find "Magnificent Desolation" but no reverse "Earth rise" photo op.

So off we go.

To the Abyss.


Iphigenia [JO-09A] (Asp Explorer)

DW2 - Waypoint 11...a month behind....but...

Smootoae QY-S d3-202 (Luna's Shadow)

Somewhere on Planet 3 A

Yes, I'm a month behind...but better than two months, right?

I won't do my usual, "listen to the weird sounds!" bit...but...listen to the weird sounds....:)

Not quite at making a toast point yet...but soon. I've not got a lot of time left, but I'll make it. Almost there...I can smell it (well obviously in reality I can't...but metaphorically I can).

Is this the sleep part?

Ah, the pianist makes her appearance to soothe my weary head.


Iphigenia [JO-09A] (Asp Explorer)

DW2 - Waypoint 10...finally!

Bleethuae NI-B d674 (Morphenniel Nebula)

Only 14,456.32 LYs / 341 jumps to go until WP11 and catching up with the fleet...presuming there is still a fleet (I presume there is, but it's been awhile since I've had any contact).

I'm parked up on a plateau near the meeting point, all alone; just me and the floating piano urging me to sleep, plus the occasional weird noises, that are definitely not just in my head...right?

Is that thunder, another ship...or just my own thoughts echoing through my head?

I think this is when I sleep. Ahh...there's that piano again. Wouldn't it be nice to go for a walk...

Sleep tight everyone (anyone?.....)


Iphigenia [JO-09A] (Asp Explorer)

Sagittarius A*

Sagittarius A*

Not sure there is anything else to say.

The galactic centre.

Yes...many have been before (I'm not even alone now), but for how many does this mean...something...something more...?

Sitting here...S*%T, F$#K, etc,...ok...slow the heart rate down...just another ship jumping in.

I was going to say sitting here looking at the supermassive black hole, the centre of the Milky Way, listening to the eerie sounds...are those the radio waves from Sag A* I can hear perhaps?

There's more unknowns out there. Time to go.

Stay safe out there.


Iphigenia [JO-09A] (Asp Explorer)

Long time no update - DW2 catch up and "shonking"

No logbooks for over a month....

To be honest all I've really been doing is, what I believe they call, "shonking".

I did think about listing all the things I've seen, but to be honest I've mainly seen lots of planets and stars at a distance and nothing else. Well, that's not entirely true, I've seen some geysers as well, during those rare occurrences when I actually land somewhere.

I used to try and land somewhere, or at least park in orbit at the end of each day, but that takes up too much time when you're way behind the majority of the fleet. Gotta keep jumpin'!!!

I'll try and give a better update later, but today has been a good day for playing a bit of catch up, so I'm due a rest...for a bit...maybe...


Iphigenia [JO-09A] (Asp Explorer)