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Krait Mk II
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Doing some research.

I'm studying with Geoff a couple of little modifications we can do at Nina sensors, to achieve better thermal management. I left Sam in the cockpit, in my seat, so we can proceed on our route and she can get more intimate with Nina...

Sam piloting Nina

Starting to figure out a route...

After a brief meeting with Caroline, we decided that's good to head toward the Orion Spurr Shallows. From there, we can proceed toward the Drymann Ridge, passing through the Tenebris region and then crossing the Centarurus Reach arm. Than, we have many options, but I would like to explore the Hipparcos Basin, as we are willing to travel mostly through low density regions, taking profit of our extended range. However, we have to collect some Jumponium materials, in case of emergencies... Germanium and Niobium are on our shopping list.

Exploration Glamour!

What a joy exploring in a luxury Orca!

It's so good to fly with... but the real, best experience is during the rests: all crew members, as myself, has individual, luxury cabins. Onboard we have a spa, a wide bathroom with a spectacular jacuzzi, a panoramic canteen completed by a well-stocked wine cellar, a cinema and a cozy living room. So much different than Bravo, my trusty yet essential, almost crude AspX...

Of course, there are also the science and engineering laboratories, and a couple of spare rooms which can be freely remodeled on pourpouse.

Plenty of space, elegantly disposed. Truly a masterpiece!

Nina's crew first impressions.

We departed from civilization yesterday. Already traveled more than 2k ly, and currently heading toward the Orion Spurr Shallows deepness.

I'm very happy with the crew. Sam is a delightful company, as I already knew, and we are going very well. She is loving Nina (her first trip aboard) and already seems perfectly adapted to the cockpit and its panel. We entered a stable orbit around a fast spinning giant, and I let her do some mining between the rings, to became more comfortable with Nina's controls.

It happen that the gas giant have some interesting water based life form, so Caroline already started some closelook observations.

Geoff has already finished the usual checks, and just prepared a delicious dinner for us all. Did I mentioned that he is also a master chef?

We will take a good rest, a warm bath, and tomorrow we'll proceed on the route already traced by me and Caroline.

Good night!

Crazy Spinner

Just found a gas giant which spin really fast. It's rotational periojd is of only 0.3 days, which give it a curious yet funny very allongated oval shape... Sam dubbed it "crazy spinner", which I think fit very well. As per our return, we should propose it for sightseeing mission.

VY Canis Majoris

Easily and rapidly reached VY Canis Majoris. There's somewhat an hunting sensation in beholding such a glorious giant star, and it's so huge, even in supercruise it takes quite a lot to circumnavigate. Quite a sight...

Now, heading toward the Orion Spur Shallows deepness!

Nina at VY Canis Majoris

"Once in a life trip" expedition

So, here I am. After some weeks spent in Arine, at Wescott Terminal (my new homebase),  I finally decided to attempt my "once in a life" trip. I will explore the outer arms of the galaxy, opposite to Colonia, passing near to the core, and finally reach Beagle Point. I did not have all the route planned. By now, I will go to VY Canis Majoris than, from there, I'll explore the Orion Spur Shallows region, a fairly unexplored area. I'm feeling there's something there for me...

Of Course, I'll be traveling with Nina, my beloved, heavily engineered and improved Orca. Before leaving, however, there are some preparation tasks, of course. And, for such a long trip, I need a crew. A very good crew which, obviously, is the best I can afford. I considered bring with me at least three interdisciplinary specialists. I will need a co-pilot, naturally; a science official, ideally versed in both astrobiology and ships and systems engineering and repair; and a navigator, to help me trace the most interesting routes, as I'll be targeting very specific bodies. I already thought in some names so, before leaving, I need to check who are willing to face such a journey. Messages are sent, so now is only a matter of time. Not too much, I hope.

Happily, confirmation arrived fast. As soon as I left Nina to the shipyard, for a full checkup, I received the messages I was sought after from my contacts. Only three of them are able to join me which, fortunately, is enough, yet the minimum I was planning to bring with me:

Sam O'Brient - co-pilot Co-Pilot Really a bad-ass pilot. Sporting a Pioneer exploration rank, she was sought after for a special, long range mission, to achieve her Elite status in a memorable way. Beside her outstanding beauty, which I can confess helps a lot during months sharing the same cockpit, she is funny, and having a great humor, turn even the most difficult crew a pleasure to deal with. She is a long date friend, sometime more than this, and we work very well together. I'm glad she's joining this journey!

Geoff "Wiz" Sunsoar - engineer, data analysts, astrogeologist, prospector Science Oficial Not exactly the most easy to deal with, but truly a master of his art. Geoff earned his nickname, "Wizard", due to his almost magic ability to understand ships, onboard computers and systems. He is member of the Alliance, has a Master combat rank, and do not talk very much - ok, there are people which worked months with him that never eared his voice... - but he never bother anyone. And, most important, you can trust him your life. Not something I'm planning to do, anyway...

Caroline Dumas - navigator, science official (astrophysicist, astrobiologist, linguist) Navigator She's from Empire space. Even not sharing the de-facto imperial vision, being from a progressive, nontraditional family, she studied and graduated in some of the most prestigious imperial universities, which gave her a tremendous background and knowledge. She is able to understand and speak most of current and ancient human languages; ok, this is not exactly something you'll need in deep space. Hovewer, she also has a deep understanding of stellar and planetary genesys, and beeing PhD in astrobiology and biochemistry, she is an invaluable asset during exploration trips. She is also a very good person, and quite a good company. To me, is what really matter. Ah, and she play chess like no one...

Our mutual meeting will be in Akuariks, at Vernadsky Station, in a couple of days. Plenty of time to stock the needed viands and trace the first waypoints. I'm very excited...