Perfil do CMDR Spadino > Diário

Nome do comandante:
Nave atual:
Krait Mk II
Membro desde:
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Sistemas visitados:
Sistemas descobertos primeiro:
Taming the unknown

After crossing some old routes, we are again in the wild unknown, at 250.64 ly from the nearest previously mapped system. We are flying below the Centaurus Reach, in a fairly low density region... from there, we can point toward the Hawking's Gap or the Hipparcus Basin, which is something we still have to decide.

Not so far from here, there is the infamous NGC 3603 Sector, which is permit locked...

Navigator Log

30K ly traveled. Already discovered a neutron star; heading toward an uncharted black hole.

Navigator Log

We just crossed some previous explored routes. We chose to remain out to previously visited system the most as possible, so we are doing our best to not enter already mapped systems. Fortunately, that time we had success, as the nearest we passed was at 26.54 ly, right at the corner! Now, we are again at "comfortable" 124.66 ly...

Another crazy spinner!

We just found another "crazy spinner", as cheerfully dubbed by Sam: 0.3 days rotational period, and at just 3.8ls from its main star.

Crazy spinner!

Navigator Log

25K Ly trip duration.

So far, this is the summary of bodies we have discovered and scanned:


  • B 13
  • A 54
  • F 95
  • G 127
  • K 390
  • M 150
  • L 26
  • T 7
  • Y 13
  • AeBe 1
  • TTS 10


  • High metal content body 465
  • Water world 92
  • Sudarsky class I gas giant 89
  • Rocky body 74
  • Sudarsky class III gas giant 74
  • Sudarsky class II gas giant 44
  • Icy body 38
  • Gas giant with water based life 36
  • Metal rich body 31
  • Gas giant with ammonia based life 21
  • Earthlike body 12
  • Rocky ice body 10
  • Ammonia world 10
  • Sudarsky class IV gas giant 7
  • Water giant 3
  • Sudarsky class V gas giant 2
Enginner Log

We found the problem with the controls: probably, a micro-asteroid has caused an unnoticeable yet measurable damage during our mining session searching for jumponium materials. Now, all is perfect.

23K Ly

We had just completed 23K Ly of trip. However, we are at "just" 13391.57 from Sol. We are not traveling straight, but drawing a route similar to a logarithmic spiral, toward the oriental side of the galaxy...

Controls glitches

We are having some troubles with the controls. Fortunately we had no damage yet, but every while we are loosing accurate yaw and pitch aiming. That's something to worry about... I asked Geoff to do an extensive check, and to solve it as soon as possible.

Return to a safer region...

We returned to a more populated region. We are now able to trace route using the on-board computer...

Landing far away...

We are completing 20K Ly of our trip. Good time to take a break, an do some riding. We also need some more jumponium materials - arsenic and pollonium - and, having scanned this moon as a reasonable source for both, we decided to camp for a while. Even a small gravity field, as 0.2 G, can be quite harsh after so much time in 0 G, so caution is advised!

Landing far away... Prospecting for Arsenic and Pollonium