Perfil do CMDR Klutz > Diário

Nome do comandante:
Nave atual:
Columbia [BPE104]
Membro desde:
Distâncias submetidas:
Sistemas visitados:
Sistemas descobertos primeiro:
1.023.682.455 Cr
BPE Complete

Arrived at Centralis late after most commanders had already finished the expedition.

Personal Photo Album of the Trip All of my videos and streams from the expedition

Repair Cost 1,440,451 Exploration Data 192,655,092 (1,479 Level 3 Scans) Crew Payout 11,484,824 Profit 183,509,358

Overdue log entries

A video record of the Expedition events and meetups can be found here

Arrived at Beagle Point with the BPE on 29 April 3304, Arrived at Semotus Beacon on 29 April 3304,

Spent three weeks in the area for meetups with BPE and the DECE.

Final meetup and Mass Jump with BPE and DECE was on 19 May 3304. The two expeditions are on their way back now and the next meetup is on May 2nd at Distant View in Blue.

Will depart in time for the next meetup, hopefully by Tuesday. Leaving me only 4 days to cover the 3849Ly to the next waypoint.

BPE Underway

Left Colonia in the second wave of the BPE on Saturday. Arrived at the second waypoint the next night. A week early for the scheduled meetup. Many commanders were already there also. Will explore in the general area until the meetup next weekend

Arrived in Colonia

Arrived at Jaques Station this evening. After selling the data acquired on the trip, I received my promotion to Elite Explorer from the Pilot's Federation. New Statistics. Balance: 359,096,675 Cr (Assets 879,119,593 Cr), Profits from Exploration: 265,666,676 , Highest Payout: 4,469,203 , Systems Visited: 6,352 , Level 2 Scans: 1,765 , Level 3 Scans: 76,448 , Total Hyperspace Distance: 283,117LY , Total Hyperspace Jumps: 7,838 , Max Distance from Start: 24,862LY , Flight Time: 6W 2D 21H 17Min , SRV Distance: 2.85MM.

Departing for BPE

Leaving home space tonight for Colonia to rendezvous with the BPE fleet.

Departure statistics.Balance: 295,394,869 Cr (Assets 815,417,787 Cr), Profits from Exploration: 198,717,489, Highest Payout: 4,469,203, Systems Visited: 5,948, Level 2 Scans: 1,765, Level 3 Scans: 75,645, Total Hyperspace Distance: 255,105.00LY, Total Hyperspace Jumps: 7,432, Max Distance from Start: 24,863.00LY, Flight Time: 6W 2D 1H 10Min, SRV Distance: 2.82MM.

Sword of Damocles

Parked at Kyloasly DA-A f69 waiting for the collision between the 2b and 2c moons. Attempting to collect astronomical data to calculate the collision time more accurately. I've been here since Sept 20 and there are 8 or 9 days remaining until the event. I've minimized power use but I'm still using more fuel than expected just running sensors and life support. I may have to jump to a neighboring system to refuel in a few days.