Профиль пилота Davinci X > Дневник

Имя пилота:
Текущий корабль:
Il Vespucci [DX-EX2]
(Diamondback Explorer)
Дата регистрации:
5 янв. 2021 г.
Внесено расстояний:
Посещено систем:
2 194
Открыто систем:
2 302 200 606 кр.
A Beautiful Mule

"The time is now 0700. You have 60 minutes till your meeting with a representative from the Torval Mining LTD at the Torval Orbital Administrative Office commander," the Vulture's computer stated rather emphatically. "Shall I suggest appropirate attire?"

"That will not be necessary Drake," DaVinci replied as he took another long swig of his coffee and continued to go over his logs. "But thank you.

"Now... where was I...," DaVinici thought out loud before being interrupted by the computer once again.

"Commander, I do not mean to..."

"Nag?" DaVinci quipped.

"No sir. I just wanted to remind you how important this meeting is and that message from Torval Mining made a point about not being late," Drake stated.

"You worry too much," DaVinici reassured the rather anxious computer. "I just want to finish up this personal log. I've still got plenty of time."

With that, Drake fell silent and DaVinci began to reflect once again on recent events that led to his present circumstances...

After his meeting with Mr. O'Malley at The Cracked Cockpit on Jameson Memorial, DaVinici was now at the docks looking over a new Lakon Spaceways Type-7 Transporter. After a cursory inspection of the exterior and kicking of the tires, DaVinci thought, "This gal has some big hips." The T-7 would be the largest ship DaVinci had piloted up to this point. Bigger than either the Asp Explorer or Keelback.

The Type-7 was a no frills transporter, and as DaVinci entered the interior walking through the currently empty storage holds, it was clear this ship was designed for one purpose. Hauling cargo. As DaVinci made his way to the cockpit, the computer chimed in.

"Please state your name and prepare to be scanned for security identification."

"Welcome commander DaVinci X. Please request ship's name and ID."

"Ship name, Bela Mulo. Ship ID, DX-DC3. Authorization Davinci X."

"Confirmed commander. Bela Mulo DX-DC3"

"Thank you Bela."


"Yes Bela"

"What does 'Bela Mulo' mean?

"It is Italian for 'beautiful mule,'" DaVinci answered.

"Beautiful... mule...?" The computer sounded insulted and confused.

"Mules are a domesticated equine hybrid of a donkey and a horse used as a pack animal on Earth for a number of centuries. You are a Lakon Spaceways Type-7 transporter designed to carry and haul cargo are you not?" DaVinci clarifed. "But that does not mean you are not beautiful my dear Bela."

"Yes commander"

"And it is just 'D'" Bela"

"As long as you do not refer to me as a mule commander."

"Deal Bela," DaVinci smiled. "Would you please run a systems diagnostic? I am going to see where we will be picking up the cargo Mr. O'Malley has paid for us to haul."

"We are scheduled to pick up 200 units of silver along with 50 units of Kamitra Cigars at Hammel Terminal in the Kamitra system, Commander... D," Bela accessed the information before DaVinci had even accessed navigation. "Calculated route distance is 218.96 LY over 8 jumps.

"Well then, guess I'll go stretch my legs and get a cup of coffee Bela while you finish the diagnostic before we get underway."

"Understood D."

DaVinci returned with a rather large industrial sized container of coffee and went over a final pre-flight check list with Bela. 45 minutes, 8 jumps, and approximately an uneventful 219 light years later, DaVinci was staring out the cockpit at the Orbis Starport.

"Hammel Terminal, this is Commander DaVinci X of the Bela Mulo, id number DX-DC3 requesting to dock. I am scheduled to pick up a 250 units of cargo. Over."

"10-4. Commander DaVinci, ID and request confirmed. You are authorized to dock. Please proceed to landing pad 31 and limit your speed to under 100 meters per second."

"Roger than Hammel Terminal."

"Bela, I'm going to hand over docking to you if you don't mind."

"Do not worry D. You are in good hands."

The T-7 waited in line as three other vessels ahead of her docked, and then the computer guided the Bela Mula to landing pad 31 without fuss. DaVinci powered down the thrusters and FSD as he finished off his coffee.

"Bela, I'm going to go get talk to the dock foreman to see how long it is before we are loaded and inspect the cargo," DaVinci grabbed the monstrous mug and was headed for the door. "And I'm also going to get a refill."

"Sir, I can refill your coffee here. We have that program and the requisite food cartridges..."

"Bela, my dear, what the food cartridges approximate as coffee is just not the same as the real thing."

"But D..."

"Bela, we can have a culinary debate later," DaVinci stopped the over accommodating computer before it could finish. "In the meantime, could you please calculate the next leg of trip?"

"Yes D."

DaVinci exited the T-7 and made his way over to the dockworkers facilities and offices, but not before following the smell of freshly ground and brewed coffee beans to a cafe. DaVinci had at least two guilty pleasures, freshly ground coffee and Scotch. Neither of which food cartridges did justice. After a brief conservation with a rather tert dock foreman by the name of Olga, a short but robust lady who looked perturbed by DaVinci's questions, and inspecting the cargo, he made his way back about the Bela Mulo.

"Welcomeback D. I have finished calculating the route for this delivery. Would you like the specifics?

"Yes Bela and thank you."

"Delivery to made to Hera Tani at The Jet's Hole in the Kuwemaki system will require 12 jumps and 180.70 LY. Estimated time is 40 minutes to one hour..."

As Bela continued to read out the navigational information, DaVinci couldn't help but wonder that cigars and silver was an odd combination of goods. Cigars and whiskey would make more sense. That and silver? Hera Tani is an engineer who is known for modifying power plants. Cadmium, Tellurium, or Vanadium would make more sense. DaVinci explained it away that Mr. O'Malley likely owed Hera Tani payment and maybe she has a taste for Kamitra Cigars like he did for coffee or Scotch.

Still, he had an uneasy feeling as the dock workers began loading Bela.

Mr. O'Malley's Job Proposal

"Commander... Time to rise... Commander DaVinci..."

"OK... OK... I'm up... And just call me D."


"It's just D. No need to stand on formality Drake."

"As you wish. Commander the local time here in LTT 198 is 0600. You have a meeting with a representative from the Torval Mining LTD at 0800 at the Torval Orbital Administrative Office. No local solar storms predicted in the system for the next 2 to 3 days. Would you like a cup of coffee?"

"... Yes... That would be fine Drake."

"Your usual Commander?"

"Drake... Nevermind. Yes. Double black with just a wee bit of sweet."

Time. The concept of time seems meaningless in the vastness of space from one star system to the next DaVinici thought to himself, but I guess it helps us humans keep a sense of order. And The Empire is a stickler for order...

"Drake run a full diagnognistic and double check that variance in the power distributor. I didn't like the delay in the shield recharge and I also noticed the rate of fire on the pulse laser seemed off in our last engagement. "

As DaVinci sipped oh his brew, which by the way, approximated real coffee via the ship's food cartridge system and didn't do the succulent bean justice, he sat back and ran through the last month. He wanted adventure, and well, he had found it....

After returning from The Black and helping Universal Cartographics with the Ammonia World Survey, DaVinci planned on resupplying and re-oufitting the Vela Errante for a long anticipated trip to system Syreadiae JX-F c0 in the Formidine Rift.

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But an old acquaintance simply known as Mr. O'Malley, who kept him well supplied with rare Scotch as well as credits in return for running errands which ranged from couring information and messages to hauling cargo than O'Malley didn't want run through "official" channels, had contacted him with a proposition, the details of which would be discussed over drinks at the Cracked Cockpit Pub on Jameson Memorial...

Never heard of The Cracked Cockpit?

It is like most any other station bar or dive where pilots hang out. Dimmly lit with music just loud enough to drown out any conversation beyound a table or booth. On the menu a good selection of adult beverages to drink the boredom between jobs and missions away. A place to regale tales of one's adventures, to look for companionship with strings or no strings attached. The perfect place to to conduct business meetings if you didn't want to attract unneeded attention.

DaVinci had just entered the Cracked Cockpit and the gaunt red-head was nearly buried in a overly friendly embrace

"D! Let me look at you!," O'Malley relinquished his bear hug, placing his hands on DaVinci's shoulders.

O'Malley was a rather imposing figure, standing 6 foot 7 and weighing 300 lbs... almost a full foot taller than DaVinici and a good 125 lbs heavier. O'Malley was also always astutely dressed to the nines in a suit with his head clean shaven to the point that one could almost see their reflection in the top of it when he wasn't wearing his hat.

"How have you been? Did you make it to the Formidine Rift yet my boy?"

"I was planning on heading back out in a few days when I got your message Mr. O'Malley. You said you had a proposition?," DaVinci posed.

"Yes! Yes! And it's just O'Malley! What's with all this Mister non-sense my boy?"

DaVinci nodded. "So what do you need me to do?"

"Straight to the point. That is why I like you," O'Malley slapped DaVinci on his back so hard, he thought he was going to loose his balance. "Let's get a drink and talk. Scotch isn't it?"

DaVinci nodded again and O'Malley motioned to the bartender who went to the back and returned with a bottle of 65-year Macallan single malt with two Glencairn glasses.

"Some ice made with distilled water as well," O'Malley added and motioned DaVinici to a table in the corner.

O'Malley placed one ice cube in each of the Glencairn's and each glass half full of the rich amber refreshment from the distinguished bottle. Before DaVinci could even enjoy the aroma, O'Malley leaned forward, invading DaVinci's personal space.

"My boy, I need you to deliver some cigars and silver to a client of mine. Hera Tani."

DaVinci took the glass from O'Malley's hand, leaned back, put it to his nose, sniffed, taking in all the charactestics that one would note in a Scotch of this quality and rarit... smokey notes of honey, vanilla, and cinnamon. But before he could enjoy his first taste, O'Malley impatiently chirped as he withdrew to a comfortable downing his drink in one gulp


After taking a sip from his own glass, DaVinci responded with a smile, "Aye. Good Scotch," before taking another sip and then adding, "That is most excellent indeed."

"I need you to deliver 50 units of Kamitra Cigars and 200 units of silver to Jet's Hole in the Kuwemaki system," O'Malley casually continued his proposal as he poured himself another round.

"I'm sorry Mr. O'Malley. Even if I stripped my Asp Explorer down to the bones, I don't have the cargo space for a haul that size. I'd have to make 2 maybe 3 trips minimum, and with the news of the assasination of Caine-Massey’s former CEO Johann Fleischer... there are rumors that there is saber rattling between The Empire's Torval Mining Ltd. and The Federation's Tavgi Blue Life Inc... that there will be war... I'm not sure that is worth the risk."

O'Malley unphased by DaVinci's response continued, "Expediency is of the essence; so, this needs to be done in one trip. You'll just have to buy a bigger ship. You owe me. All those cases of Scotch I've procured for you through the years aren't free."

DaVinci nearly spit out his drink. "You've got to be kidding!?," setting the Glencairn down as he leaned forward staring O'Malley squarely in the eyes. "I know that Macallan Scotch isn't cheap, but I would need to purchase a Lakon Spaceways T-7 Transporter at the very minimum. The cost of the ship plus outfitting would run 18... 20 million credits!"

"Keep your voice down," O'Malley smirked. "I'll front you the ship. Consider it payment for the job."

Leaning back in his chair, DaVinci swirled his glass looking into the golden colors as the liquid caught the rays of light. 20 million credits for a freight job sounded way to good to be true.

"What's the catch O'Malley? 20 million for a single cargo haul?

"I like you my boy. You have never failed me. Consider it a generous bonus...," O'Malley paused, poured himself another glass, and downed it before continuing, "And hazard pay for any potential pirate encounters."

"I knew it. You expect me to take a fattened, laden down T-7, I'm assuming with no protective fighter escort, through a trading lane being preyed upon by pirates? Are you..."

"Potentially," O'Malley interjected. "And you are a far better pilot than the last two..."

"The last two?!," DaVinci returned the interruption in kind. "Thank you for the drinks, but you can find another sacrifical lamb."

O'Malley set his glass down, placed his hands on either side of the table, and without any expression stated: "Take the job or I'll have to let The Club know who your parents were and that you are planning on poking around system Syreadiae JX-F c0."

He then picked his drink back up and finished it off before rising from the table and placing his hat on his head. As O'Malley walked away, he turned and smiled, "I have the utmost faith in you my boy. I'll deliver an encoded message to you before the morning. See you around D."

DaVinci sat in silence... looking longingly into his now empty glass. He relected on his predictment as he reached for the bottle and poured another glass. This time, he downed it without sipping. Then poured another before muttering under his breath.

"What I have gotten myself into?"

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"Ghosts" in The Black

It's been 3... 4 days since I last logged an entry in the computer, and although I'm safely back at the Angus Manwaring starport in Eta Cassiopeiae, to say the last several days have been hair-raising, would be an understatement. After my last log entry, something felt off. Not sure if it was me just being paranoid, that 25-year old single malt Scotch, or perhaps a bad food cartridge, but my sensors picked up a contact shortly after I jumped into Oochoss TE-M c9-0. It was brief, intermittent, and in the back of my mind, I brushed it off as just a "sensor ghost."

But then, it popped up on my next couple of jumps to SJ-M c9-0 and TJ-M c9-0, and then another time when I came out of hyperspace in MS-P c7-0. If it was just once or twice I could have accepted it as a "ghost." Four times in a row seemed more than just a glitch, more than just a coincidence; so, just to be safe and to check all the boxes, I dropped Vela out of super cruise and parked her behind a Class II gas giant close to it's ring system to hide against the myriad of rocks and dust while I ran diagnostics on the sensors. And if my stalker was more than just a glitchy ghost in the system, I was hopeing it would attempt to follow me. On hindsight, that might not have been the most strategic of decisions on my part, but at least then I would get some confirmation. No dice, and when everything checked out showing my senors were all functioning correctly and within allotted operating parameters, I decided to finish scanning the system and then make my way to GW-U d3-0.

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And like a flea on a dog, there it was again. A contact that blipped in and out on the sensors a few moments after I jumped into a system and then would disappear like a friend that owes you credits when pay day arrived. Now, the hair on the back of my neck was at attention and that uneasy filling in the pit of my stomach wasn't the Scotch or a bad meal. I was being followed.

That far out in The Black, person's with ill itent could operate with impunity, but this was no run of the mill pirate or raider. It would have to be an individual who was well funded or have connections to have ships equipped with technology to either jam sensors or sport some sort of stealth tech.

Which means, that could also mean The Club. Of course, the other possiblility running through my grey matter is Thargoid in nature, the thought of which nauseauted me like a pilot in training's first time using Frame Shift Drive and experiencing hyperspace.

Fortunately, by skill or sheer dumb luck, I managed to lose my ghostly parasite, and just to be safe, I decided to make a bee line back for The Bubble via a route based on data I procured from an odd Spaniard, Pepe, which I traded for with a case of Vermouth. After 173 jumps and just over 8,500 light years, the data proved to be better than I expected as I scanned and mapped 49 more Ammonia worlds for the survey; although, as they had been discovered, scanned, and mapped previously by other explorers, these were just updates to the previous surveys. In addition, I was able to scan and map 4 ELW and over 30 Water worlds.

And I ended up coming across my first Ammonia planets with ring systems in my galactic travels. Just two, but for me, absolutely breath-taking. Deserving of a toast, or two... or three, or four of some fine Scotch.

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After turning in 7 pages worth of data, I netted just over 900 million credits and earned my Elite Explorer wings.

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I think this calls for a celebration; so, it is back to Karka and Chandler Ring, and a bottle or two of 25-year old Macallan single-malt. Then I have to figure out my next move. Could it be third times the charm when it comes to Syreadiae JX-F c0, but I still cannot shake running from those ghosts in The Black. Who or what are they? Was it just all my in my head?

Cmdr Davinici X

Ammonia World Survey - Day 03

I thought my luck had turned for the better on day two of this survey, but I had no idea how much so. Another 40 jumps and just over 1,900 light years, and I've added 8 more Ammonia worlds to the database along with 1 ELW and 3 Water worlds.

I think I will celebrate with a nip of this 25-year old single malt Scotch...

I've set another 2,000 light year search pattern into the nav computer and keeping my wee fingers crossed that my good fortunes will continue.


Ammonia World Survey - Day 02

After traveling over 4,000 light years and striking out on day one of the survey finding any Ammonia worlds, I was hoping my luck would change for the better on the second day. And change it did. Although I didn't put in near the mileage on day 2, around 1,600 lights years and 32 jumps on this leg, I ended up coming across 2 Ammonia worlds... which isn't great but not bad given how rare they are.

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I also ended up in four virgin systems that had yet to be discovered and explored. Nothing extra ordinary, but it felt good to 'go where no one has gone before.'

Let's see what day 3 brings.


Cmdr Davinci X

Ammonia World Survey - Day 01

Day one into the search for Ammonia worlds and I've pushed myself and the Vela Errante harder, further into The Black than I have ever gone before. 82 jumps and over 4,000 light years all the way from The Bubble in the Inner Orion Spur out to the Elysean Shore. I know there are quite a number of explorers out there that those digits are fairly routine or just a drop in a bucket to the flight time and distances those most epic of commanders have logged, but for me this has been a test as well as for this Asp Explorer.

So far, I have come up empty as far as Ammonia worlds and no ELWs to speak of either for that matter, but did come across 9 Water Worlds and an interesting HMCW with rings.

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The closest I came to an Ammonia world was a Gas giant with ammonia-based life.

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However, most all these systems have been discovered and explored. I would have thought I would have at least found 1 or 2 virgin systems this far out of The Bubble and so far down the galactic plane. Hopefully, my luck will turn for the better on day 2.

Cmdr Davinci X

A new mission awaits...

Got word while on my way back to The Bubble through GalNet that Universal Cartographics has announced an initiative to locate Ammonia planets. Cartographic survey data is to be delivered to Angus Manwaring starport in the Eta Cassiopeiae system; so, I pushed Vela and I as much as I dared.I was only a couple of thousand light years out; so it only took me a couple of days to get back to civilization

After I delivered the data at Angus Manwaring station, I was surprised I had only scanned and mapped one Ammonia world... that is out of over 3,377 total scans... but I wasn't really looking for them and was hitting systems with stars that had a very low chance of harboring such planet types. Regardless, the data netted me just over a quarter of a billion credits; so, I cannot complain.

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I took some R&R at Chandler Ring in Karka and will be heading out to focus on finding Ammonia worlds. Since this is a two week study, I'll plan a route that takes me a week out into The Black so I can make it back in time to run in the data... basically a two week loop.

Good luck out there to all my fellow explorers.

Cmdr Davinci X signing off

Shaking Off the Rust

Three days, 77 jumps, and 2,632 light years later, and I've shaken off two years of rust from mine and Vela Errante's bones. Most of the systems I've come across already have been discovered and scanned by others, but that is to be expected in this section of the Inner Orion Spur of the galaxy... even this far out. I've come across some interesting systems, though, and quite a number of the celestial bodies have yet to be mapped.

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One particularly interesting Synuefai system with 50 bodies despite having no ELWs, ammonia or water worlds. Found a high metal content world with a ring system and small rocky moon along with a number of gas giants, a couple with water-based life and another with ammonia-based organisms.

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Over two dozen of the objects are landable; so, I took the opportunity and let Vela take a respite on a couple of smaller moons, a ball of ice and a rock, to investigate some non-human signals and some human distress beacons. Perhaps this is the aftermath of a battle from long ago or it could be recent. Not sure as the computer is still crunching on the data.

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I'm going to R&R for a bit, and then head out to finishing mapping the system before heading off again. As much as I would like to stay out here and explore away, I need to stay focused on getting back to The Bubble.

Cmdr Davinci X

Back in the saddle again...

It's just been over 2 years since I last logged an entry... 2 years since I headed off into The Black in the Vela Errante to explore beyond The Core, to see what is out there. To find answers in the Formidine Rift and Syreadiae JX-F c0. I had no idea I would return into "trouble" in the HIP system just a few days in. The strange ship came interdicted me from out of nowhere. I was able to get away but had to do sit down on a rock to make repairs. Was it a Thargoid? A pirate or raider in a heavily modified ship? And how in the hell did it or whoever "they" were know I was out here?

Setting down on a rock to make repairs, the medical diagnostic computer detected a strange bacterium in my system and my health began to rapidly decline. Fortunately, the escape cyropod allowed me to heal, but two frakking years! Looking into the mirror, I resemble a red-headed vampire waking from a 2-century sleep who needs a bite... to eat. At least the AFMs have made the repairs while I slumbered away in cryo dream land.

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As I go through the systems checks and prepare to lift off, to say I have an uneasy fear is a gross understatement but as I catch up on the GalNet, it is time for me to stop dwelling on that... with this new aggression focused on humanity from the Thargoids... not that this second war with these insects ever ended, but this escalation is troublesome. I have to get my head out of arse and make a decision... Do I return to the Core Systems to help or do I continue on to Syreadiae JX-F c0?

With the Thargoids devastating the Witch Head Enclave and pushing deeper into The Core systems from those drasted darn Maelstroms, what is to become of us as a species and are they just reclaiming what they perceive as their territory? Who knows how much of the galaxy the Thargoids lay claim to. Hell, they might just call every star, planet, rock and piece of dust theirs and look at us as nothing more than roaches to... well, you know.

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As much as I need answers, time to head back to The Bubble and then see what's next.

Cmdr Davinci X

Embarkations... and so the journey begins...

It took me a little longer than I expected, but I finally have a brand new Asp Explorer outfitted and engineered for a long-haul into The Black. I've dubbed her the Vela Errante and she even has a fresh coat of paint. While not fully engineered and I decided not to go after Guardian Tech, I am sure Vela' will acquit herself well.

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So today, after some much-needed rest, I'll set off from the New Horizons Orbital in Te Kaha. The first leg of my journey will take me into the Orio-Persean Gap with my destination being a system located in a small nebula, which, through my research, should contain a black hole. Before arriving there I do plan to stop by and check out Cupid's Arrow. I also plan to visit the Gorgon Research Facility before the second leg of my travels find me headed into the Via Maris and on into the Formidien Rift checking out 'Old Red' and 'Rho Cassopeiae.'

If space madness hasn't taken me by then, I'll jump into the outer arms of the galaxy where I plan to make my way as far as Vela' can take me.

To say I'm excited is an understatement. After three weeks back in The Bubble running courier and supply missions, mining, along with running and gunning bounty hunting, this 'old space dog is ready to get his nose back to exploring.

I'll see you when I see you.

Cmdr Davinci X signing off