Профиль пилота WendigoRunner > Дневник

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Текущий корабль:
Magical Star Showers [hlokty]
(Imperial Cutter)
Дата регистрации:
8 янв. 2017 г.
Внесено расстояний:
Посещено систем:
9 863
Открыто систем:
4 455
(out of character) Le Exploration Rambles

Keyword: Rambles.

Piloting a combat-fitted Cutter to Colonia and back is taking quite some time. Why do it? I can't finish engineering the Cutter without the necessary materials and credits and a long scan and scram trip seemed like a good way to make both happen, if only to a degree.

Then I bought No Man's Sky Next and I lost a considerable amount of interest in E:D. I stopped scanning everything, I skipped a lot of stuff, and I proceed to rush to Colonia if I did "play" ED at all. All just to get the ship parked so that it wouldn't be floating in the distant blackness of space if I ever decided to return to ED.

But what happened during this rush? Now the exploration changes are coming, and exploration is definitely my jig. Yet it's FDev - you know, the "personal narrative" is actually how the modules affect your ship. That laughably absurd FDev. So it's safe to say that I am more than a little skeptical. Still, I can't help but to like what I'm seeing, at least on paper. There are the obvious concerns about the potential grind that these changes could bring about but I'm seeing hints and glimmers of actual game play. In ED! I'm so shocked at this and the fact that I am is real unfortunate, but I figure that the company needs to be cheered on for doing it. Better late than never and all that rot.

Will I get my ship back to the bubble before the Exploration changes hit? I wonder if I want to. Wouldn't it be advantageous if my ship is, in fact, far out in undiscovered space? I think so, although it's not so "far out" at this point. Well, it wouldn't be if it could jump any real distance. I also wonder if the exploration changes will mean that I don't need to deal with the god awful turn rate of my ship because somehow, for some inane reason, even though my ship is inside of an Alcubierre bubble it's still grossly affected by its mass and pseudo-thrusters. Which doesn't make a lick of sense. That nonsense won't be missed if this does indeed mean that such a thing becomes history (though obviously not for general Supercruise travel).

Still. I can't stand the "flight model" in NMS. I got stuck inside of a cave in NMS because the fucking SPACE SHIP can't stop. Ever. Unless it's landed. Then when it takes off it must immediately move forward because even in space, a SPACE SHIP must generate lift via its wings don't you know.

Straight up made me want to kick a rock and I would really rather not, so please do be as interesting, Exploration changes, as it seems you could be.

edit: I'll just head to Dav's Hope rather than my home station. That'll net me materials and it's all but the same number of jumps to reach Dav's as it is to reach my home station.

Took longer than an evening

I still think that I could've made it back in one evening given enough of a push, but I called it off due to my single AFMU getting damaged from the neutron stars. Numerous FSD repairs were required and I wasn't going to risk the single module that kept me going so I stopped daisy chaining neutron stars.

Still hit some, though, and the trip back was still less than half of the time that was required to get out there.

I did the rescue thing at Titan's Daughter and the other two. That was a quick and simple event that could have been a lot more, and the whole commodities problems was a real pain in the cheeks but hey, at least it wasn't a CG. It was different and sometimes "simple" can be good, too.

Colonia 11-28-2017, but no

Made it to Colonia "the old fashioned way" (no neutron star boosts). Took me several days. I figured I'd set up shop there. Nope.

The passenger said "take me back". Nothing in the description said that this was a round-trip sight seeing op. I planned to setup shop in Colonia but thankfully I hadn't initiated my ship transfers.

Needy VIPs are needy.

I've learned how to use neutron stars and the game's built-in neutron star highway mapper. Took me several days to get to Colonia. It's taking me probably one evening to get back to my station in the bubble.