Профиль пилота Ragnar Black-Mane > Дневник

Имя пилота:
Текущий корабль:
Дата регистрации:
24 янв. 2017 г.
Внесено расстояний:
Посещено систем:
12 184
Открыто систем:
4 275
2 008 785 538 кр.
Inertial dampeners test

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After months spent mining Low Temperature Diamonds in the Icy Rings of Borann A 2, I have enough cash to purchase a Drake Class Fleet Carrier that will offer help to the CMDRs travelling in the Colonia-Sagittarius A* route... the problem is that Brewer Corporation is full of Onionhead users and are still working to get those permits to open their shipyard in Colonia. So, how to pass the time? By testing my ships systems of course! And what's the most important system in a ship? The inertial dampeners! Nobody wants to become a pancake and since I've purchased the best dampeners credits can buy as part of my life support module, I've decided to test them in the harshest known conditions known to humanity. So here I am landed on Kyloall CL-Y g1518 D 1, a planet that the Galactic Mapping Project has christened, with a bit of irony, Lithobraker. What can I say if not thanks to Remlok for their life support system and thanks to Engineer Etienne Dorn for having done a perfect job replacing the module heaviest components with state of the art lightweight alloys while still mantaining optimal functionality. Now let's get out of here, I've just heard something creaking!

Explorer's Anchorage

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It's been 3 days since I set foot here at the Anchorage and I must admit that my time mining at Omega has been well spent, the station is wonderful, so near to the center of the galaxy, so far from the matters of the bubble. Still, even if this is a new beginning, we have brought with us some of the drama, there is already infighting between the factions in the station, ships already have been destroyed, civilians are caught in the crossfire, so I decided to help by responding to any distress signal and save as many lives as possible. Jumping from signal to signal I've found only wreckage but no survivors until I found a wake pointing to the Stuemeae FG-Y c3613 System, once there it was just a matter of listening to the only radio transmissions that could be there, a distress call from a stranded ship or from an escape pod beacon, and that I did, on the first planet I've found 8 escape pods, still functioning, but no trace of the ship they came from, so I loaded them on my ship and took them back to the Anchorage, to transfer them to MediCorp's CMDR Raikkonen for medical assistance. Their road to safety is still long, there are no true medical facilities in about 10,000 light years, let's just hope for the best.