Профиль пилота Frank Campbell > Дневник

Имя пилота:
Текущий корабль:
Krait Phantom
Дата регистрации:
12 июня 2017 г.
Внесено расстояний:
Посещено систем:
3 883
Открыто систем:
6 254 915 950 кр.
Progress... Progress...

Just about 7.5k LY out from Sol... Gonna be back home soon.

After a nice night....

The Night around Sagittarius A was great. But it's time to move on. already went for another 8000 LY... only 18000 LY to go

Getting there....

Just a few jumps to Sagittarius A...

Progress is made... only a few jumps left until i reach Sagittarius A... Hopefully i'll be able to be back tomorrow...

Still on the way.

Coming closer to the center of the galaxy. it's early in the morning but i will get to the center today! I promise!

Let's get going again

Today i finally found the time to go on with my journey.. let's see if we can find some Worlds :P

Like the Pioneers

I'm feeling like our old pioneers. The first people who did lon expeditions. No FSD Injection, No neutron stars for hours... only one man and his ship. My little Bunny took quite a beating by the suns. Paint is ripping off.. When i'm back i shall give her a new paintjob and some love.


After hitting even farther places i turned around. heading back to the center. let's see what i can find on the way.

Destination Reached!

Finally i found myself sitting on the surface of body 2 in Beagle Point. Landingsite: Darwin's Legacy.

Nice View from the other side of the galaxy. I guess i'll get myself some sleep before the journey continues.

Return to the Journey

After a few days off, i'm returning to go to Beagle Point. only 20k LY to go...

Reached Colonia

We left Colonia behind us. Just had a short pitstop and are back on our way. Rushing forward! Only 43k LY to go. Refueling every 2 hours. We'll keep going for at least 3 more hours. :)