Профиль пилота King Maedoc Bian > Дневник

Имя пилота:
Текущий корабль:
les grands yeux [KI-24A]
(Asp Explorer)
Дата регистрации:
27 окт. 2017 г.
Внесено расстояний:
Посещено систем:
8 249
Открыто систем:
1 650
2 407 806 334 кр.
Feels like kicking...

30 October 3303

Trying to unlock some engineer access to reinforce hulls of my little fleet, it's true I don't like to "just" comply when interdicted, I like to bite, but these hulls are way too soft for my taste. So, nearly "dangerous", I am flying "The Beast" for the occasion, a bright reddish FDL, almost as clean as the first day it came out of its box. Took a bounty mission hours ago, but the guy was too well defended, I lost two rebuy...now back to work.

Cmdr King Maedoc Bian.

31 October 3303

I killed my first Fed Corvette tonight, a lord pirate had a nice bounty on his head, so I took the job...than dropping form sc I found this whale of a ship...I had a moment of doubt, but I have faith in my FDL aka The Beast to take the monster to its knees. It took two battles to win the war, first one, I had to leave in haste with 8% of hull, and find a friendly port where I could heal the Beast, the second battle was fierce, I even went head in against the monster hull, whenever my shields were up (not very often, to say the least!) I finally brushed away his last layers of white heated hull with my 4a beam and boom it went! Left with 6% hull this time, but happy and proud ! Almost "Dangerous", thought this one would nail the thing, but nope, 1% left...off for the next vilain lord then! Tally-ho!