Профиль пилота Highbury > Дневник

Имя пилота:
Текущий корабль:
(Imperial Cutter)
Дата регистрации:
7 янв. 2016 г.
Внесено расстояний:
Посещено систем:
12 926
Открыто систем:
5 790
5157 left to Beagle

Not much to report today. I found one ELF, but otherwise fairly boring jumping (52). I'm clearly on the highway to Beagle as many systems have previously been discovered.

Heavy Day of Jumping

9113.90ly left to Beagle Point. The navicomputer says 223 jumps left. It finally can plot a route to the Point.

I made fairly quick jumping today (110 jumps). There were only a couple spots I stopped to scan. One ELF found in Pyrivo EP-I b29-6. Otherwise it was pretty generic M, F, G systems with the occasional A star.

There were no odd events today. A couple systems had 40+ bodies, but nothing 75.

Short extra jaunt

After a nap I decided to make a few more clicks. I'm now in Auphailn IR-L b27-2. 50,720ly from Sol. Only 14,617ly left to Beagle Point.

2,000 ly down

16,911ly left to the point. It's getting a little old. The madness hasn't set in, but finding things to keep me busy is getting harder.

Mostly uneventful day. I came across Striechae QI-U c18-0 which has an ELF around the second star in the system.


18,902ly left to Beagle Point. I'm in the Styx. Jumps are less linear, and each system only has 2-3 systems listed in jump range. I haven't encountered many particularly interesting systems. Fatigue is setting in. Only a couple more days and I'll be at the Point. 3,000ly on 71 jumps today.

Wandering a little

Only 1400ly today jumping around, I pulled further up towards the galactic plane. I'd gotten all the way down to -1500ly, so things were getting a bit sparse.

I finally figured out the tricks with decoding the last digits of the system name. You'd think after 10,000+ jumps I would have realized there was a pattern. I ended up in Pyuefoea AA-A h39 which was a dual black hole system. Obviously it had been discovered by someone previously.

I spent a lot of time look for a Wolf Rayet star, but I think that'll have to keep for another day.

Two Thirds of the Way There

Another good day of jumping: 139 jumps behind me. A number of them were Neutron Boosted.

I'm now 23,176ly to Beagle Point and 42,512ly from Sol. Discoveries today were pretty light. I came across a couple binary and ternary systems that were interesting, and a number of Neutron Stars that had already been discovered on the highway to Beagle Point. Otherwise it was mostly a day of honking.

I plan to visit Podar, the Treehouse and Semotus Beacon while I'm up there. For the last I need to make sure I grab a few more jump boosting materials.

On the way back, I plan to stop by Rendezvous Point, Sag A* and the Great Annihilator.

Bumbling along 88 jumps

Today saw me get to 36,227ly from Sol. I'm now only 30,610 from Beagle Point.

I had a minor computer malfunction that led me to drop out of supercruise too close to a star. My power plant is down to 96% now. Along the way I've discovered a couple of black holes. I stopped to rest at the last one Hyuqoae AA-A g744.

Tomorrow I plan to max it a bit further to the next nebula.

Low mileage day - trouble with the navicomputer

The nav system was on the fritz today. It wasn't probably synching with GalNet/EDSM. I spent an hour reconfiguring and rebooting it.

Finally up and running I made it through a few systems, but I'm not that much closer to the goal. Along the way I did encounter an Earth like world with rings.

Signing off.

Xothae AA-A H49 Nebula

The nebula was very pretty.

One more day of honking and jumping. Today I played it safe with no Neutron Star jumps. That meant no damage to the systems.

I ran into a system with 115 bodies. That's the most I've ever seen. I found one Earth like world, and multiple water world.

I'm 36125 to Beagle Point & 29000 to Sol. One more day to halfway.

I'm about to run out of the core and in to the darker regions.