Профиль пилота Coffeeadikt > Дневник

Имя пилота:
Текущий корабль:
Sacagawea [SAC-08]
(Diamondback Explorer)
Дата регистрации:
30 апр. 2018 г.
Внесено расстояний:
Посещено систем:
3 345
Открыто систем:
1 250
Back in the Bubble

28 Nov 3306 23:36:23 Galactic Standard Time

What the hell does this woman need with 50 tons of cigars? That's disgusting!

Mission Failure: Successful

Alright, made it back.


Whoopsie Doodle

23 NOV 3305 19:13:57 Galactic Standard Time

So my idea was to stake out a 56ly cube of space and explore all the stars inside of it. I may have bit off more than I can chew, the density of stars inside is pretty intense. I've made it about this far...

Methodic exploration

...when unfortunately tragedy struck. I'm a little cocky and I travel without shields. I accelerated a little too quickly while making a landing attempt...

Better call my space insurance agent

I'm a little too cowardly to continue in this state so I think I'm going to abort my mission for now, head back to civilization and maybe come back slightly more prepared.

Still, it's been a fun time. Check out this scenery! Camping under dark moons

Our Five Year Mission

10 NOV 3305 04:29:12 Galactic Standard Time

Colonia had inadequate daycare, so I installed a playpen in my crew cabin and decided to take the Junior Intern Acting Ensign to see the galaxy with me. Maybe he can teach me how to reset the clock on the food dispenser. Tough life to grow up into but I have high hopes.

From Colonia we went to see Sagittarius A*. A little underwhelming, if you ask me. Explorer's Anchorage nearby was a welcome sight and allowed me to stretch my legs and walk around a bit.

I thought about going home to Ceos but I'm growing attached to the Acting Ensign and would like to spend some more time with him before talking with his mother again. So we've taken a westerly detour.

I've hit a large patch of F-, K-, G-, and M- class stars and thought it might be a good idea to create a search pattern for life-bearing planets. My efforts have been rewarded. I wonder if I could grow a coffee farm here...

The Sacagawea over an Earth-like World

The Exploration Conflict

08 APR 3305 05:29:31 Galactic Standard Time

Jumped from the Sol bubble to Colonia. Not sure how to describe the experience.

Man vs. Himself?

Man vs. the Universe?

Man vs. Machine (please don't tell Jacques)

A beat-up looking yellow Diamondback Explorer spaceship inside a space station

If anyone needs me I'll be at the bar.


13 MAR 3305 approx 05:00 Galactic Standard Time

There's something extremely satisfying about coming back in a really beat up ship.

A Yellow Diamondback Explorer ship with its paint peeled off

I finally earned my Elite rank with the Pilot's Federation. I've got the intern Jr. Acting Ensign some shore leave. By which I mean I found a daycare to stash him briefly while I run some quick missions to reorient myself with humanity. I'll celebrate with civilization until I'm sick of it again and go out to find my solitude. Don't worry, I'll bring along a nursery compartment.

Alnilam - the center star

12 MAR 3305 05:31:07 Galactic Standard Time


... I should call her. It's been a while since I've spoken to ma. I should probably tell her she's a grandmother now.

Good thing we solved the problem of time dilation way back or this 10,000 light year journey would have ended in a real tragedy.

The center star of Orion's belt contains a black hole. I can't help butt make a puerile joke here.

A black hole in the Epsilon Orionis system

Formadine Rifting

8 MAR 3305 01:02:23 Galactic Standard Time

After being served papers from a little indiscretion I had in Ceos, I have decided to go on another deep space expedition. Unfortunately she was clever and stowed away a little dependent that I didn't discover until I was well out into the Plaa Eurk sector.

So me and the Jr. Intern Acting Ensign have been checking out this Formadine Rift hulaballoo.

After encountering this, I decided to nope right on out of there. I can't risk it given my new little asset.

Formadine Rift Gamma Mission message 6 of 6

One of us had to change their drawers after that, I won't name who. As a side note, the little bastard is surprisingly perspicacious for a newborn. He gives me the dirtiest looks. Often it turns out to just be gas, but it's uncanny how it comes after I make a wry comment to him.

As a note, it really annoys me that Rocky Ice planets are right next to Earth-like worlds on the frequency scanner. Talk about a tease. Who designed this thing?!

Geological discovery

17 DEC 3304 05:23:44 Galactic Standard Time

This is new; I received this after doing some surface mapping on a metallic planet: Planet with markers saying, "Surface Signal - Geological"

Closer inspection revealed sulfur dioxide steam geysers! enter image description here

Back to the Black

16 DEC 3304 21:22:51 Galactic Standard Time

After some entertaining bounty hunting stints in the Winguardium Murderosa and some drunken party bus antics in the Verka Serduchka, I've decided to try out the new probe and scanner upgrades with the Sacagawea.

I have to admit I'm impressed with the new technology. I guess when the hyperlane infrastructure gets a little better we can scout out locations for miners. Scanned planet featuring ring hotspots

I'm backtracking on some of my catalog both in the hopes of finding interesting new discoveries as well as making sure my mark stays fresh in the history books, of course