Профиль пилота Clinthulhu2000 > Дневник

Имя пилота:
Текущий корабль:
Giorgio A. Tsoukalos [x-s4un]
(Asp Explorer)
Дата регистрации:
4 окт. 2019 г.
Внесено расстояний:
Посещено систем:
1 099
Открыто систем:
Gagarin Gate

Docked at Gagarin Gate this afternoon. As much as I hate to admit it having "solid" ground under me for the first time in weeks is pretty nice, even if it is way out here in the middle of nowhere. Gagarin Gate isn't as developed as I was hoping it would be but I can repair my ship get a new SRV (don't ask...) and enjoy stretching my legs in actual gravity. I was able to make some credits selling my exploration data here and I'm happy to report that I've earned enough credits now to buy a Type 9 when I get back to the bubble in the spring.

I'm at the half way point to Colonia and officially the furthest from the bubble I've ever been in my life. It's both thrilling and a little frighting if I'm being honest. Well I'm off to the mess hall to get some actual food for the first time in weeks. Which sounds great considering the stomach flu I just got over.

In Space No One Can Here You Puke.

It's amazing to me that we are living in an age with frameshift drives and interstellar travel and we still haven't found a cure for the common cold. Or the flu for that matter. To be more specific the stomach flu. So after a good 24 hours puking my guts up while sitting on a remote planet in the middle of nowhere I'm finally feeling well enough to head back out and try to make it to the 3rd way point. As a side note, barfing in low gravity is not a very pleasant experience if anyone is interested.


enter image description here Class F Star 4 Class III Gas Giants (2 with Rings) 1 Class I Gas Giant (Rings) 2 High Metal Content World 1 Metal-rich Body (Explorable) 14 Rocky Bodies (8 Explorable) 5 Icy Bodies (4 Explorable)


enter image description here Class M Star 9 Icy Bodies (7 Able to Explore)


enter image description here Class F Star 4 High Metal Content Worlds (2 Able to Explore) 1 Rocky Body (Able to Explore) 1 Rocky Ice World


enter image description here

Class M Star 2 Gas Giant (1 with Rings) 6 Icy Bodies (3 Able to explore) 1 Rocky Ice World


enter image description here Class M Star 5 Icy Body Moons 3 Able to Explore


enter image description here Discovered yet another small system today. Lost my SRV in the process of checking out one of the small planets but worth it in the end.

Contains a Class M (Fuel Star) 3 gas giants and 13 smaller moons 9 of which can be explored by SRV.


So in one of my less "well planned" moments I thought it would be a good idea to try to ride a water spout out of a canyon to get back to my ship. Well now I'm back on my ship without an SRV to explore with. Hopefully once I get to Colonia I can pick up a new buggy unless by some stroke of luck there is a station out here in the black I can stop at and get a new one.

On a more positive note I was able to make a few new entries in my Codex...

Eagle Nebula

Taking a little detour to the Eagle Nebula to see what that's all about. Going to try to get there and then get back on track to reach WP3 by Sunday night. Hope it's not to far off course but it shouldn't be to bad for a side trip.