Профиль пилота x Kieren x > Дневник

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Текущий корабль:
Ecstasy of Gold [XKI 01]
(Imperial Cutter)
Дата регистрации:
18 нояб. 2019 г.
Внесено расстояний:
Посещено систем:
4 718
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Anal Probing Aliens

CMDR Kieren's Personal Log 02 Dec 3307

A few days ago I was reading stories from Earth from 21st Century about alien abductions. This was long before Humanity new for definite they weren't alone in the galaxy. Basically people claimed to have been abducted from Earth and subject to various experiments which mysteriously always seem to involve being probed in the butt. Also the abductee always lived far from a population centre and was deemed Slightly unhinged by anyone who claimed to know them.

Well this gave me an idea. Not really the best one I've had but meh. I got my Cobra MK III rigged it for speed and fitted a research limpet. I jumped 'Lady Justice' into 'Coalsack Sector KN-s B4-9'. Which turned out to be quite unpopular with the crew since the place is crawling with Thargoids who have just recently attacked er well every one and everything.

After a brief search I found myself a Thargoid cyclops. Wasn't difficult to be honest they were bloody everywhere. This one seemed far to interested in a debris field to notice me arrive and just sort of drifted over and scanned me like the rest of the junk floating about. AS soon as it turned around though I shot it right in the ass with my research limpet. Oh how I laughed very briefly. To say all hell broke loose is a bit of an understatement. There was this screeching noise like it was really mad and flashy red lights, a cloud of little wizzy things appear and started shooting. The cylops starts shooting. My shields disappeared faster than a fart in a hurricane.

It took a lot of dodging an weaving to stay alive but I managed to scoop the tissue sample with a collector limpet and left as fast as I could. I got away with 3% hull and no cockpit.

We're in Rana now just about to jump to some col sector blah blah. As an apology I've let the crew have R&R and paid for it all. We're all a bit hung over and worse for wear now and I think we gain some passengers. Not sure I'll have to check the manifest when I can be bothered. I don't think I'm quite forgiven yet but I'm working on it.