Картографування Галактики > Маршрути > My First Sag A* trip from scratch

This is the route I took for my travels up to Sagittarius A*, Beagle Point and Colonia. I didn't use EDSM at that time, but I will try and recreate my route from scratch on.

1st Leg - Bubble to NGC 6357

It starts with a quick leg to leave the bubble behind. You set off at any given point, and go to NGC 6357 as your first real destination. Take a stopover at Lagoon Nebula for selling data. This is the last chance to drop them off before Sagittarius A*.

Leg 2 - into the Norma Arm

After taking some exploring days at NGC 6357, it`s only a small leap into the Norma Expanse region. This leg is quite short, as your next destinations are just a few thousand lys apart. The naerby PRUA PHIO sector is full of A stars - you may find Amphora Plants there. Then head over to the BLAA HYPAI/BLAE HYPUE nebula to visit the Guardian ruins, as well as filling your Codex up with the Brain Tree entries. Your next stop after that could be the Kaw Nebula (BOEPP sector). It still has several unmapped systems for you to offer.

**Leg 3 - To Sag A***

You will enter the Empyrean Straits first. Take a short detour to the Void Hearts at and around Shrogaae KK-A d983 (and the nearby Guardian Ruins). Then it's only a matter of a few thousand lys to reach Explorer's Anchorage. Take your time, hand in your exploration data at Explorer's Anchorage, visit the Center of our Milky Way and just enjoy a good time at the galactic core. Ascend or descend to the rooftop or the very bottom of the Core region - you can basically do everything here!

This is part 1 of my personal Beagle Point trip. The others come maybe, in a few days.

# System Coordinates Distance
#1 Deciat 122.625 / -0.8125 / -47.28125
#2 Lagoon Sector FW-W d1-122 (Attenborough's Watch) -467.75 / -93.1875 / 4485.625 4 572,12 Ly
#3 Cl Pismis 2 (NGC 6357) 963.65625 / 142.0625 / 8081.5 3 877,45 Ly
#4 Blaa Hypai XR-I b26-0 1238.59375 / -663.0625 / 12299.96875 4 303,40 Ly
#5 Boepp XA-D d13-1019 -439.78125 / -540.4375 / 16715.75 4 725,58 Ly
#6 Shrogaae KK-A d983 (The Brain Forest) 4959.03125 / 149.96875 / 20725.90625 6 760,56 Ly
#7 Stuemeae FG-Y d7561 (Explorer's Anchorage) 28.6875 / -19.78125 / 25899.6875 7 148,78 Ly
#8 Sagittarius A* 25.21875 / -20.90625 / 25899.96875 3,66 Ly