Профіль пілоту Der kalte Finger > Щоденник

Ім'я командира:
Поточний корабель:
Fer-De-Lance Nr. 1 [DZKV29]
Зареєстровано з:
14 вер. 2017
Внесено відстаней:
Відвідано систем:
12 902
Першовідкривач систем:
4 510
Tired of bounty hunting!

Today, I'm getting a little bit tired of bounty hunting.

Flying arount in the rings of Magellan C10, cleaning up Hi-RES from villain NPCs to force my combat rank. "Dangerous", some 30% up to now. But today, I got really tired of blowing away pirate ships one by one. It's always the same: Pirates are scanning me and ask: "What are you hauling?". My answer: Laser and Multi-Cannons. In these situations, I prefer non-verbal communication. Some seconds later it's done.

That's boring - and it can't go on like this!

But just this morning, I heard that Pioneers and Explorers faction ("PaX") won the elections in Kojeara. And not only that: They did also win the outpost "Oswald Park". Oswald. Great name. Stands in one row with "Kennedy" and so on. I think I like it. So I went to Kojeara and had a look, if I can support PaX there a little bit. With a little help, maybe they can gain some influence and win the asteroid station, "Tolagarf's Junkyard". I know, it's an illusion ... but it's a nice illusion, I must admit.

In the morning, there were absolutely no good missions offered by PaX in Kojeara, but I will take another look today in the evening. Maybe I will store my Python, the good old "Armageddon Kopfsalat" and switch over to my Asp "Dei Mudder ihr Schiff". Not really sure now - depends on the mission board and the cargo store that I need.

Hm, keeping the Python would be nice. Fairly modded guns, fairly modded other equipment. Some firepower can't be wrong.
