Профіль пілоту Wrongway Mulligan > Щоденник

Ім'я командира:
Поточний корабель:
battle ox [WM-001]
(Federal Corvette)
Зареєстровано з:
14 жовт. 2017
Внесено відстаней:
Відвідано систем:
27 820
Першовідкривач систем:
14 272
DECE destination unlocked! Lone Star

Just passing through. No Jumponium required. Surprisingly, no Jumponium seems to be required to reach the next, more famous waypoint, Beagle.

Lights of Alexandria

Greae Bluae YE-A g3 houses two very large O Class Blue White stars. Imagine refueling your ship at 4 times the Earth-Sun distance. That's an impressive size for a star. The smaller star, a Herbig AE/BE was a puzzle. Had to look it up. I'm an amateur astronomer and I hadn't heard of it. Seems Herbig AE/BE are protostars that haven't finished contracting to their final size and class. Makes sense to have a scientific classification for protostars - even though conventional astronomy material rarely uses it.

Nyauthai Beacon

Nice set of Blue Whites in a forest of T,Y and L stars.

Eye of Ereshkigal

Not a waypoint. A nice little detour to a black hole with a number of non-sequence stars in the neighborhood.

DECE destination unlocked! Exahn AZ-5 d3-8

A star system with no special features save that it is reached through a long stellar highway of Red Dwarves. Beyond looks to be pretty much the same. Probably a distance waypoint more than anything else. No Jumponium required if your ship has a 60ly or more reach. Can't vouch for anything under that.

The Four Muses

Although not an official waypoint of the DECE, it wasn't so far off the beaten path that it wasn't worth a detour to. Anyone familiar with the Pleiades will appreciate a star system comprised of four large Class A and B blue-whites. After a long string of Class M red dwarves along the way, reaching this system is a breath of fresh air.

DECE destination unlocked! Gria Bloae YE-A G0

Another black hole but this time in a binary system. The companion is a big beautiful blue-white. Looks like a straight shot to the next waypoint. Probably a good time to stock up on Jumponium materials.

DECE destination unlocked! Rimor Captionem

Not much here. A black hole - and that's it. I read the EDSM description of the pilot that came into the system with too little fuel to jump out. They owe a lot to the member of the Fuel Rats who came out to save them. A warning to anyone who might read this and enter the system: the black hole is nigh-on invisible. Didn't cause me any trouble, but be wary; be careless and it will bite you.

DECE destination unlocked! Blue in the Black

An easy set of hops requiring no Jumponium. Blue in the Black is a Double-Double Class O binary system. Very beautiful. Looks like now the course makes a slight bend left towards the outer rim again. Glad I tanked up on Jumponium for what's ahead.

DECE destination unlocked! Flyae Proae IN-S e4-1

Nice little neutron star and planet system in the center of a blue and violet nebula. May stop here to pick up some Polonium before continuing on.