Профіль пілоту Meandstuff > Щоденник

Ім'я командира:
Поточний корабель:
Зареєстровано з:
30 квіт. 2018
Внесено відстаней:
Відвідано систем:
2 065
Першовідкривач систем:
1 553
M class red dwarfs for all

Left to scout the route ahead toward beagle and its all red and ice for system after system. Ship is up AMFs still have plenty of load (with mats to refill) PP at 92% due to a few slams but the old girl should get us there and back to ancorage in one piece. I have moved all logging to this format from private logs and data sheets now that PSN updates threw here. I have been in the black for 10 days so far this system only counted yesterday and that got me 30 mill cr still even in a area with stars that are less then optimal.