Профіль пілоту K1ngFloyd > Щоденник

Ім'я командира:
Поточний корабель:
(Imperial Cutter)
Зареєстровано з:
13 трав. 2018
Внесено відстаней:
Відвідано систем:
20 213
Першовідкривач систем:
7 111
10 974 798 959 Кр
Close call!

Or was it a wake up call? Fell asleep just after glide finished and barely made it alive!

EDSM shows a CMDR very near

Will try to make contact. Hopefully is an Explorer like me on a Scientific Mission and not hostile.

Planned distance for the weekend was a total failure

One CMDR can dream right? 15K ly was not possible, not even close. For some reason I'm not enjoying the journey back, I feel the urge to rush. I'll try to cool down and enjoy the ride back home.

Today I learned...Power Distributor

I just discovered by accident that as a weaponless dedicated exploring build I can turn off my Power Distributor in order to save some power. Neat!

15K ly...my planned distance to cover this weekend

The urge to return home is tearing me apart. Since I lost my SRV this expedition hasn't been the same, I love exploring in my rover...

My Navigation Computer is at it again...

For some odd reason I'm unable to plot courses 10K ly or more. I'm visually scanning the map and I'm confident there are enough stars and the distances are within my range but the plotting always fail. I'll guess I'll just plot 1K-2K courses for the time being.

Lucky Seven?

Just hit a system with seven terraformables! The journey back continues...

The void

I though I would be able to cross over from Tenebris Region into Centaurus Reach...how naive! Time to get back to Perseus Arm in order to plot a course to the bubble.

heaven's on fire...or not

Funny while listening to KISS Heavens on Fire I found an Earth like World almost frozen! Only the Ecuator seems warm, both poles almost cover the entire globe! It is amazing, first of its kind I find. Took some nice pics.

Traversing Tenebris Region

Currently traversing Tenebris Region onto Centaurus Reach...playing good hard rock from the 70's!