Профіль пілоту Aldarion 3TwoAlpha > Щоденник

Ім'я командира:
Поточний корабель:
honest tuck [AL-27A]
(Asp Explorer)
Зареєстровано з:
30 жовт. 2018
Внесено відстаней:
Відвідано систем:
46 105
Першовідкривач систем:
21 401
27 157 189 051 Кр
Wyrd and "The Dweller"

The sun set over Black Hide is really impressive - gathered some beautiful screenshots of this scene.

Bounty Hunting at Fuelum's ringed gas giant

After further improving the Alliance Challenger at Farseer INC, I did test the build on the way back to Fuelum and inside a High Res Zone at the gas giant in Fuelum System.

Radioactive Green

Carrying out some VIP-Tourist Missions for the Dark Wheel Faction I visited the fluorescent gas giant RADIOACTIVE GREEN. I got some interesting, fascinating screenshots.

The system this gas giant is place in is COL 285 Sector VU-M C8-1 4

Canyon with Ice Gysers at TPHEN-SLATA-C-7-E (Tourist Beacon)

TPHEN-SLATA-C-7-E is an icy planet with a pattern of deep red canyons engraved in the white surfaces of this planetary body. This is a nice and very distinct contrast of colorization.

As usual I produces numerous screenshots of the approch to the planet and the canyons as well.

G-2019-47-9 A

This planetary body is a moon of a blue ringed gas giant and the dawn or set of this gas giant as seen from the planetary surface is worth a travel.

Not too far from this ringed system there is a similar system relatively close, which presents its ring feature, which also is visible from the orbit of G-2019-47-9 A.

Icy Body - BLEIA EOHN OT-W A97-2 9 A

Approaching BLEIA EOHN OT-W A97-2 9 A to land the Beluga Liner over night. This body is covered of light yellow ice, which is broken by icy light blue ice peaks in various areas and regions of the surface. While approaching the planetary surface, there is an average number of craters of large and medium size covering most parts of the visible surface.

At my landing site there are numerous smaller Ice-rocks covering the plain of yellowish ice.

Omega Mining Operation - OMEGA SECTOR VE-Q B5-15

Omega Mining Operation is an independant Mining facility placed right inside of one of the inner metallic rings of one of the gas giants at OMEGA SECTOR VE-Q B5 (OMEGA SECTOR VE-Q B5-15).

I did pass here and landed to reequip the Beluga Liner and drop the gathered exploration data for the first part of this voyage, on which I passed a number of nebulae like the California Nebula.

Visiting a Black Hole at TRAIKOA FL-P E5

The visited black hole is the object TRAIKOA FL-P E5-4 and it is impressive as all of its kind. I produced numerous screenshots of the phenomena being found in the vincity of such a singular location - and I could find no hair so I guess Prof. Hawking was right saying so.

The tourist beacon 0099 is placed close to the event horizon 40 km away from the centre of this black hole.

This medium-sized black hole is set into the blue cloud cones being blown out when the former star collapsed during its super nova; this is an astonishing place inside the Omega Region.


Guttors-ABC-2-A is an icy world revolving around a ringed gas giant of different blue color shades: streaked out jet streams of different layers of gas paralleling the giant's rotation. The ring of high albedo ice constituents contrasts to the gas giant and fades in with the icy body close by.

The icy body displays green canyons encarved in its ice surface of light greyish brown, which appear more yellow when descending down to its surface, which is not even but characterized by a vast ice mountain landscape with a few craters.

First arrival at CANIS MAJORIS

On a VIP-Tourist Mission I arrived at Canis Major for the first time today. I did the way from Wollheim Vision (Fuelum) to CANIS MAJORIS and back twice today and am impressed of this really huge star.

I did produce numerous screenshots of the brown dwarf revolving around the massive main star and CANIS MAJORIS as well.

On both trips I carried out the exploration of multiple system as well.