Профіль пілоту Kris Afron > Щоденник

Ім'я командира:
Поточний корабель:
Hunter gatherer [LSV305]
(Asp Explorer)
Зареєстровано з:
4 лют. 2019
Внесено відстаней:
Відвідано систем:
25 314
Першовідкривач систем:
7 706
A small detour

To Flyoo Groa SO-Z e0. A nice planetary nebula, looked interesting so I diverted a few jumps in it's direction. This was taken one jump out with the intention of jumping to the central star.

enter image description here

It got even more interesting when I got there and scanned the system - a neutron star orbited by 2 K-type yellow dwarfs, one of which was host to a single gas giant with a notable stellar phenomena at the lagrange point.

enter image description here

I've not encountered these before!

CMDR Kris Afron signing off.

Good progress

I had a good days flying yesterday and covered a total of 8929.79 ly from Skuequa AR-M b27-0 to Thuechae FY-F d12-52 in the Scutum Centaurus spiral arm.

One system in particular piqued my interest, Pyrivae SU-Vd3-3, it had 65 objects and I think the most that I've ever seen.

Pyrivae SU-Vd3-3

and all three stars were visible in one view.

Three suns

My next waypoint is Bleou Chraea LE-K b8-1 and then beyond to Syniechau BD-K c25-2 which is only 9,858.48 ly away now. That point marks the end of this 4th leg of the journey and i'll be turning south from there.

CMDR Kris Afron signing off.

Oh shit! (or some unexpected excitement).

Having spent the night at Slaiyoea QE-G c24-3 and feeling rested I took off to re-commence my journey...

Lifted off and as usual once I'd climbed a bit took the joystick in hand and pulled up....but nothing happened....tried boost....but nothing happened, all joystick function seemed to be missing.

Now I'm a few K above a hard icy surface with no manoeuvrability and pointing towards the ground - it'll make a big hole if I hit.

The only option was to try the thrusters to somehow orient P'Taq towards the sky and jump into supercruise and get away from the moon into deep space.

It took a few attempts to do this, but I did manage it. I throttled down and took stock of the situation - so what just happened. Joystick is definitely unresponsive. Tried everything I could think of, disconnected it, reconnected it, looked at the diagnostics on the flight computer - it wasn't even recognised. Next I checked the computer logs - ah! the software was updated overnight by Galnet while I was on the ground and it looks like the drivers for the Joystick are missing. It's an old stick and if I don't have a back-up I'm not going to be able to get a replacement out here.

After a few hours I decided to reconfigure the controls to operate from the keyboard - it would be more difficult to fly that way but it might work. But before I did that I tried one more re-connection of the stick - holy mother it worked!

So now I'm off heading down the Scutum-Centaurus spiral arm, with auto-updates on the flight computer turned off - I don't want another scare like that.


CMDR Kris Afron signing off.

Hieronymus Delta

I've now entered the Hieronymus Delta at Slaiyoea QE-G c24-3. I scanned the system completely as it was a "first visited system" and decided to stay here for the night.

So I set down on moon 1A, an icy body and went out in the Scarab for a foray. Nothing much to collect here so time to get some chow and a night's sleep.

CMDR Kris Afron signing off.

3000 Up!

I have now reached 3000 "systems discovered first".

The system in question is Pyraea Thaa IS-W b1-0, a single lonely red dwarf star.

Here's the EDSM traffic report

This system was visited for the first time on EDSM by Kris Afron on Aug 30, 2019, 3:33:12 PM. 1 ship passed through Pyraea Thaa IS-W b1-0 space. 1 ship passed through Pyraea Thaa IS-W b1-0 space in the last 24 hours.

CMDR Kris Afron signing off.

Back towards my original plan.

Got close to the Lone Star and turned right a bit before it along the Scutum-Centaurus Arm. Effectively I've cut off the bit I couldn't cross by going around it - that will have cost me distance of course.

So I'm now headed for Skuequa AR-M b27-0 down the spiral arm. Inevitably I'll have a similar problem at the end of here, but I'm hoping there might be a bridge to get me around retreating along my path.

Also I seem to be in a well trodden path as there are not many new systems to discover, I might have to go above or below the galactic plane to get around this.

CMDR Kris Afron signing off.

Just as i thought...

It has proved very difficult to make a direct path between the end of the Sagittarius-Carina Arm and the Scutum-Centaurus Arm, so I'm having to head around the void. It's even been difficult to keep close to sparsely populated areas.

I made it to Syre Thaa CR-N e6-0 OK, but from there I've really been winging it. The next jump after Syre Thaa CR-N e6-0 gave me a scare too - the arrival point was in between 2 K-Class stars with a separation of 0.6 light seconds, before I could react I was taking heat damage and then hull breach damage. I got out of it with my hull down to 79% and some module damage too, very lucky.

After that bit of fun I've decided to give in to the lack of close stars and I'm now heading for Chua Eop ZC-T c20-0, The Lone Star, which is 98 jumps away. Once there I'll turn right to travel along the Scutum-Centaurus Arm.

CMDR Kris Afron signing off.

Homeward bound.

OK, so now the second half of this journey starts. I'm now travelling around the western part of the galaxy and just arrived at Iorasp ZG-N b20-0. On the way I found two earth-like worlds at Myeia Thaa ZW-S C17-0 (planet 1) and Iorasp CD-D c12-0 (planet 3). These were the first of these I found in the Abyss.

I'm now headed towards the Formorian Frontier and I'm sure that I'll encounter some areas where I need to either use FSD boost or go around the rifts in the galactic spiral arms. The first of these is going to be between the end of the Sagittarius-Carina Arm and the Scutum-Centaurus Arm.

My next waypoint is Syre Thaa CR-N e6-0, which is only 18 jumps away, i'll have to decide how to progress when I get there.

CMDR Kris Afron signing off.

Semotus Beacon (Oevasy SG-Y d0)

I've reached the edge of known space, 65347.34 ly from Sol (and home). There's nowhere else to go for me, even when I put premium boost on the FSD, all available routes (and there were only three of them) led back the way I came.

So I took a trip to the "B" star just to get as far as I could and then visited moon 9f which was the furthest point I could go. I landed and collected some materials as a souvenir from the edge.

I had to take a selfie too - of course!

enter image description here

Now to head back to civilisation, but also to complete the circumnavigation. Next port of call is Iorasp ZG-N b20-0 on the way to Syniechau BD-k c25-2.

CMDR Kris Afron signing off.

Beagle Point

The halfway point in my circumnavigation!

enter image description here

I arrived at 10:49 ship time and scanned the beacon. I was a little disappointed with the system, I think that more could be made of this.

Anyway I landed on planet 2 to take a look at the galaxy. Home is somewhere over there in the bright bit. Amazing, 65290 ly from Sol!

enter image description here

There was a distinct lack of undiscovered systems as I approached and I expect this will continue when I leave.

I'm going to try for Semotus Beacon, I'll have to use FSD Boost to get there. Hope I make it.

CMDR Kris Afron signing off.