Профіль пілоту Morning Sun > Щоденник

Ім'я командира:
Поточний корабель:
Strider [MO-07K]
(Krait Phantom)
Зареєстровано з:
17 квіт. 2019
Внесено відстаней:
Відвідано систем:
24 495
Першовідкривач систем:
3 968
2 195 548 569 Кр
Better Luck Next Time

To the pirates who repeatedly attempted to interdict me last night in my Type 7 near Ceos:


Project Ranger Planning Phase

Cmmdr's Report April 17, 3305

I'm not flying tonight; I'm sitting in my berth in Cleve's Hub trying to determine a plan for Project Range. Looking at the great galactic map I am certain I want to strike the region east of the core, going through Circinus Transit and The Norma Expanse/Arm and heading out into the eastern edge of the Milky Way. Well, I guess "east" is a relative term here but you get my meaning.

My first thought is to strike out for Morgan's Rock in NGC 6188 and then strike north east into the black and wrap and eventually wrap around the core and come home via the Colonia route; possibly even stop at Explorer's Anchorage.

My second thought is to follow the path of deep space stations out to Colonia then launch across the core to Explorer's Anchorage and then head due east from there making a counter-clockwise exploration of the east, northeast, north, northwest, west, and southwest portions of the galaxy.

Morgans Rock is 4364.04 LY from my home base in Eravate. I believe I may scout that out soon.

Morning Sun out.

Project Ranger Test Run Pt 1.5

Commander's Report April 13, 3305 Project Ranger Pt 1.5

I've actually been back in the bubble for a couple of days I was out just under 1000 ly but it was very much a success. I discovered several small bodies and a few more useful bodies. Now I've returned to outfit for the longer expedition. I didn't broadcast my return home but I did record a test run in my Scarab where I figured out ground mining.

So for the next few weeks I'm going to complete some duties in the Bubble and properly stock The Orion before heading out. I was originally going to save up for and purchase a larger ship such as an Anaconda for Project Ranger but at this time I am thinking the Asp Explorer will serve me best. i do hope to visit Sol before I go and to that end I will be working on my permit.

For the audio/video recording of my run through the SRV go here:


Until next time, Commanders.

Morning Sun: Out.

Project Ranger Test Run Pt 1

For Immediate Release:

Cmmdr Morning Sun lately from Cleve’s Hub in Eravate has announced his intentions to mirror the Distant Worlds Project in an attempt to map unexplored regions of the Milky Way galaxy. Beginning on or about June 1, 3305 Morning Sun intends to depart “The Bubble” for unknown and previously unmapped regions of our galaxy. Beginning April 9, 3305 Morning Sun will begin a preliminary test flight leaving Deciat for five to ten thousand light years. It is possible, the cmmdr said, that I may go as far as Colonia if I am feeling the trip.

When asked why the cmmdr was going to Colonia as a test expedition he replied, “to make sure I can spend that much time by myself before I commit to extended isolation.”

The cmmdr will be documenting both the test flight and longer expedition which he is calling, “Project Ranger” and transmitting his reports back to us here.

“I am driven by a desire to see what others haven’t. To be the first to look on new stars and new planets.”

Morning Sun, who until a few weeks ago was a test pilot notes that he has a long way to go before he has a deep space exploration vessel he is confident will make the run.

Reports will be made available as they are created.

Announcing Project Ranger

For Immediate Release:

Cmmdr Morning Sun lately from Cleve’s Hub in Eravate has announced his intentions to mirror the Distant Worlds Project in an attempt to map unexplored regions of the Milky Way galaxy. Beginning on or about June 1, 3305 Morning Sun intends to depart “The Bubble” for unknown and previously unmapped regions of our galaxy. Beginning April 9, 3305 Morning Sun will begin a preliminary test flight leaving Deciat for five to ten thousand light years. It is possible, the cmmdr said, that I may go as far as Colonia if I am feeling the trip.

When asked why the cmmdr was going to Colonia as a test expedition he replied, “to make sure I can spend that much time by myself before I commit to extended isolation.”

The cmmdr will be documenting both the test flight and longer expedition which he is calling, “Project Ranger” and transmitting his reports back to us here.

“I am driven by a desire to see what others haven’t. To be the first to look on new stars and new planets.”

Morning Sun, who until a few weeks ago was a test pilot notes that he has a long way to go before he has a deep space exploration vessel he is confident will make the run.

Reports will be made available as they are created.