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Before Elite: Dangerous 2.1, coordinates were calculated directly by EDSM with distances submission. Now that we receive coordinates directly with the flight logs, distances submission has less impact on our database than before.
We still have a large number of systems in our database without coordinates, so it's always good to submit some ot to fill the gap in your old flight logs.
Before Elite: Dangerous 2.1, coordinates were calculated directly by EDSM with distances submission. Now that we receive coordinates directly with the flight logs, we need to ensure that coordinates are not forged by malicious software.
To avoid that, we store all coordinates including the ones EDSM have calculated and show them with an orange color. All these coordinates are pretty much precise as far as we know, but once we receive a log confirmation, we lock the coordinates and show them as green.
To be turned green, a system must receive multiple confirmation, so do not worry if they stay orange, this has no impact on your flight logs.
Just write a post in the Frontier Forum here: https://forums.frontier.co.uk/showthread.php/116450-Information-The-Galactic-Mapping-Project-Expedition-Hub
We are still trying to grab screenshot of every variation of ships in the game.
You can help us by sending a scrrenshot of your ship in the livery section of the outfitting screen, and send it to us.
Screenshot must have a resolution of 1920*1080px and be taken with a default ship.
Graphics settings must be on Ultra, with maximum FOV.
To remove the UI, hold: CTRL + ALT + G
Here is a summary of which screenshots we already have: Ships
Of course! Give us a shout to add your new language. All our translations are handled here: https://edsm_net.oneskyapp.com/collaboration/project?id=199316
Right under the Danger Zone in your Settings. Action on the account are performed every nights, and you should receive an email when it's done.
You can still cancel before it's too late!