Galaktické zprávy

  • 19. dubna 3305
  • Vodel Purchased by Core Dynamics

    Vodel is a familiar name to many, the independent company having cornered the market in personal land vehicles in recent years. But according to The Federal Times, a downturn in profits has led to the company being purchased by Core Dynamics, a giant in the field of starship manufacture.

    Core Dynamics CEO Jupiter Rochester gave the following statement to The Federal Times:

    “There’s no question that the Vodel team possesses considerable expertise, and I’m delighted that Core Dynamics was able to help them in their hour of need.”

    “Vodel’s core team of designers and engineers will remain in place under our roof, so consumers can rest easy – the Scarab they know and love will remain unchanged.”

    In a piece for Vox Galactica, business analyst Marlon Royce observed:

    “Core Dynamics was smart to keep the Vodel team intact, since they clearly know their stuff. It’s an excellent deal for both companies.”

  • 18. dubna 3305
  • Thargoids Wreak Havoc in Core Systems

    It has now been more than two months since the Thargoids began a concentrated assault on the core systems, and in that time they have attacked dozens of starports, resulting in thousands of casualties.

    As authorities in the affected systems continue to appeal for aid, Admiral Aden Tanner, Aegis’s chief military liaison, has offered the following assessment:

    “What’s surprising is that the Thargoids aren’t targeting our most important social or military centres, such as the superpowers’ home systems. There’s no doubt that they’re trying to weaken us, but evidently they’re guided by different principles than those that typically govern human martial strategy.”

    “What we can say is this: with capital ships of limited use against Thargoid craft, independent combat pilots remain our best defence against the Thargoids.”

  • 17. dubna 3305
  • Aegis Forms Partnership with Ram Tah

    Aegis has entered into a partnership with the engineer Ram Tah to manufacture Guardian-related technology.

    Senior Engineer Lilith Galloway made the following statement on behalf of Aegis:

    “We believe that Ram Tah’s accomplishments, while impressive, represent only a fraction of what can be accomplished. We have therefore entered into an agreement that will allow Aegis to bring its considerable resources to bear in the manufacture of Guardian-related technology, both now and in the future.”

    Galloway confirmed that technology brokers would remain licensed distributors of the Trident, Javelin and Lance XG fighters.

    Ram Tah also gave a short statement to the media:

    “To me, Aegis represents what can be achieved when humanity pulls together, and I am delighted to be entering into this partnership.”

  • 14. dubna 3305
  • Week in Review

    Here are this week’s main stories.

    The Children of Tothos cult has been forcibly disbanded following its attempt to destroy Archambault Terminal with a nuclear weapon. Federal Intelligence Agency agent Rochelle Karim was praised for exploiting the cult’s acceptance of new followers, giving her tactical team an opportunity to infiltrate the cult’s ranks.

    The Federal Intelligence Agency has denied that it is conducting a criminal investigation of Rackham Capital Investments. In a statement, the FIA said it had not contacted the journalist Bryanna Blanco to ask for access to her files. Blanco has since queried if the agents who took her data were in fact part of the FIA.

    Finally, news of a meeting between Princess Aisling Duval and Imperator Hadrian Augustus Duval has caused controversy throughout the Empire, with Zemina Torval branding the princess ‘an ideological traitor’. Commentators have suggested that Princess Aisling intends to steer Hadrian away from the extremist policies he inherited from Kaeso Mordanticus.

    And those are the main stories this week.

  • 13. dubna 3305
  • The Princess and the Imperator

    News of a meeting between Princess Aisling Duval and Imperator Hadrian Augustus Duval has caused controversy throughout the Empire.

    Political journalist Cassia Carvalho reviewed the situation:

    “Princess Aisling is surely aware that contacting Hadrian Duval was a politically risky move. Senator Zemina Torval has wasted no time in branding the princess ‘an ideological traitor’ for associating with isolationists.”

    “Family connections aside, Hadrian’s traditionalist views do not align with Aisling’s progressive approach. But he is young and inexperienced, with policies inherited from the extremist Imperator Mordanticus.”

    “Perhaps Aisling hopes that, by learning to adapt, this long-lost member of the Duval family may yet play a part on the galactic stage.”

  • 12. dubna 3305
  • Rackham Investigation Ruled Out

    The Federal Intelligence Agency has denied that it is conducting a criminal investigation of Rackham Capital Investments.

    A spokesperson for the FIA gave the following statement:

    “Contrary to recent statements by the journalist Bryanna Blanco, we did not contact her seeking to obtain documentation, and are not running any investigation.”

    “There is no evidence of criminality within Rackham Capital Investments. Our agency has received charitable donations from that organisation in the past, and Mr Rackham himself is a long-standing member of the FIA Civilian Oversight Board. Such a relationship would not be possible if we had any doubts about the integrity of Mr Rackham’s business dealings.”

    Bryanna Blanco published a response in The Federal Times:

    “If this is true, then who were the FIA agents that visited our offices? I spoke to them personally and asked to see their credentials. Who has obtained our data regarding the criminal histories of Zachary Rackham and many others?”

  • 11. dubna 3305
  • Children of Tothos Disbands

    The Children of Tothos cult has been forcibly disbanded following its recent attempt to destroy Archambault Terminal with a nuclear weapon.

    The aftermath of the crisis was described by Ethan Takahashi of the Federal Times:

    “There has been widespread gratitude to the Federal Intelligence Agency for saving millions of lives. Senior Agent Rochelle Karim was praised for exploiting Barnabas Cole’s acceptance of new followers, giving her tactical team an opportunity to infiltrate the cult’s ranks.”

    “Celebrations have been coloured by the news that hundreds of starport citizens were ritually murdered before the cultists could be apprehended. The FIA has vowed to carry out a review of other fringe religions with a view to preventing similar tragedies.”

    “Questions are also being asked about the regulation of nuclear research. It is unknown if the Lucifer Device was unique or if other portable mass-casualty weapons have been secretly developed.”

  • 7. dubna 3305
  • Week in Review

    Here are this week’s main stories.

    The Children of Tothos have been thwarted in their attempt to destroy Archambault Terminal. Cult leader Barnabas Cole was killed by Special Agent Rochelle Karim while preparing to detonate the nuclear Lucifer Device, as Federal Intelligence agents arrested the remaining cultists. Karim and her team had infiltrated the starport by posing as devotees of the cult.

    The Federal Times has been asked to provide evidence as part of an FIA investigation into Rackham Capital Investments. A number of employees, including owner Zachary Rackham and current CFO Taja Gavaris, are understood to be the focus of the inquiry.

    In other news, Princess Aisling Duval has revealed details of a secret meeting with Hadrian Augustus Duval. The two met in the Paresa system, with Princess Duval expressing regret at the violent purge of Nova Imperium members. She further stated that genetic testing confirmed Hadrian’s lineage.

    And those are the main stories this week.

  • 5. dubna 3305
  • Aisling Duval Contacts Hadrian Duval

    Princess Aisling Duval has revealed that she recently visited Imperator Hadrian Augustus Duval, leader of the isolationist group Nova Imperium.

    The Imperial Herald published her statement:

    “For some time, I have regretted my initial dismissal of Hadrian. Had I known that Arissa intended to carry out such a brutal purge of his followers, my approach would have been different.”

    “Although he has been labelled an enemy of the Empire, I found myself unable to ignore this new member of the Duval family, and so requested a meeting in the Paresa system.”

    “Another reason to make contact was to verify his claim to be Emperor Hengist's grandson. All the genetic tests were conclusive – Hadrian is indeed my cousin by blood.”

    “We have now opened a dialogue to see if there can ever be common ground between us. Perhaps together we can heal divisions within the Empire.”

  • 4. dubna 3305
  • Rackham Under Investigation

    The Federal Times has been asked to assist with a criminal investigation into Rackham Capital Investments.

    Journalist Bryanna Blanco reported on the details:

    “Operatives from the Federal Intelligence Agency have contacted our offices regarding the recent deaths at Zachary Rackham’s company. We are cooperating with their inquiry and have agreed to share all relevant documentation.”

    “The Federal Times has been monitoring the suspicious activities of ‘Calico Zack’ for years, so we’re relieved that the authorities are at last taking these allegations seriously. Our discoveries about Taja Gavaris – who seems to be clearing the path up the corporate ladder by any means necessary – are of particular concern.”

    “We expect Rackham, Gavaris and many other ex-pirates masquerading as businessmen to answer all charges brought against them.”

  • Starport Saved from Destruction

    The Children of Tothos cult has been prevented from detonating a nuclear weapon intended to destroy Archambault Terminal.

    Crime correspondent for the Federal Times, Ethan Takahashi, delivered this special report:

    “Terror struck the starport when cult leader Barnabas Cole announced the final ceremony to summon their deity, Tothos, by sacrificing millions of people.”

    “As Cole prepared to activate the Lucifer Device he was shot dead by one of his followers, who subsequently revealed herself as Senior Agent Rochelle Karim. Other Federal Intelligence Agency operatives moved to arrest Cole’s acolytes and secure the control deck.”

    “We’ve since learned that Karim’s unit was posing as Tothos worshippers eager to join the cult. They had staged the death of a team member to receive access to the starport.”

    “The Lucifer Device has now been disarmed and secured, while station services are returning to normal.”

  • 31. března 3305
  • Week in Review

    Here are this week’s main stories.

    The Children of Tothos are preparing to detonate the Lucifer Device as part of an apocalyptic ceremony that would destroy Archambault Terminal. Transmissions have been received indicating that ritual sacrifices have occurred at the starport, with civilians wishing to join the cult being forced to kill one of their crew upon docking to prove their devotion.

    Rackham Capital Investments has experienced a second tragedy, as the head of personnel suffered a fatal accident. The position was quickly filled with a supporter of Taja Gavaris, the recently installed CFO is believed to be positioning herself to acquire the company from owner Zachary Rackham.

    In other news, the occupant of a cryogenic pod retrieved from an outpost once used by Far God worshippers has been revived. Kiona O’Connor, a runaway taken in by the cult, was placed in suspended animation along with many other adherents. She has since been returned to her family home.

    And those are the main stories this week.

  • 30. března 3305
  • Far God Survivor Revived

    The occupant of a cryogenic pod recovered from an abandoned outpost used by the Far God sect has been revived successfully.

    17 year old Kiona O’Connor has been confirmed as the occupant. Following medical checks and an extended debriefing by the Federal Intelligence Agency, she made this statement to Vox Galactica:

    “I’d been homeless for a long time when the monks took me in. I never understood much about the Far God, really…I just needed to get off the streets. A lot of people there were like me.”

    “Somehow I ended up at the outpost, where they put us all into suspended animation. I’ve no idea what happened after that. I’m just grateful to be alive. I hope the others are too…I hope they got whatever they were praying for.”

    The FIA has contacted Kiona’s father, John O’Connor, and arranged for her to be escorted to her family home.

  • 29. března 3305
  • Second Fatality in Rackham Conflict

    The head of personnel at Rackham Capital Investments has died in an accident, becoming the second senior-level employee to have died in recent weeks.

    Journalist Bryanna Blanco commented in The Federal Times:

    “Senior executive Derrin O’Shea was killed when his personal limousine malfunctioned and crashed. The incident has not been ruled as suspicious. O’Shea’s position was filled within hours by a supporter of Taja Gavaris, however. Gavaris herself inherited the CFO role in a similar fashion following her predecessor’s recent death.”

    “With two close allies gone, CEO Zachary Rackham must feel under threat. This corporate power struggle increasingly resembles two pirate captains fighting to become overall leader.”

    “The authorities have again declined to begin a formal investigations into Gavaris and Rackham, claiming a lack of evidence. How many more casualties must occur before this conflict is taken seriously?”

  • 28. března 3305
  • Children of Tothos Begin Sacrifices

    The Children of Tothos are preparing to destroy Archambault Terminal with a stolen nuclear weapon, sacrificing millions of lives in the name of their deity.

    Crime correspondent Ethan Takahashi of the Federal Times delivered this report:

    “Ritual sacrifices have now begun, according to a chilling broadcast from cult leader Barnabas Cole. He claims these deaths will lead to a final ceremony, when the Lucifer Device will be detonated. Dozens of the starport’s citizens are already feared dead at the hands of cultists.”

    “Cole also made this statement: ‘We welcome new followers who heed my testament by sending one of their siblings into Tothos’s light.’”

    “Since this message, disturbing reports have been received of newly docked ships killing one of their own crew, so that the rest are granted permission to join the cult.”

    “Federal authorities are still unsure how to free Archambault Terminal without risking its annihilation.”

  • 24. března 3305
  • Week in Review

    Here are this week’s main stories.

    Archambault Terminal remains under the control of the Children of Tothos. Negotiation with the cult’s leader, Barnabas Cole, has proven ineffective so far. Despite evidence suggesting that the deity Tothos was created by Cole, several civilian ships have travelled to the Chun Tstar system seeking to join the cult.

    Taja Gavaris, the new CFO of Rackham Capital Investments, was accused of concealing a criminal background. It is believed that Gavaris is preparing to challenge CEO Zachary Rackham for leadership of the company, continuing a rivalry dating back years to when the two allegedly operated as pirates.

    In other news, an intact cryogenic pod has been recovered from an abandoned outpost once used by Far God worshippers. It is unknown who occupies the pod, but early indications suggest it is one of the adherents who recorded audio logs previously discovered at the site.

    Finally, Explorer’s Anchorage has officially opened in the Galactic Centre region. The Orbis starport has been built in the Stuemeae FG-Y d7561 system as part of the Distant Worlds II expedition.

    And those are the main stories this week.

  • 23. března 3305
  • Survivor Found at Far God Outpost

    The Federal Intelligence Agency has discovered an intact cryogenic pod underneath an outpost once used by Far God worshippers.

    Freelance reporter Alexei Keel broke the news on Vox Galactica:

    “The FIA survey team had been scanning the abandoned base on Etain 4 c with customised military sensors. It’s thought this operation is part of a search for a missing undercover agent who infiltrated the Far God cult.”

    “A faint power source was detected in a collapsed underground chamber, which led agents to a solitary cryogenic pod hidden beneath tons of debris. Once excavated, it was conveyed to a medical facility where efforts to safely revive its occupant are now underway.”

    “There was no way of identifying who is inside the pod. But it seems likely that they are one of the adherents who recorded audio logs at the site, prior to entering suspended animation to await the Far God.”

  • Pirate History of Taja Gavaris Unveiled

    Taja Gavaris, the new CFO of Rackham Capital Investments, has been accused of having a criminal background as a pirate leader.

    Journalist Bryanna Blanco made this declaration in The Federal Times:

    “During my reporting on multi-billionaire Zachary Rackham, I have become convinced that he and many others employed by Rackham Capital Investments were once pirates, who laundered their stolen money and moved into legitimate business.”

    “New research has proved that Taja Gavaris was once a criminal rival of Rackham. I believe that Gavaris used her knowledge of Rackham’s past to blackmail her way into his organisation, and is now challenging for ownership by eliminating his loyal supporters.”

    “The Federal Times has published many similar revelations about ‘Calico Zack’ over the years, yet no criminal investigation has been established. Perhaps this time the authorities will investigate before Gavaris’s vendetta escalates further, potentially endangering civilian lives.”

  • 22. března 3305
  • Cultist Occupation of Starport Continues

    Archambault Terminal in the Chun Tstar system remains under threat of nuclear destruction by the Children of Tothos.

    Senior Agent Rochelle Karim updated the media:

    “Despite the best efforts of our negotiators, the cultists remain in control of the starport and still intend to detonate the Lucifer Device. This 300 megaton weapon is capable of wiping out Archambault Terminal, along with the starport’s entire population.”

    “Their leader, Barnabas Cole, has transmitted messages via the starport’s comms array, repeating claims of ‘preparing to bring Tothos’s light to us all’. There is no mention of a deity named Tothos in historical or mythical records, which suggests the faith was recently founded by Cole.”

    “Despite this, several civilian ships arrived in the Chun Tstar system over the past few days, attracted by Cole’s sermons and seeking to join the cult. The FIA is monitoring the situation closely.”

  • 21. března 3305
  • Distant Worlds Starport Operational

    The first starport constructed in the Galactic Centre region has officially opened its doors.

    Explorer’s Anchorage, an Orbis starport, has been built in the Stuemeae FG-Y d7561 system as part of the Distant Worlds II expedition.

    Councillor Magnolia Gill, the starport administrator, announced its operational status:

    “For the last four weeks we have watched our new home take shape, using materials delivered by many hard-working pilots. Now it spins in the galaxy’s heart, a monument to humanity’s ingenuity.”

    “As well as serving as a safe haven for future explorers, Explorer’s Anchorage is a scientific research installation. We hope to learn more about the supermassive black hole at Sagittarius A* and other astronomical phenomena in the Galactic Centre.”

    The Distant Worlds II exploration fleet is continuing its journey across the galaxy towards Beagle Point.