Profil komandéra Gaitskell > Deník

Jméno komandéra:
Současná loď:
Diminuative Explorer [GAI-16]
Členem od:
17. 5. 2020
Vzdáleností potvrzeno:
52 175
Navštíveno systémů:
55 438
Systémů objevených jako první:
52 613
122 971 294 798 Cr
Grinding for Gear

So, I finally, almost reluctantly, headed in. Eventually selling that high value system I've been holding on to for ages in Colonia. Bought a fleet carrier. Outpost Gaitskell is now operational, albeit languishing in Ratraii until I obtain enough Tritium. Working on that. Fell into the Odyssey grind. Enjoyed the change of pace and varied missions... For a couple of weeks. Have become bored by that grind however. Managed to get Night Vision on all of my suits, and upgraded some weapons, but that's enough. Though, as an explorer, Night Vision on the Artemis is a really great benefit. The rest, however, is grinding for grindings sake for the Odyssey experience... I'm an explorer. Heading out again in the next week. Being alone in space for 26 months and then reconnecting with the bubble has been a shock. I've lived the life for a few weeks, but once I have adequate fuel, I'll be heading out on Outpost Gaitskell. Happy explorations, Commanders! Look me up if you're in the neighborhood. Signing off.

Two Years and Two days in the black

May 17th, 3306 was the day I departed my last star port, Hell Port... A remarkable station, my home station for many months. A long time ago indeed. Nevertheless, the remarkable DSSA carrier network took up their posts and have been my wonderful resource in space ever since... Albeit, that 25% cut on exploration data has now cost me over 4 Billion credits. However, still exploring, and over a year on from Odyssey, I eventually managed to dock at an uprated carrier that has made a massive journey to the bubble and back. I finally upgraded and buy the necessary suits and gear and also engage, at last, with Vista Genomics. A whole new addition to exploration, though it might take me a remarkable amount of time to reach Elite V! Happy exploration, Commanders!

Another very high value system

Discovered a wonderful Binary System. Four Terraformable high metal content World's, Two Terraformable Rocky Body moons and Four Water Worlds (Two of which Terraformable) - Fully mapped, $21,639,008 credits at a DSSA Carrier. It actually breaks my existing highest value system record slightly... And that's minus the fleet carrier's 25%. Holding on to this one! Gradually heading back in, much later than anticipated.... Maybe... Happy exploration everyone.

Recently sold in Colonia for: $29,165,154, which is more than expected. My highest value system has finally increased!

Five Water Worlds

Discovered a high value system. X5 Water Worlds, some of which terraformable, plus five terraformable HMC worlds. A personal record: I've found X4 Water Worlds in a system on multiple occasions, never five. I know it breaks no records, but it came as a surprise, expecting the fourth to be the last, and it wasn't. Although, should I sell at a DSSA carrier this time, losing that 25%?? My 'Highest value system' record could have been beaten multiple times if it wasn't for that damned 25%! Mapped the entire system as well... Will get an idea of value when I stop off to sell exploration data at a DSSA carrier in the next week. The agonies of exploration, my friends! Merry Christmas, and a happy festive season to everyone out in the dark.

Addendum: Just under 18.5 million, without full system mapping bonus, at a DSSA fleet carrier. Have decided to hold onto it... To sell at Universal Cartographics, when I head back to the bubble for my Fleet Carrier, truly exploration based, early next year.

Heading out now, to an unexplored 'H' Class System. Festive Yuletide, everyone!

Double Black Hole 'H' Class System

I believe I must have maximised my lucky search technique. A double Black Hole 'H' Class System. I found it in the Galactic Map, searched EDSM... And no record. Being 5600ly away from it... I travelled there as swiftly as possible... Via a few giant stars and Herbig AE/Be's. Registered at below -1200 on the galactic plane, and a noticeable quantity of Synthesis materials needed to be used to reach it. Gravitational lensing, always a treat, but otherwise, icy planets and a Brown Dwarf. However, around the second black hole, Moon B 1 d, a small icy body, possessed 6 Synthesis materials... Good for a resupply. Eventful explorations, Commanders.

Tiny Earth-like orbiting a Tiny star

Discovered a small Earth-like world, orbiting a small M class star, a 'B' rated system. First ever time. Have I discovered earth-like planets in class C, D and even E yes... But never before in a 'B'. A tiny, tightly packed system, where the vast majority of planets are within 200ls. Only ok for synthesis mind... They're all there, but you have to work for them! To me, another fascinating discovery. Moving on. Happy festive exploring Commanders!

Addendum: Obviously, since writing, I found two more! Tiny Earth-like orbiting a tiny star. Just goes to show, never experienced one in 18 months, and then two, three weeks apart.

Busy Black Hole

Discovered an 'H' Class Black Hole for the first ever time. (Joined ED late, and very satisfied to see my name appear on it! Personally, avoiding the discovered ones) Quite large, and gravitational lensing is always amazing, though frankly, it was orbited by 41 other bodies, and pretty good for Synthesis materials and gas giants with mineable rings. Well worth a visit, and should I ever venture back to the bubble to purchase a fleet carrier, I know where it will, eventually, be based... Well, for a while, at least...

Lonely Earth

Exploring the Outer Arm, I visited a cluster of B class stars. One possessed over 70 astronomical bodies, with one moon therein containing 6 synthesis materials, where I stopped to restock. However, for myself, a true wonder was within another system, in which sat but a singular Earth-like world, orbiting very distant from its star. A rarity, and something which makes exploration, to me at least, so fascinating and worthwhile.

Twin Earths

Discovered them in binary orbit, a gorgeous pair of twin earth-like planets, in a system with a water world. A site to behold. Landed on one of the light atmospheric planets. Renewed synthesis materials. A gorgeous site. Good explorations, Commanders!

Addendum: Again, since writing, I found another twin Earth-like system. This time a binary, with an Earth-like orbiting each star.

Moving on from Hieronymus Delta

Spent two months exploring the region. I now have 64 confirmed biological discoveries to my name in the Codex. Though, clearly, many other explorers have recently arrived. I also encountered particularly unusual planetary surface sites, in totally unexplored, remote space. Crashed ships, downed satellite, even skimmer and turret protected installations... on practically every landable planet. Unexpected to say the least. Though, peculiarly, these all disappeared just over a week ago. Back to exploration. Maybe one day I'll travel back to the bubble for that exploration suit, however, content to move on. It's been a lot of distance travelled since I departed my last starport; Hell Port, on 17th May 3306. Safe travels, Commanders.