Profil komandéra Gaitskell > Deník

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Současná loď:
Diminuative Explorer [GAI-16]
Členem od:
17. 5. 2020
Vzdáleností potvrzeno:
52 175
Navštíveno systémů:
55 438
Systémů objevených jako první:
52 613
122 971 294 798 Cr
Black Holes... Adaptive/Repopulating Boxels

Adaptive, or Repopulating Boxels... What does that mean?

I've discovered over 2500 Black Holes in the Brambue Sector. I genuinely thought that I'd found as many as I could possibly find.


I don't generally know what to call them, and therefore have opted for 'adaptive Boxels'.

There's potentially a number of them in every sector.

Well, we're limited to 200 bookmarks.

I have frequently maxed those out when a Boxel is too large.

I'll call them Adaptive Boxels, for reference sake.

So far, I have Three on my suspect list... Boxels where I've looked at the defining content of that Boxel previously (probably more than once) and visited every black hole... However, weeks, if not a month or two passes... I checked the boxels again... And there's apparently 12 Black Holes that I missed the first time around. Impossible.

They change.

This may be the way the ED Galaxy stays interesting and fresh.

Likewise, those enormous AA-A H boxels, and this wasn't apparent before Odyssey... There's thousands upon thousands of them... In my opinion, they gradually unlock. Again, keeping things fresh. I can personally demonstrate this by being the first to discover a Wolf-Rayat star in a well travelled sector. AA-A H7 had been discovered. I discovered AA-A H8... Whilst seeing there were over 30 other AA-A H rated systems numbering above them, languishing in some kind of interstellar stasis... You can locate them on the galactic map, but you can't visit them... There, but not there.

I believe the ED Galaxy will continue to have wonders to discover, for a long time to come.

Safe explorations, Commanders!

The Brambue Black Hole Bonanza draws to a close

Well, if nothing else, I'm a completionist. Just over 4 months later, I've personally discovered (and put my name on) over 2500 Black Holes in Brambue Sector... Not long finished mopping up the last handful now.

I've learned a few things:

I've discovered 550 boxels rated E (Lower Mass and really quite common) to H (The highest Mass rating and really very rare).

Some of those boxels have partnered mass boxels in the E, F, G and rarely (only AA-A), H range.

Boxel distribution across a sector is limited to no more than 8... For example: AB-C, BB-C, CB-C, DB-C EB-C, FB-C, GB-C and HB-C, stretching across the Sector.

Interesting facts.

Occasionally, you'll find Seven of the boxels in a row, but not an eighth... The eighth will be a random letter of the alphabet not included in the original seven.

Ultimately, if you find an interesting Boxel, for example Brambue AF-A F(number), there will be associates stretching across the Sector, predominantly starting with the first letter (I.e. BF-A F, CF-A F, DF-A F, etc).

Sometimes, there are only four... If so, there really is only four.

Boxels with Black Hole systems will very rarely, if at all have any Herbig AE/Be primary stars in that Boxel. The same when reversed.

Certain boxels, low in number and spread across the Sector, will have a high density of Black Holes.

Moved on to a different sector. Will see how this information stacks up there.

Good and varied explorations Commanders.

Has Vista Genomics gone mad?

So, I held onto that Exobiology data, awaiting the forthcoming payment buff, as previously mentioned.

So today I cashed it in, trading in around 25 Million credits worth (In old money, so to speak).

My conclusion: The system is broken! I was previously at 19% on Elite (No numbers), now I'm a fully rated Elite V.

The numbers don't make any sense. Previously, best expectations between Elite rankings I to V was 250 million credits (440 million credits, on the wiki).

These are the figures of my transaction. I watched it very closely:

My credit balance beforehand: 20,539,765,814

Value of Exobiology-Data Sold: 545,437,585

Expected Total afterwards should have been: 21,085,203,399

However, instead it was: 21,630,640,984 Which means Vista Genomics paid me: 1,090,875,170 for the Exo-Data, twice their listed amount... Which still shouldn't be enough to reach maximum at Elite V.

Quite disappointed really. I enjoyed the experience. However now, even the most common of bacteria on any old moon or planet is worth more than mapping a Decent sized Terraformable HMC World...

And heaven forfend seeing a biological Stratum signal on a HMC World, where the same system has an Earth-like World... The Stratum is worth more than TEN times as much as that gorgeous Earth-like planet...

Pay me a nice bonus for scanning all the Biologicals on a Moon/Planet, or better yet, every single Biological in a system.

Balance is needed, I believe.

Safe travels, Commanders.

Jump range isn't everything (sort of)!

I'm an explorer, always have been. Always will be, to be honest. Very rarely dipping in and out of the Bubble experience.

Nevertheless, I've learned by trial and error.

Initially, (February 3306) I headed out in my unengineered DBX with a 37LY jump range, believing it was amazing, and at the time it was, being a historic legacy of my months of time spent in Frontier: Elite II many years (Decades) previous, where anything above a 15Ly range was great (Albeit there was an exploit, set around 255-256Ly years, which took me some time to find. No such exploit in ED).

I headed out, but often found those distances between spiral arms difficult, especially as I was avoiding areas others had visited (seriously, nebula may have interesting content, but they're the equivalent of a tourist hotspot with an orbital McDonald's). I then bought into Horizons... And I came back to the Bubble (March 3306), did some grind, and visited both Felicity Farseer and Elvira Murtuuk.

I left again (April 3306), only this time my DBX had a jump range of nearly 59Ly, fully fueled. That was enough. I went the lengths and depths of the outer galactic plane, frequently using Synthesis to increase jump range (Establishing a few records in the process), but that was enough. After 26 months I returned to the bubble, this time in Colonia. All of the foraging for materials had been pretty much maxed out beforehand (Also, the distance to colonized space before you see 'Distress Beacon' or 'Minor Wreckage' appearing on planets/moons is around 2600Ly). I bought a pre-engineered Frame Shift Drive V1 from a tech broker. Suddenly, my DBX's 58.68Ly range became 62.25Ly. Happy days!

I know I can fly back to the Bubble, and spend ages engineering my modules. I know I could do the Guardian grind, lose my Hull Repair option, and add a Guardian Frame Shift Drive booster, taking me to 71.5Ly jump range and beyond... But I just can't be bothered. I have already proven to myself that a jump range of around 60Ly is enough.

I am an explorer. My ship will always be self-sufficient, can repair everything (Power Plant aside), requiring no assistance and has no reliance on anyone or anything. A true state of independence has costs, and a lower jump range is fine by me.

The very best of explorations, Commanders.

Exobiology Rank Progression

Finally reached Elite in Exobiology, having scanned many plants and Bacterium in Black Hole systems (Still ongoing).

I look at sources, telling me there's now a 440 million credit requirement to reach Exobiology rank Elite I. However, now working my way through that rank, that clearly isn't correct. I don't know whether it becomes progressively steeper with each additional rank (I'm sure I'll find out), however, the rank progression from 'Elite' to 'Elite I' is clearly a somewhat more reasonable 250 million credits.

I also understand an Exobiology value buff from Vista Genomics is coming, so holding onto my current data, and advise everyone to do the same... Though I'm personally expecting that buff to come only at Stations, not exploration based Fleet Carriers... Furthermore, it would also be nice to receive a bonus for both Discovering all Biological Signals on a planet, or all signals in a system... But I'll wait and watch.

Happy exploration, Commanders!

Fleet Carriers are an Explorer's benefit.

So, Fleet Carriers... Originally, I was extremely reluctant to the notion. The DSSA have done, and continue to do, a fantastically remarkable job in assisting explorers. Indeed, those carriers arranged around the rim of the galaxy have earned over Three billion credits from me over the years... But they are always there, in a fixed position and continue to be a wonderful resource.

Now though, I own one. Have done so for a number of months... Mind you, I have still only experienced a carrier jump from the bridge once.

Much more convenient to have the Fleet Carrier jump, either into a system you're currently exploring planet-side for Biologicals, or into a bookmarked system that you're heading too shortly thereafter.

Also, appreciably, there appears to be no cost penalty or deduction at Fleet Carrier based Vista Genomics. Full price and 1st discovery bonus paid... Thank the heavens! It's hard enough as it is!

That 12.5% that comes off Universal Cartographics for the Carrier Owner is also beneficial for upkeep costs.

I also enjoy having access to my fleet of ships, should I wish to change things up a bit, out in the black.

Nevertheless, my mission continues. I wish you fruitful explorations, Commanders.

Black Hole Biologicals...

Having visited, and continuing to frequently visit, many Black Hole systems of late, I've noticed a reasonably clear pattern in Biological Signal dispersement.

  1. Nitrogen biological signals of 3 on a Moon (Always a Moon, and commonly, a nested moon). The Concha Biconcavis (806,300), very valuable, the same value indeed as the Stratum Tectonicas on HMC world's that all Exobiologists desire, but far more frequently appearing in Black Hole systems on moons around L,T and Y Dwarf Stars... Then there's also Bacterium Informem on the same moon, still quite valuable indeed (426,200). The Osseus... You can take it or leave it. The down side; being that they're orbiting a Dwarf Star, the lighting situation planet-side can regularly be very dark.

  2. Multiple Geological and Biological signals on a moon, often involving: Fumerola Extremus (711,500) and Osseus Discus (596,500), both of which are quite valuable, but often with other signals too... If you see Tussocks on a Geologically active moon, they are regularly Tussock Stigmasis (Again, 806,300 credits)... Though, in my experience, usually on moons with a Sulphur-Dioxide atmosphere. However, If it's ever only Biological signal X1 on a Geologically active moon, do please ignore. Generally low-value Bacterium.

  3. Moons with the very rare Water-based atmosphere and Biological Signals. The system type seems irrelevant, however, I've now found a number in Black Hole systems... Is there a large/very large, sometimes terraformable, High Metal Content world (Normally geologically active, though often with insane surface pressures) with a lot of moons... That's where they occur most frequently. Again, in my experience. Current record is: X6 Moons, all of which had water-based life with at least 6 biologicals, orbiting a large HMC.

To finish, a few personal, Exo-biologist exploration observations:

This is a personal choice... Fly a SMALL class ship. Seriously, it makes a big difference. I fly a DBX; Small, agile, lands practically anywhere. For Exobiology, I'll have landed multiple times, taken the scans and left a planet before an Anoconda has even managed to land... Especially looking for those Concha Biconcavis, in small rocky nooks, narrow valleys and crannies.

Night vision on the Artemis suit really is an essential if you are exploring dark lighting-situation world's (Pretty regular in Black Hole systems, and on moons around Dwarf Stars). Alternatively use your ship or the SRV's night vision, though unless your target is lit up by the vessel/vehicle lights, you may be stumbling around in the dark more than you'd like.

Regularly, Black Hole systems contain multiple stars, particularly, Neutron stars and White Dwarfs... Some of these, if in tight orbit to the Black Hole, will very occasionally, essentially try and kill you, or at least give you a bloody good fright, on entry. Be prepared to act on that.

Otherwise, keep exploring, and do look after yourselves, Commanders!

Every Black Hole... Nearly...

Having explored the outer edge of the galaxy for over two years, undiscovered Black Holes were a rarity. Now, only 2K light years from Colonia, I've found a sector where they are seemingly everywhere!

I have therefore decided to discover as many as I possibly can, feeding back distances data to EDSM.

Current number of Black Holes that I've first-discovered in this sector: 2509
(I'll update this as I progress).

I've a mind to start a Black Hole Hunting expedition, hereby inviting all friends and fellow explorers. Let's find every single Black Hole in a Sector. My ludicrous name for this is: The Brambue Black Hole Bonanza... I know, still working on the title...

Does anything happen when they're all discovered? Does FDev even notice or pay attention?

Nevertheless, my fleet carrier, 'Outpost Gaitskell' is parked in the middle of the Sector, awaiting your discoveries (No Tariffs... Though Colonia isn't that far away...), and inviting friends and explorers to joining this unofficial, and yes, slightly mad expedition.

How many undiscovered Black Holes can you jump to in a row?

My personal record for that is now 39... Before I was so low on fuel, I was forced to deviate.... Otherwise, it would have been 44, I just didn't think to refuel at a 210000ly distant K Class secondary star in system nineteen(ish).

Back exploring, and happy with that. Only this time with a Fleet Carrier at my disposal. It's nice to take 12.5% from Universal Cartographics for my discoveries to upkeep the Carrier. Oddly, as awesome as sitting on the bridge during a jump was, have never experienced it since. Preferring instead for Outpost Gaitskell to meet me in a system ahead of time, or arrive whilst I'm collecting Vista Genomics data on a Moon or Planet. A definite enhancement to explorers. Keep safe, Commanders!

EDIT: That record is now: 92 Black Holes in a row... That could have been 101...

Back out amongst the stars

Well, already 1600 light years out from Colonia. I originally thought I'd finish upgrading the Maverick and Artemis suits to max level, but then a couple of hitches. One: When I reconnected today, all of my previously collected Power Regulators had turned into 'Degraded Power Regulators' which caused significant consternation! I didn't realize they had a sell by date! Two: I sourced another, and was busy harvesting Manufacturing Instructions and Chemical Inventory from a site... I was just waiting for the Power Regular drawer to open when... Connection lost. When I reconnected, the power regulator was gone, the base powered down again, my SRV had somehow conveniently made its way back to my ship on its own. I was dumped randomly in the middle of a base now full of immediately hostile resurrected Pirates and my ship was 1.2 Kilometres away. Happy days!

Needless to say, I've left that all behind. I now consider Ratraii to be my home system. Sitting on the Bridge for my first Fleet Carrier jump was awesome. I'm now back where I belong: The depths of space. Outpost Gaitskell offers Repair facilities, Universal Cartographics and Vista Genomics as extra services. Truly a no frills exploration vessel. Wherever it is, it's likely interesting space. Hopefully see you out there sometime, Commanders!