Profil komandéra savo4c > Deník

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Současná loď:
(Diamondback Explorer)
Členem od:
25. 8. 2020
Vzdáleností potvrzeno:
Navštíveno systémů:
12 675
Systémů objevených jako první:
7 409
19 177 111 644 Cr
Exploration and discoveries - Norma Expanse pt1

Logbook - entry 00090

Stardate 18.05.3309

I have arrived in Norma Expanse region from Hawking's Gap few days ago, and then visited the planetary nebula - Grie Hypue RS-U e2-0 - red/green colors supernova style, with a black hole at its center. Based on EDSM data, this area was visited since the creation of Elite only by 7 people before me. I have not stayed much in this system, as a part of the Black Hole there were no other astral bodies, nothing else to be explored, so I rapidly moved on. With a few visited and discovered systems later, I have achieved the milestone of 7'000 first discovered systems. I am now heading towards another planetary nebula - Coerns WP-X e1-14 - located some 2.4kly north, using the economical route, with the purpose of exploring as much as possible on the way.

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Stardate 22.05.3309

First time I have seen this type of lifeform - a Recepta (Umbrux) - in system Grie Hypue ER-L d8-7, Ice world A 3 e, orbiting a class IV gas giant with rings.

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Stardate 04.06.3309

Here another 1st time seen exobiology - Cactoida Peperatis - found on planet B 3 in system Grie Hypue RZ-E d12-5.

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Stardate 30.06.3309

Lucky with this system - Blooe Phoe AA-X d2-27 - offering 8 terraformable astral bodies:

Blooe Phoe AA-X d2-27 A 7 Water world 2,888,098 cr 2,388 ls
Blooe Phoe AA-X d2-27 B 2 Water world 2,521,633 cr 19,561 ls
Blooe Phoe AA-X d2-27 A 5 High metal content world 1,809,575 cr 2,190 ls
Blooe Phoe AA-X d2-27 A 6 High metal content world 1,727,676 cr 2,198 ls
Blooe Phoe AA-X d2-27 A 4 High metal content world 1,666,154 cr 1,647 ls
Blooe Phoe AA-X d2-27 B 1 High metal content world 1,534,506 cr 19,454 ls
Blooe Phoe AA-X d2-27 B 6 Ammonia world 1,354,399 cr 19,634 ls
Blooe Phoe AA-X d2-27 A 7 a Rocky body 1,236,232 cr 2,389 ls

Stardate 01.07.3309

This system Blooe Phoe WE-O d7-3 has plenty of exobiology signals scattered across 6 astral bodies for a total of 35 exobio signals. Called my FC Nikola Tesla Z.O.V. to be stationed in orbit of the last planet I have planned to explore, and after I have explored and scanned all exobio signals, I have cashed a total of 667milions of credit, just with this system.

On this first planet I have visited - 1F - an ice world with Sulphure Dioxide atmosphere , there was only 1 bio signal, and I thought it would be some bacteria. I still went there to map, and to my surprise the signals are some Receptas, a kind that I saw for the first time: Recepta Conditivus.

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Some other pictures made during this system exploration.

Aleoida Spica: enter image description here

Osseus Spiralis: enter image description here

Clypeus Spiculumi: enter image description here

Osseus Pelembatus: enter image description here

Stardate 29.07.3309

Achieved today the ExoBiologist Elite I mark, in system Blooe Phoe VP-D d13-52 - in which I have analysed 9 different bio-signals.

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Stardate 30.07.3309

Arrived at the planetary nebula system - Coerns WP-X e1-14 - with a Neutron star at its center, one gas giant and two ringed hcmw. Already discovered, mapped, 1st footfalls, and with nothing particular to explore further. Heading now to a nearby other planetary nebula located 486ly towards my planned route, the galactic core.

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Stardate 06.08.3309

I have arrived in the planetary nebula - Grie Phoe NN-S e4-1 - with also a Neutron star as the main sequence star, and same nice orange-greenish colors, as the one i have visited few days ago, some ~500ly south of the current position. This system is also entirely discovered, however not all astral bodies were mapped, and some landable planets were not having 1st footfall prints on them. I took the opportunity to mark my name on the 3rd rocky body orbiting the Y dwarf with Ring - AB 1 C, leaving the 4 other moons to be marked by some other explorers that may venture around here in the future.

This shot was made just before arriving in the planetary nebula system, in the nearby system - Location: Grie Phoe GA-P b39-10 - where on the 4 icy world I have discovered some nice blue Electricae Radialem.

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Stardate 16.08.3309

Finally, first time since I transfered to Odyssey (September last year), and after having travelled more than 20K LY, made more than 450 systems discoveris, I have discovered a landable planet with atmosphere, and rings - system Grie Phoe KO-F d12-16 - ice world BCD 1 G, orbiting a class III blue gas giant with rings.

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Exploration & discoveries - Hawking's Gap - part 2

Logbook - entry 00089

Stardate 13.04.3309

Promotion to Explorer Elite II enter image description here

Stardate 25.04.3309

After a few months break, here I am again travelling and exploring. Still in Hawking's Gap region, but very close to the border of Norma Expanse.

little shot taken in system Bloo Hypa YM-B c1-0 - on an interesting rocky ice world C3, with 4 biosignals: Bacterium, Fonticulua, Fungoida, Osseus

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Stardate 26.04.3309

92nd ELW discovered in system Bloo Hypa DU-Z d0, alongside a WW.

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Stardate 12.05.3309

In system - Rhadau YQ-C d13-3 - discovered 2 terraformable HCMW, and one ammonia world. Scanneed bio signals on 3 planets (bacterium and stratum tectonicas), docked on my carrier, sold my organic data and finally got promoted to Elite in exobiology :). enter image description here

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Stardate 12.05.3309

System Rhadau YS-D c27-0 - scanned some Fumerola Carbosis on a methane atmosphere ice world orbiting a Class I gas giant with rings.

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Exploration & discoveries - Hawking's Gap - part 1

Logbook - entry 00088

Stardate 23.11.3308

Crossed the Outer Orion Spur region border and stepped into Hawking's Gap, a dozen more jumps until reaching the Three Worlds Nebula.

Stardate 26.11.3308

Arrived in Three Worlds Nebula - system Thaile HW-V e2-7 - with a Neutron star as the main sequence star, one ELW, one WW and Ammonia - both terraformable. The system contains also two notable stellar phenomena - identical: yellow stormy lagrange clouds with pedoncle trees.

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Stardate 27.11.3308

After having explored the Three Worlds Nebula and the surrounding systems, mostly discovered and mapped, I have continued my route towards the galactic core, in direction of another planetary nebula (Pyroifooe UO-Z e34) located approximately 1.2K ly further north-east.

~300ly in that direction, I have arrived in an unexplored system - Thailiae RQ-K d9-36, containing planets with many biological signals: 2 planets with 7 bio signals, and 1 planet with 6. Here below few snaps of the Fungoida Gelata.

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Stardate 02.12.3308

Arrived in planetary nebula Pyroifooe UO-Z e34 with a Neutron as the main sequence star. System already discovered, but surprisingly not fully mapped. I mapped one moon only, and landed on one rock world orbiting close to a Class III gas giant with rings, scanned for Codex few geo signals (lava spouts, fumeroles, vents). enter image description here

Stardate 03.12.3308

89th ELW discovered in system Pyroifooe AW-T d4-129. Additionally 1x WW and 2 terraformable HCMW located in the same system. enter image description here

Stardate 04.12.3308

Found a rocky world with ammonia atmosphere and with 7 bio signals. Here a shot of a cluster of Tubus Rosarium. I have also achieved Elite Explorer I.

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Stardate 07.12.3308

91st ELW discovered in system Pyroifooe BW-T d4-146, and two terraformable HCMW. enter image description here

Stardate 07.12.3308

This F class star system Pyroifooe DR-T d4-172 is a little golden mine for exploration, containing one terraformable HCMW as well as its rocky world satelite.

Both class II gas giants are having orbiting rocky world moons with many biological signals:

AB3 having 2 rocky worlds with each having 8 bio signals, and 1 with 5 signals. AB4 with 3 rocky worlds with each having 4 bio signals, one with 3 and one with 2.

Will most probably spend some time here while exploring and scanning all signals.

Cactoida Lapis (on rocky world AB 3 D) enter image description here enter image description here

Exploration and discoveries in Outer Orion Spur part 3

Logbook - entry 00087

Stardate 07.11.3308

On my way from x Carinae G class super giant and the Eta Carina Nebula, I have observed a cluster of bright stars, located some 7'700ly from Sol, that I have decided to explore. The cluster is composed mainly of B and few O class stars, all discovered already, and mostly mapped. I have taken the opportunity to be the first to set the foot on some planets and proceed with some exobiology exploration. Here some shots taken during that trip.

Location: V401 Carinae 1c enter image description here

Location: NGC 3293 ESL 50 enter image description here

Location: somewhere in NGC 3324 area enter image description here

Location: somewhere in NGC 3324 area enter image description here

Location: somewhere in NGC 3324 area enter image description here

Stardate 08.11.3308

Nice mountain chain 7km high in the middle of the desert - location Tyriedgoea ZD-K d8-5 3 F enter image description here enter image description here

Stardate 12.11.3308

Arrived in the Eta Carina area, a beautiful big nebula located som 9'000ly from Sol. enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here

Stardate 14.11.3308

Arrived in GCRV 6493 system - a blue colored planetary nebula with a Notable Stellar Phenomena: Roseum Lagrange Cloud with Crystalline Shards - beautiful! enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here

I like all my ships, but must admit, that Krait MK II is my fave for real!

Stardate 14.11.3308

Found two interesting exobio plants in the system Graea Eoq WZ-D c13-0 on the 6th planet a rocky ice world with 4 biological signals.

Fungoida Bullarum enter image description here

Tussock Capillum enter image description here

Stardate 15.11.3308

After a thorough exobio research made on this planet with a binary star view - system Graea Eoq GN-A c1-0 BC 2, had some fun racing with the rover. enter image description here

Stardate 19.11.3308

My fleet career tritium reserve decreased to 75% and I have been looking these last days for a system with gas giants or planets with icy rings containing tritium. After more than 20 system visited without finding tritium, I cam across system - Graea Eoq BL-C c14-0 - with two gas giants with icy rings, but no tritium neither. However, saw this icy moon 2 A, very close to the rings and with a good angle - had to land for the view! enter image description here

Stardate 21.11.3308

Finally found a system with Tritium - Graea Eoq KS-P c20-0, spent few hours to fill up to the max my FC, and even added some additional 100t in reserve. Time to continue the exploration towards the Three Worlds planetary Nebula, some 1000 ly up "north" from my current position.

Stardate 22.11.3308

Few system after my departure, came accross this system Graea Eoq PD-I d10-4 with 2 WW and 6 terraformable HCMW. Will spend now some time mapping them all and generate some 15mio of earnings.enter image description here

Exploration and discoveries in Outer Orion Spur part 2

Logbook - entry 00086

Stardate 30.10.3308

After more than two years, I jumped again on my Kobra, beautiful little space ship in which I made my first expedition out of the bubble, a small one up to California nebula only, but at that time my max range was 20ly. This time again in the Cobra and went exploring on my way to X Carinae. Not optimally engineered and equipped, but still making jumps of 30ly, which is totally fine as I am not in a hurry at all. In the system - IC 2944 Sector VN-A b18-1 - on a little icy world 2 C with Argon atmosphere - with 2 geo and 3 bio signals, I have discovered for the first time some Fumerola Nitris. enter image description here

Here some shots of the Bacterium Omentum made nearby the fumerola. enter image description here

Stardate 31.10.3308

Arrived in X Carinae system, with the main sequence star being a Super Giant G class star. The huge size of the star is visible from class V gas giant with rings that is some 4300ls away - incredible site! enter image description here

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Stardate 31.10.3308

Fonticulua Lapida - Blo Thae FR-U b30-1 A 3 enter image description here

Stardate 04.11.3308

88th ELW discovered - in the system Tyriedgoea QI-K d8-16, alongside a water world and 2 terraformable HCMW. enter image description here

Exploration and discoveries in Outer Orion Spur part I

Logbook - entry 00085

Stardate 22.10.3308

Made few interesting discoveries on my way to the Blue Planetary Nebula.

A Neutron star with 3 stars very lcose - NGC 4609 Sector PI-S d4-44 (system already discovered): enter image description here

Stardate 23.10.3308

Arrived in the Blue Planetary Nebula - GCRV 715, remnants of a supernova. enter image description here

Stardate 24.10.3308

On my way to the Liberty Statue Nebula, made few bio discoveries:

Bacterium Alcyoneum - Phylurn LH-B c14-1 1 enter image description here

Osseus Spiralis - Phylurn LH-B c14-1 1 enter image description here

Fonticulua Campestris - Phylurn MH-B c14-0 ABC 3 enter image description here

Bacterium Bullaris - Phylurn ZD-Z c14-2 6 C enter image description here

Fonticulua Digitos - Phylurn ZD-Z c14-2 6 C enter image description here

Stardate 29.10.3308

Bacterium Vesicula - Statue of Liberty Sector CL-Y d6 enter image description here

Concha Aureolas - Statue of Liberty Sector DL-Y d8 enter image description here

Osseus Spiralis - Statue of Liberty Sector DL-Y d8 enter image description here

Gathered 7 different biological samples on this planet, and enjoyed a nice view on this interesting planet landscape and on the nearby Statue of Liberty Nebula. enter image description here

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Transfer from console to PC - departure for a new exploration trip

Logbook - entry 00084

Stardate 23.09.3308

After some hesitations, I finally applied to the transfer from console to PC. True that I will be missing my relax setup: on the couch with XBOX controllers and 64" 4K ambilight TV, but the improved graphics with Odyssey on PC, and the possibility to have 2 years of grind, exploration data transferred to PC and to be able to continue the adventure is worth it. Now on PC, I have repurchased the FC, and I am about to depart for another exploration, this time will be focusing on the central galactic area.

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Stardate 21.10.3308

87th ELW discovered in system NGC 4609 Sector UT-Q d5-57. enter image description here

Stardate 22.10.3308

It's been one month since I have repurchased the FC and departed the bubble for a new exploration trip. I have reached the border of the Inner Orion Spur region and about to enter the Outer Orin Spur region with the aim to visit X Carinae. In this one month travel and exploration I must say that I am amazed by the beauty of Odyssey: Planets, terrain textures are so much more realistic and good looking increasing the immersion feeling. Started my first step in exobiology and discovered many new xenoflora types (tussocks, electricae, osseums, bacterias, cactoidas, etc..), currently reached the rank of Collector. Below some screens made during that first part of my trip.

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NGC 4463 Planetary Nebula:



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Explorations in the Inner Orion Spur - Last moments on console

Logbook - entry 00083

Stardate 13.08.3308

System NGC 2451A SECTOR BQ-Y D85, Rocky moon 3A, Containing biological signals - Roseum Brain Trees. System already discovered, but this moon not mapped, no one landed and explored.

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Stardate 16.08.3308

System Plio Eurl KI-B d13-26, already visited but not mapped.

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Containing two ringed terraformable HCMW, and biological signals on three moons:

  1. 7A - Gypseum Brain Trees enter image description here

  2. 7D A - Roseum Brain Trees
  3. 9A A - Roseum Brain Trees enter image description here

Stardate 22.08.3308

Another already visited system, partially mapped, containing biological signals on two high metal content worlds, and of them not visited/mapped. I have mapped and visited the 2nd one orbiting a Class T brown dwarfs, to discover some bark mounds.

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Exploration report and discoveries - Sanguineous Rim

Logbook - entry 00081

Stardate 10.01.3308

82nd ELW discovered in a F class star system - Phreia Eaec WF-D d13-13 - alongside a WW and terraformable HCMW.

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Stardate 12.01.3308

On my way from the DSSA Argonautica [KBB-34Z] in Achilles's Altar region, in the system Fedgie FN-Q d6-45I, to the Crossbones Nebula in the Sanguineous Rim region, I have decided to make a little detour and visit an interesting planetary POI in the system Phrua Phoe QK-F d11-5, that is referenced on The main star is a Neutron star with a M class star very close. At just 39ls from the stars, there is a HCMW and an orbiting rocky body - both landable. I took the opportunity to land on the rocky body moon, and gather some materials at the geological locations (silicate vapor geysers), and in the same time enjoy some really interesting views. enter image description here

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Stardate 13.01.3308

Not far from the planetary POI described in my previous post from 12.01.3308, I came accross a cluster of White Dwarfs (DC, DA, DAB types) and Neutron stars, mostly undiscovered. Here's one system for reference: PHREIA EAEC SS-K D8-4. enter image description here

Stardate 14.01.3308

3 Biological signals discovered in this four star system (F, M, L, T) - Reangu VP-E d12-3 - with 72 astral bodies. I started first by mapping the terraformables ringed HCMW (A2) an WW (A3), before heading towards the biological signals some 21k ls away:

  1. BCD 1 B - icy body orbiting a ringed class II gas giant containing crystalline shards - Tellurium.

  2. BCD 1 C - icy body orbiting the same ringed class II gas giant, containing crystalline shards with Polonium

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  1. BCD 3 A - icy body orbiting a class I gas giant, containing crystalline shards with Polonium

Stardate 16.01.3308

2x Biological signals, 2 WW (B10 & B11), 1 ringed terraformable HCMW (A6) discovered in the binary system (F, K) - Reangu XZ-W d2-10.

1st bioligical signals - crystalline shards with Tellurium spotted on the surface of the rocky moon orbiting a ringed gas giant with ammonia-based life.

2nd biological signals - crystalline shards with Ruthenium spotted on the surface of the icy moon (B 15 A), orbiting a ringed class I gas giant.

Stardate 16.01.3308

Next system I have visited - Reangu RY-Y d1-11 - was full of valuable discoveries: 1x ELW 1x WW 5x terraformable HCMW

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Stardate 20.01.3308

Biological signals - Crystalline shards with Tellurium - discovered in this four star system (K, M, M, M) with 65 astral bodies - Phreia Hypa AL-O c22-0.

Stardate 20.01.3308

Arrived in the Skull and Crossbones Nebula sector with, no surprise, most of the system discovered already. I have not been particularly attracted by this nebula, nevertheless I took the time to explore the sector visiting a dozen of systems.

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Stardate 21.01.3308

Not far from the Skull and Crossbones nebula, at some aprox. 600ly distance, there is a planetary nebula - PHREIA HYPA KI-S E4-1, with a black hole and a class G star. enter image description here

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Stardate 21.01.3308

84th ELW discovered in the F class star system - Phrua Hypa PE-E d13-22 - located 1'294ls from the star. Additionally a terraformable HCMW mapped in this system.

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Stardate 25.01.3308

Rare sight, a ringed gas giant orbiting a ringed ice body - system HYPUAE AIP QE-E C26-0.

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Stardate 25.01.3308

Reached the bluish planetary nebula GLUDGE IS-T E3-0 with a Neutron star as the main sequence star.

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Stardate 26.01.3308

85th ELW discovered in the K class star system - Gludgai MW-B c14-1.

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Stardate 26.01.3308

This system GLUDGAI IV-F C11-0 - contains 4 WW, and additionally one HCMW.

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Stardate 27.01.3308

Arrived to this beautiful planetary nebula NGC 2452 Nebula - system GCRV 5190 - with rich orange and blue-green colors, with a blue-purple class B star.

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In the nearby system just 10ls - NGC 2452 Sector JH-V c2-1 - I took the opportunity to map and put my name on two icy moons orbiting each other and in orbit of ringed gas giant with water-based life. Landed on the 1 D, and had a beautiful view of very close moon E and the NGC 2452 planetary Nebula.

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Stardate 03.02.3308

Green gas giant in Eafoff LN-Q d6-0 system, in the central area of the Sangineous Rim region. Just few green glowing spots on the planet, nothing much, nothing particular. enter image description here

Stardate 05.02.3308

Nice ringed WW orbiting a ringed Class III gas giant discovered in a Class F star system - EAFOPPY YK-F D11-14.

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Stardate 11.02.3308

86th ELW discovered in the F class star system - Scheau Phoea CY-F d12-152. enter image description here

Stardate 12.02.3308

Two biological signals present in this binary star system (F, K) - Scheau Phoea DE-E d13-79. I have decided to explore despite the distance of 376K ls.

  1. Crystalline shards - Tellurium on the surface of the rocky world B5 A, orbiting a ringed class I gas giant.

  2. Crystalline shards - Yttrium present on the surface of the icy world B5 C. enter image description here

Stardate 12.02.3308 - 10.05.2022

During this not very active 3 months period, I have decided to head back to the bubble and travelled and explored from Crab Pulsar until reaching the border with the Inner Orion Spur. All the Nebulas I have visited: Crab, Monkey Head, Jelly Fish, Rosette, Seagull, have been with systems already discovered and mainly mapped. I have mapped here and there few planets leaving a signature of my passage. But have not seen anything special or particular. Crab pulsar was appearing with some graphical issues - pixelized - pretty ugly, which cannot be linked to my graphic card since XBox Series X is high end hardware.

1st discoveries (Achille's Altar)

Logbook - entry 00080

Stardate 10.12.3307

Bi-star system (K, M) - Blia Theia WB-F c11-8 - with 35 astral bodies, containing one ELW, the 5th planet orbiting the secondary M class star at a distance of 187ls.

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Stardate 10.12.3307

Bi-star system (A, F) - Bloo Eork MC-B d1-38 - with 66 astral bodies. Noticed the presence of a ringed WW orbiting a class III gas giant in orbit of the secondary F class star, at a distance of 96'395ls. No matter the distance, I had to have a closer look, and was right about it, what a sight.

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Stardate 12.12.3307

Five star system (G, M, K, M, M) - Throofai RL-J d10-39 - with 43 astral bodies. Discovered a biological signal on the 5th icy moon orbiting a class I gas giant with rings (CDE 2), located 31'041ls from the primary G class star. The biological signals are crystaline shards with Polonium.

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Stardate 12.12.3307

G class star system - Throofai NF-L d9-68 - 8 astral bodies. Discovered one HCMW terraformable (1st planet) and one ELW (2nd planet).

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Stardate 15.12.3307

K class star system - Flyoo Dryoae WG-N c23-3 - containing one ELW and one terraformable HCMW.

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Stardate 25.12.3307

in a Class A star system, found a rare sight when a gas giant with rings is orbiting another one. In this particular system - Ouchonz FH-M d7-1 - a gas giant with water-based life with rings is orbiting a class IV gas giant with two sets of rings, with one rocky moon in between. Had to have a closer look at it, and decided to land on the 2nd small rocky body orbiting the gas giant with water based life - 1 B B. And wow, what a beautiful sight.

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Stardate 25.12.3307

After having travelled more than 400K ly in the last 12 months, crossed 21 galactic regions, I have discovered that my ship was destroyed and I do not have any idea why or how - was not stationed near a sun, neither I was in motion. In general I was always choosing between two options before logging off: get sufficiently away from a star, or land on a planet or moon, and it worked always perfectly. Anyway, sadly my ship has been destroyed, and I have chosen to rebuy my vessel at the last visited career - DSSA Nereus' Deep [MNG-B0Z] - located in the system: Engopr YH-L b14-2. This brought me 6k ly back, loosing around 200 millions of credits, and +200 1st discovered systems.

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Stardate 27.12.3307

Biological signals (Crystalline shards - Tellurium) found in a Bi-star system (F, K) - Blia Theia QG-Y d32. They were located on the first rocky moon orbiting a gas giant with water-based life with rings, 185'051ls from the primary star.

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Stardate 27.12.3307

Bi-star system (G, M) - Throofa QT-G d11-18 - Containing 1xWW, 1xAmmonia and 1xHCMW terraformable.

There are also biological signals on 3 astral bodies:

  1. Crystalline shards - Antimony: located on the surface of an icy moon 10 E

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  1. Crystalline shards - Antimony: located on the surface of an icy moon 14 B

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  1. Crystalline shards - Ruthenium: located on the surface of an icy moon 15 A

Stardate 28.12.3307

Bi-star system (F, K) - THROOFA WV-C D13-6 - containing two biological signals:

  1. Crystalline shards - Antimony: located on the icy moon B 3 D orbiting a class I gas giant with rings.

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  1. Crystalline shards - Ruthenium: located on the icy moon B 3 E orbiting a class I gas giant with rings.

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Stardate 28.12.3307

76th ELW discovered in the G class star system THROOFA VV-C D13-1, as the 5th planet located 696.85ls from the star. One terraformable HCMW was also present in the same system.

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Stardate 29.12.3307

77th ELW found in the G class star system - Throofa HD-R d5-5. 2nd planet of the system located 505.42ls from the star, with a terraformable HCMW orbiting around it at just 1ls distance. There is also a terraformable WW.

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Stardate 30.12.3307

78th ELW found in a bi-star (G, K) system - Prai Dryiae JI-Z d1-17 - orbiting at 738ls from the K class star. The system is containing additionally four terraformable HCMW.

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Stardate 31.12.3307

79th ELW discovered in a class G star system at 391.9ls distance. Another terraformable HCMW found in the system.

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Stardate 01.01.3308

Two WW orbiting each other, one with rings in this tri-star (G, M, K) system - FLYUE DRYIAE BB-W E2-6.

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Stardate 02.01.3308

Biological signals - Rubeum Bioluminescent Anemones - found on this strange system with 5 stars (B, F, F, B, K) - Ouchonz PD-T e3-0 - and just one planet, a metal-rich body.

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Stardate 02.01.3308

80th ELW discovered in a 5 star system (A, K, M, F, G) - Preou Thaa BA-H d10-7, located 22'318.35ls from the primary A class star.

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Stardate 03.01.3308

Biological signals (Roseum bioluminescent Anemones) discovered in this B class star system - Preou Thaa GR-W e1-0 - on the surface of the 3rd planet (HCMW).

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Stardate 04.01.3308

Biological signals, Crystalline Shards - Antimony, discovered in this bi-star (F, G) system Ouchorrs HF-A d52, on the surface of an icy moon (B 5 A), orbiting an icy body with rings in orbit of a gas giant with ammonia-based life with rings, located at 214'170.41ls from the primary star.

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Stardate 06.01.3308

81st ELW discovered in a G class star system - Flya Eohn RJ-P c22-7, as the 3rd planet of the system, located at 550ls from the star. Additionally a terraformable HCMW was discovered and mapped.

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