Profil komandéra mav001au > Deník

Jméno komandéra:
Současná loď:
fns lakota-A [FN-055]
(Krait Phantom)
Členem od:
14. 4. 2021
Vzdáleností potvrzeno:
Navštíveno systémů:
9 419
Systémů objevených jako první:
3 936
Bubble Leg 7

DSSA Sésame Floarps PI-B e2 to Gria Hypue UG-S D5-779 1,227.00 LY

Distance remaining to base: 13,717.0 LY

Log: I have managed to make it to the ship and restocked my repair system and repaired my ship at a great cost but it was worth it I am now ready to continue my trip back home. My next stop is Gria Hypue UG-S D5-779 1,227.00 LY trip details below.....

Very uneventful i jumped from star to star and even scanned some systems thats when I encountered a gas giant with the ring covering the bottom half of the planet I then travelled 200k LS to have a look and it turned out to be a normal gas giant I guess I put it down to a scanner malfunction

The Bubble Leg 6

FROAKS GM-D D12-355 to DSSA Sésame Floarps PI-B e2 1055.41 LY

Distance remaining to base: 14,598.1 LY

Log: I am diverting from my trip home to meet up with a Fleet Carrier the DSSA Sésame My Auto repair system needs refilling and my ship is in need of repairs otherwise I believe I wont make it the 11k LY to reach the Bubble Several systems are damaged and my auto repair system is very low on charges so I will divert there and rest and repair and rethink my approach to head home

To the bubble Leg 5

DRYAU AOWSY MR-W D1-6259 to FROAKS GM-D D12-355 3079.2 LY

Distance remaining to base: 15,540.6 LY

Log: 80 odd jumps to get to the next leg of my journey it was pretty uneventful aside from the 90 bodies in the destination system with a neutron start I scanned a hell of a lot of systems on my way as well as several earth like planets I need to use my repair tool again its getting very low and once its gone ill have to plot without neutron stars which will take me longer

The space madness is getting worse im still 13,723 Ly from my home base and my other ships ill start my next leg tomorrow for now I have parked my ship on a rocky planet to sleep

Leg 4 to The Bubble

WHAMBOI KT-F D12-2262 to DRYAU AOWSY MR-W D1-6259 2,518.38 LY

Distance remaining to base: 18,464.9 LY

Log: Powering on to my next destination my long trip in the black with no people takes its toll on someone lots of Neutron stars in this area need to keep an eye on my AARU repairing my drive is draining it I encountered a system with brown dwarf stars with rings around them and a neutron star next to a Type K star somehow I managed to over charge my frame shift drive and fuel scoop without incident

Leg 3 to the bubble

HYPDE FLYI HW-W E1-7967 to WHAMBOI KT-F D12-2262 3,821.34 LY

Distance remaining to base 19,471.20 LY

Log: it was a normal day of travelling from star to star towards the end though I had encountered 6 neutron stars in a row that took my frame shift drive down a fair bit I am concerned my auto repair will run out before I reach home I'll have to just plot the course without neutron stars then. At my landing site I found a pyramid rock in a crater not bad though pics below. the star I arrived at is fairly large not as large as Betelgeuse but big. oh on a side note a bug in Odyssey sees me floating in space without my ship

Leg 2 to the Bubble

Great Annihilator to HYPDE FLYI HW-W E1-7966 1,547.22 ly

Distance Remaining to Base : 22,495.5

Log: Another rather un eventful trip to go to another black hole. Once I arrived though the mass of stars looked great with the black hole around it so now I'll push forward to the next Leg

Return to the Bubble Leg 1

Sagittaarius A to the Great Annihilator 2980.22 LY

Distance Remaining to Base 23,160.50 LY

Log : The Journey from Sagittarius A to The Great Annihilator was a bit un eventful I did map a system with 69 bodies which was interesting but the trip was a bit samey but I managed to get great shots of Annihilator A and B they were a good site mind you a system with two black holes and large stars will always be a great thing to see my next stop will be to HYPDE HW-W E1-7966 at 1,574.22 Light Years

Leg 2 Arrive at Sagittarius A

Starting Location: Kyloarph JN-S D4-6460

End system: Sagittarius A

Total distance travelled: 11,307.06LY

Incidents: encountered a neutron star close to a class m star had to be careful while super charging

Note worthy sights : neutron star very close to a class M star dangerous

I started off early I might even put in another run this afternoon the star density is off the scale as I approach the centre of the galaxy I encountered a Neutron star very close to a Class M star I had to be careful. After Landing at the end of my journey and completed repairs to my Frame Shift Drive I realised that I am chewing through the auto repair unit as I am using more neutron Stars I had better fit a second one once I get to the station near the Black Hole

Did another 3000 LY and encountered some awesome stars like 5 in a row next to each other in the system

I decided to complete my trip to Sagittarius A completing 3265.22 LY to arrive I'll be heading back to the bubble tomorrow. But going to take a pic of Sagittarius A first

Leg 1 Colonia to Sagittarius A

Starting Location: Jaques station Colonia End system: Kyloarph JN-S D4-6460

Total distance travelled:2,515 LY

Total distance left to Sag-A: 8984.12

Note worthy sights : found a landable planet with a large ring

I have left Colonia and I'm on my way to a system with a starbase established near Sagittarius A I will refuel and repair there and go to the black hole. 11500 LY it will take a while.

I have decided to finish the day landed on the second planet time to rest up and continue tomorrow