Profil komandéra KazukoHimura > Deník

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(Type-9 Heavy)
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26. 5. 2021
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Log 5: Old Friends, Long Jumps, and the Galactic Center

As I’m writing this, I’m staring out the window of Explorer’s Anchorage in a system adjacent to Sag A*, admiring the gold bands of the galaxy as a backdrop to the stars. And I can’t help but think about how far I’ve come, in a way.

But enough about that.

I actually ended up making a detour to Colonia. You see, Nu Simbad needed their home system retaken, so Kezika and I headed out there. But it wasn’t just war that I encountered out there.

I ended up reuniting with Captain Kodiak. No need to go into details over how that went, but a massive weight has been taken off my shoulders as a result.

In addition, I began work on two different ships. A small planetary base landing ship, that has the ability to pick off scavengers from the air, and my future Thargoid hunting ship. The latter one already feels familiar, as the Krait Mk II and Krait Phantom-which is what my exploration ship is-are quite similar. I may miss the nimbleness of a fighter, but I’d rather not risk getting blown up while physically out there, after all!

Or at least, decrease the risk as far down as possible.

I’m not completely done with either of them yet, as both ships need more work done back in the main ‘bubble’. Only four more weeks until we reach our destination-or at least that’s the planned date, since I’ve been quite fast, after all.

And to be honest, I can’t wait. I kind of miss home.

Reunited In The Black (Collab with Dirius)


Kazuko had made her way out to the Colonia ‘bubble’ the prior day after hearing that a faction Kezika supported was at war there. The trip didn’t take long, thanks to having gotten practice using ‘neutron chains’ to fly long distances in short lengths of time on a prior leg of the expedition she was on. Thankfully she wasn’t missing any part of that, since she had been the first one to the base camp again before getting the news.

Given that the flight was long, Kazuko took a bit of downtime the day of her arrival, opting to get a head start on building a couple of ships she had been planning-or was given plans for-and she had put the finishing touches on them at Jaques’ Station an hour or so ago. Now, she was waiting for Kezika to join her in the concourse at Neon Sanctuary in Poe, so the two of them could head to Far Tauri for deployment together.

Jay Garret. Chief of Security - INV Midnight Sun Neon Sanctuary, Poe System

I spent the better part of the last hour staring out the huge window overlooking the horizon. Drinking down some reservations about the Captain’s latest mission. To think he dragged me 22,000ly, all the way out here to the middle of nowhere. I say dragged me…. As if I would leave him unsupervised. He is a brilliant leader, tactician and loyal to a fault. But the emperor knows he is bullheaded and never shies away from a challenge. Even when there is no hope of winning. That's the real reason I stayed on as his Chief of Security.

22.000ly… all in on a lead that may or may not turn out to be a wild goose chase. At Least I have a new crop of men to train up, after the mauling we took down in the Pleiades. I hadn’t seen combat like that since…. The footage of the Battle of Achenar. But that was different. That was us against us, at least we knew how evil our enemies were. Thargoids are different.

I looked to my left, Ensign Samira Thomalla, my newest second was mulling over my last few words to her.

“Close quarter combat is all about patience, precision, and most of all, keepin’ your wits about you while everybody else’s go to shit”

She’s a damn genius, but when it comes to execution she needs a little more work. We spent almost the entire trip running simulation after simulation. Repelling boarding actions and performing them. She was improving a great deal, but has a habit of being a lot harder on herself than I am. I invited her out for a drink to get her mind off it, and don't get any ideas, she’s a fourth my age you assholes.

POV: Kazuko

Kazuko sighed upon looking at her slate, seeing that Kezika had some matters to attend to, and thus caused a delay in them being deployed together. Her original intent was to head off and join the next Frontline Solutions dropship out, but Kazuko then realized that she could continue working on the two ships she had started outfitting. As she passed the window overlooking the horizon, something-or more accurately, someONE, caught her eye.

‘Is that Officer Jay Garret? From one of my first job placements?’ she thought. ‘It can’t be…’. But if she could fly all the way out to the center of the galaxy and then back to Colonia like she did the day prior, then her old acquaintances could have made it out here too. The deployment and ship plans can wait. For now, she has some major loose ends to tie up. She noticed a woman in a similar uniform next to Jay, so she stepped up to his other side. From there, she wracked her brain. How do you open a conversation again?

“Nice view, huh?” She asked.

“Someone is full of themselves aren't they?” Jay said, without looking away from the window.

“I sure screwed that one up.” She remarked out loud. “I have a ques-”

“Not while my drinks empty you don’t. Barkeep, three more of these” Still not looking at the stranger, but tapping his empty glass on the bar. Excellent service saw that they were replaced almost instantly. Jay shoved one in the general direction of the voice.

“Ah, thanks, but…” she trailed off, not sure how to follow up with that, so she gently pushed the glass a slight bit away from her. “So, this probably sounds rather out of the blue, but what ship did you come in on?”

Almost in unison Samira and Jay’s heads turn towards the voice “What’s it to ya?” Clearly Jay had instantly sobered up a great deal.

Kazuko didn’t recognize Samira, the lady with him, but she certainly recognized Jay. But the real question was, did he recognize her? She mentally fumbled for an answer for a few seconds, a baffled look on her face.

“You looking for someone?”

“Yes. A few someones, in fact. Please, just tell me the name and ID of the ship you came on.”

“I guess it doesn't matter that much anyway. EV-760”

“Thank you for your time.” Kazuko replied, standing up and leaving the bar, her drink untouched.

Watching suspiciously as she walks away, Jay gives the Ensign an order “Drink up.” and slides the strangers untouched glass her way. Eliciting a groan and hiccup.

Scene, Kazuko’s Krait Phantom, Amaris-AR-TS2. POV: Kazuko.

“Here’s hoping this works…” Kazuko trailed off, before turning on her ship’s comms. “Alfa Romeo Tango to Echo Victor Seven. Do you read me, Echo Victor Seven?” She leaned back slightly after sending the message, waiting for a response. “If Officer Jay was here, then Captain Kodiak is likely not far. Hopefully Commanding Officer Marcela is present too, it would be great if all three of them would see me again together.”

“Copy Alfa Romeo Tango, this is Echo Victor Seven. Send traffic.” Upon hearing that, Kazuko immediately switched to private communications between the two ships.

“Echo Victor Seven, this is Alfa Romeo Tango, am I speaking to the ship’s pilot?” she asked, listening carefully to see if that is indeed Captain Kodiak’s voice she is hearing.

“A-Firm. Alfa Romeo Tango. How can I be of assistance?”

“I would like to meet you aboard your ship, in private quarters, please bring your Commanding Officer and Chief of Security with you. I have information regarding an incident from two years and five months ago.”

“I understand. The instructions are being sent now.” The connection suddenly cut off afterwards. Even with the cutoff, Kazuko felt relieved. Everything is working out for the best. She’ll meet all 3 of them soon, and come clean. Explain how she fainted due to hunger, nothing more, nothing less. The helmet and visor portion of her flight suit obscured her completely as she left the cockpit, the only hint that the figure heading out was CMDR Kazuko Himura was how thin the form was.

Scene, Kodiak’s Krait Phantom, Nova-EV-760. POV: Kazuko.

It didn’t take long for Kazuko to find the exact pad that the ship was landed on, and it took even less time for her to find the CMDR’s quarters, given that it was the same kind of ship she had been piloting ever since she had gotten her license. Once she found it, she stood outside the door, initially hesitating to make an entry request.

Kazuko wanted to keep her identity a secret until the door was closed and she began speaking, hence the helmet and opaque visor being on-she only has her helmet on in emergencies, and usually with a transparent visor. Even she didn’t know why she wanted it to be this way, it just felt...right to her. But even so, she felt nervous. Taking a deep breath, Kazuko lightly knocked on the door, awaiting permission to enter.

Commander Kodiak. Captain - INV Midnight Sun Captain’s Quarters - Nova (Personal Exploration Vessel)

“Mars, do you know how many incidents we went through two years ago? More than I can count. And I know you think this is stupid, and I cant fault you for that. But what if it’s something related to the Aurora?”

I could almost feel the entire ship move with the violence of her patented Eye-Roll, something only she could get away with doing to me on my own ship.

“I just think this is a waste of time, the only saving grace would be if she happened to know something about the slaver ring out here. But let's be real here for one second, how could she possibly know you and be all the way out here. And if she does know you, and we have indeed met her before, it's likely she was following you. Where is Jay and his new 2IC? Shouldn't they be here by now?”

I could tell she couldn't be less enthused, about entertaining a stranger on the ship. Truth be told I wasn't all that into it either. I was a very long way from my ship, the rest of my crew, and my home. I don’t mind long expeditions that much, not when I get to take Mars and Jay along. It's kind of like a mini-vacation. But this wasn't a vacation. Not really. We are here to investigate the disappearance of two platoons worth of Imperial mercenaries.

“Come on, you know we have no leads out here so far that's not turned out to be anything but a dead end. Hell, the last one turned out to be two prospectors fighting over a claim on the nearby moon. We won't know anything else until Jay gets back anyway. Ah that must be our guest now, would you get that Mars?”

POV: Kazuko

The door opened, and an abnormally thin figure in a helmeted, teal flight suit stepped inside, her facial features obscured by the opaque visor. Glancing around, she realized it was just Kodiak and Mars for now. Perhaps that would be enough? She wasn’t sure.

“Thank you both for your time. I take it your Chief of Security is tied up in other matters?” she asked, her voice seeming familiar.

“Before you go any further, you will remove your helmet in the Captain's Quarters.” Mars took a ready stance, ready to jump on any perceived threat.

“It's okay Mars, not everyone in the Galaxy is a murderer. Besides, you know the ship would have sent out an alert if she boarded with any weapons.” Kodiak said, trying to defuse….. Well just defuse Mars.

“Very well. I had full intention of removing my helmet anyways. But while I do so, allow me to introduce myself formally.” the figure stated, the visor retracting, with the helmet following suit. While she looked a couple years older, was still as thin as ever, and had cut her hair into a much shorter ponytail compared to the long one from two years ago, this was the same woman who was found unconscious in the cargo hold of the Midnight Sun after the completion of an inventory management job.

“I am CMDR Kazuko Himura, explorer, independent pilot, and freelance mercenary. It’s nice to see you both after so long.”

“Oh joy, the spy,” Mars rolled her eyes in Kodiak's direction.

“What do you mean spy? Wait a second...” Looking at Mars with a puzzled expression. Several long seconds passed before it clicked, obviously the last two years of heavy combat had brought with it too many blows to the head. Or so Mars would have told him. ”Oh! I remember you, I’m glad to see that you recovered. I hadn't gotten any word or update on your status, something about patient privacy. Though we certainly could have gotten the authorities involved… I trust you have some answers for us regarding your collapse? Were you attacked on my ship?”

“Take a breath captain.” Mars finally lifted her gaze from Kazuko. Kazuko sighed heavily in response.

“To be honest...I don’t really like discussing what happened, for various reasons, but I know I’m going to have to do it anyway.” Kazuko stated. “I will explain everything when Officer Jay arrives, because I only wish to say this once.” She glanced down slightly, seeming incredibly nervous, like she’s about to reveal some deep, dark secret.

“Well, have a seat” Kodiak motioned to a chair “He should be here soon, he was on….. leave”

With his words, Kazuko took a seat, keeping mum about the fact she bumped into Jay during said leave, and that was how she ended up here.

POV : Jay Garret

“What a lightweight. I suppose I shouldn't have made her take that last drink, she’ll get better at it I guess.” The Ensign was safely in her quarters, and Jay was headed to the Captain’s quarters to report on the new lead he managed to find. It was only when he saw the door already open that he remembered that weird person that was asking about the ship. And hurried along to the quarters. “Well shit….”

POV: Kazuko

Soon, after a period of waiting and small talk-of which Kazuko had very little answers for-Jay arrived, prompting a smile from the young woman.

“Sir, I’m sorry it took so-”

“Officer Jay. Long time no see.” She greeted him. “I apologize for the awkwardness at the bar earlier, but I had to tie up these loose ends.”

Caught completely off guard. “I’ll be damned, you look better. I’d wager you are a little heavier too since I had to pick you up out of a crate”

Mars winced at the ape of a man’s words. “That’ll be enough Jay. Have a seat.”

Kazuko rolled her eyes in response to Jay’s words, it seems someone learned from Mars.

“I wish.” She quipped back, though given that two years have passed, his statement may have been accurate. Taking a deep breath, Kazuko braced herself to finally tell them all the truth.

“To catch Officer Jay up, I am CMDR Kazuko Himura. And I have been for a few months now. I predominantly work freelance. I presume all of you have questions for me? One at a time, please.”

“Yes, in fact I do.” Kodiak took the initiative, “What happened to you that day? Were you attacked on my ship?”

“Okay, this is going to be hard to explain, but…” Kazuko trailed off, then fell silent, trying to gather not just the right words together, but also her courage. After what felt like a long wait, she finally spoke again. “Yes, and no. It’s difficult to explain.” Before she could say anything more, Kazuko visibly winced, raising a hand to her belly. The only thing she could think was ‘Why now, why here?’ A harsh growl tore out of her stomach, breaking the silence further.

All three looked around in unison. “Did something blow up somewhere out there?” Jay was the first to speak, moving to a view port.

“I don't know… I think it was our …. Guest?” Mars spoke slowly.

“Do you need….. Somewhere or something?” Kodiak asks with uncertainty.

“Aahh….sorry….” Kazuko sheepishly trailed off, her face flushed with embarrassment, eyes easily showing she’s still in a bit of pain. Despite this, she almost seemed relieved, as if this was all a blessing in disguise-and it certainly was! After all, not only do all three of them have two possible clues to answers, she has a segway into an explanation. “As for your, yes, and yes to both depending. I hate to ask, but...may I please have something to eat?”

“Help yourself.” Kodiak gestures to a refrigeration unit by the door entrance. Catching a glare out of the corner of his eye from Mars. Kazuko noticed the glare, but also accepted Kodiak’s offer, and she practically made a beeline to the refrigeration unit, opening it up and eying the contents within. Another low growl escaped her stomach, making it quite clear what exactly is going on with her, and what happened earlier. Kazuko grabbed as much food as she could carry, before returning to her earlier seat and digging into her found meal. It took a lot of restraint for her to not scarf everything down like some sort of uncivilized brute, she was that hungry.

“Can you continue? Or do you need time?” The next words allowed Kazuko to pause eating.

“The reason I said yes and no to being attacked is because technically I was attacked in a way...just by my own body.” Kazuko explained, taking several more bites as she formulated her next words. “All three of you witnessed this again just earlier, and I’m sure you’re wondering what I’m talking about. You much as I hate to admit it, I am not well. I’ve been fighting a parasite infection for a while now-and I don’t feel comfortable discussing how I got it. I will say that I’ve had it before I even stepped foot aboard the Midnight Sun, I’ve had it almost all my life. That accursed little worm has been devouring almost everything I eat.” She angrily took the last few bites of the last of the seemingly pre-made meals she grabbed.

“So that's it? You just passed out on a crate in the hold?” Jay looked skeptical. “Because you were hungry or something?”

Kodiak and Mars exchanged looks before Mars spoke up, “Do you have any proof of this?”

“I can get my medical records when I return to Keltim.” Kazuko offered, sitting the now-empty plates on her lap-about 5 of them in a stack. “But given that I’m in the middle of an expedition, that may take time. If that is too long for all of you, I give full consent to a medical examination by staff of your choice. And Officer, I opened the crate in hopes there was something that could keep me going long enough to reach the cafeteria, but my body gave out shortly after prying the lid off.”

“I think I can arrange something,” Mars looked between the three of them and then back to Kazuko. “We do have a physician onboard, I'll contact Ryleigh.”

“While she is doing that you are free to help yourself to more if you’d like….” Glancing down at the stack of plates before continuing. “Jay, did you have any luck on digging up a lead?”

“I did, I'll explain more later. I have to meet with a contact tonight.”

“Alright I look forward to it, also make sure you submit a report for the logs.”

Kazuko slowly walked through the hallways of the Nova, practically knowing her way around despite it not being her ship-though to be fair, she has a Krait Phantom of her own, and little was changed in terms of the layout. However stepping into the med bay revealed a difference-the one aboard the Nova was unaltered, whereas the one aboard Amaris was expanded. While she was not surprised to see the physician there, she wasn’t expecting XO Marcela to be present.

“Hello, Kazuko, am I correct?” The physician asked. “I'm Dr. Ryleigh Sharpe, and I’ll be examining you today.”

“That’s me, it’s nice to meet you.” Kazuko greeted in return.

“Well, let's get to it” Mars nods to Ryleigh. ”Give her a complete check up. And Kazuko, tell her what you told us”

“As I told the others earlier, I have been dealing with a parasite infection for most of my life.” Kazuko explained. “Specifically one that eats most of what I eat.”

“Okay just lay down on this bed here and we’ll get you checked out.” Ryleigh shared a knowing look with Mars. “You'll know if it's a threat to the ship as soon as I do.” At Ryleigh’s words, Kazuko laid down immediately on the bed, mostly just staring at the ceiling. She’s been through a few of these by now, she knew the drill. She did, however, have one single question-why couldn’t the exam wait until after she’d eaten something again? She remained quiet as Ryleigh conducted the bio-scan. Her stomach, however, didn’t, and started growling again, prompting a blush from Kazuko.

“Well, it looks like she’s telling the truth. There is indeed a parasite in her upper intestines.” Ryleigh addressed Mars without looking away from the charts. “It’s definitely not a threat to us, but I'm curious how she ended up with it.” she turned facing the two of them.

“I really don’t like discussing how I got it…” she trailed off, both hands atop her belly.

“Fair enough, you are free to go. Everything else seems fine”, Ryleigh began putting her equipment away. Kazuko pulled herself up, sliding out of the bed. Another grumble escaped her stomach as she started heading out.

Mars and Ryleigh stopped in their tracks and looked towards Kazuko.

“Maybe you should go get some more food…. You can get it from my quarters” Mars put a heavy emphasis on the ‘my’.

“Noted…” Kazuko trailed off, hurrying out. She did not want another incident report written up with her in it.

After having eaten, Kazuko found herself once more in Captain Kodiak’s quarters, seated in the same chair she used to spend so many hours in after work 2 years ago. Or at least, it would be if she was on the Midnight Sun instead of the Nova. Except now, instead of staring at a holo-screen with a game on it, she was staring at a slate with a report on it.

“Is that your medical report?” Kodiak looked at the slate curiously.

“Yes, it is. Specifically the results of the exam from earlier.” She handed him the slate. “I will still bring my official medical records over from Keltim upon completion of the expedition I am on. As much as this exam proves I am not an immediate threat to you, your staff, or your ship, I would prefer all of the information necessary be present.”

“I appreciate the efforts you are making to bring us closure. I'm afraid when you get back you’ll have to forward the records to the Midnight Sun. We won't be back for some time.”, he leaned back in his seat and let out a breath. “Have you heard of the Thargoid incursions in the Pleiades?”

“To be honest, neither will I.” Kazuko stated. “I have several more weeks on this expedition myself. And yes, I have.” Kazuko took a breath before continuing to speak. “A friend of a friend let me fight a couple in small fighter ships. I have full intent of going out there to fight them myself, and have a ship being built as we speak for the task. It might take a while for her to be fully ready, though.” Another pause. “As for bringing closure, it felt right, to be honest. It didn’t feel right to suddenly pass out and wake up back in the hospital, without letting the individual I was working for know the job is done. That makes me look like a bad worker!”

“The Midnight Sun is currently undergoing extensive repairs and refitting, she got badly mauled when we were down there fighting.” Setting the slate down and taking a deep breath before continuing. “You were very efficient and finished ahead of schedule. You are a great worker. Honestly until we found you, we thought you were a spy or a saboteur. Then when we found you unconscious, we considered that someone else might have tampered with something and you were collateral damage. However when we started looking into it, either nothing was done or taken, or whoever did it was very good at what they do and we didn't even notice. This brings that case to a close, and it's good to see you are well…ish again”

“I take it you must have been called out to the Pleiades fairly quickly.” Kazuko replied. “And likely with not much time to prepare, given what you told me. As for my performance review, as I’ll call it, that’s a relief. But why would you have thought I was a spy or a saboteur? Was something going on behind the scenes while I was taking inventory?” A pause. “And no. No tampering at all. I’m pretty sure the sudden increase in physical activity-since I did insist on carrying some of the cargo even though I didn’t have to-and me not adjusting my diet to accommodate was the true cause, as a similar incident happened shortly after my work as a CMDR started.”

“We were hunting down a missing Majestic Class Interdictor, we thought someone had gone snooping around in our system. But like I said, we found no tampering at all. ”

“Did you eventually find the missing Interdictor?” Kazuko asked. “And here I’m surprised none of you noticed snacks missing…”

“Oh Jay was on the warpath over the snacks, I think he suspected the marines on board though. Don't worry, I won't tell him if you don't.” he mused to himself. “Unfortunately we haven't yet. I think we found evidence of it having a run in with Thargoids but…. No ship yet.”

“I’m not saying anything about the snacks, but I’m sure he might put two and two together eventually.” Kazuko added. “As for the ship, I hope you find it soon. When...and and the others get back to the Pleiades, keep an eye out for a Krait MkII-Whiskey-Lima-Oscar-2 Roca. That will be me. Friend of a friend is really insistent I join him in fighting Thargoids.”

“I will, ” he leans over to tap on a slate a few times. “There, it's even in the log. How long have you been in Poe?”

“Less than a day. Though it’s probably now been at least a day since I arrived. Flew here all the way from The Galactic Center when I caught wind of some of the people I contracted for getting caught in a war.” Kazuko explained. “Yes, I consider myself a freelancer, but I have a few factions I keep close to. One of them is even running the expedition in question.” Another pause. “As for how I got here so fast? I guess the same way I got to each expedition waypoint so fast, maybe? Just knowing how to plan efficient routes.”

“Okay, I was hoping to find another lead. Hopefully Jay has come through for us this time.” a flash of disappointment crosses his face. “What do you think, a game for old times sake?”

“Of course.” Kazuko responded, giving a small smile.

Log 4: Frightening Experiences and Familiar Voices

This current leg of the expedition has been full of surprises, both good and bad. To be honest, I should get the bad out of the way first. I dropped into the cone of a neutron star. Not on purpose, mind you, but while trying to jump to the next system, my FSD malfunctioned-at 79-fucking-percent at that, what shitty luck! And my canopy shattered at that! The one thing I did in the brief moment of calm before I started panicking was making sure my staff were safe, and seated, so in case of emergency they’d be easily able to get to escape pods. Kezika guided me out of the star and to the nearest fleet carrier, and I thankfully managed to guide myself AND land manually despite having a massive panic attack. I’m honestly grateful I didn’t pass out, since I was on limited oxygen as is, even with synthesizing it. I made it with a bit of oxygen to spare, and plenty more synth ingredients in wait, and got my repairs done. My staff were safe, anyone shaken or injured were attended to, I got an emergency therapy appointment, and everything turned out alright.

Ended up making it out to Beagle Point and Salome’s Reach. It was amazing to turn one way and see the entire galaxy, and another way and see blackness. Some of the history of those particular places was quite interesting too.

But the biggest surprise actually wasn’t part of the expedition. You see, I’ve been utilizing telepresence to keep my combat skills up by volunteering to pilot fighters for other CMDRs. One in particular with a Cutter, his voice sounds familiar. Did I run into Captain Kodiak again? I can’t easily tell, he doesn’t speak much-and he hasn’t exactly addressed me. Perhaps the telepresence obscures some details-I’ll have to find out exactly if my guess is right or not come the end of this expedition.

And I’m honestly kind of excited for that, but also a little nervous. I did, after all, leave my job for him on a stretcher. I’m not sure what he’d think of me or my work ethic, despite having completed his job with flying colors. Same with his chief of security-oh, boy, the remarks would be coming in like mad. But he’d probably get elbowed by Marcela again as a result.

I’ve made up my mind. I’ll request a meeting with all three of them, and come clean.

Breathe, Just Breathe

Breathe, Kazuko. Breathe. That was the only thing she forced herself to think when her ship’s canopy broke, when everything began to fail. Her ship’s FSD had reached a point where it began to malfunction, and it caused her to drop right into the cone of a neutron star. All Kazuko could do was panic-some of her expedition members advised her to boost and she followed the instructions, getting out and able to go back into supercruise. She was given the location of a fleet carrier that could let her repair her ship. In that entire mad dash, through multiple neutron stars, over a dozen jumps, she was panicking-not good when you’re on limited oxygen. Even synthing it required prompts from her friends.

Breathe, Kazuko. Breathe. She finally made it to the destination system, but she couldn’t use supercruise assist or landing assist-and while she knew how to land manually, the sheer anxiety was smothering her much like...well it’s obvious. But, she managed. Upon landing on the carrier, repairs were immediate, the canopy and life support systems first. Kazuko breathed a sigh of relief.

Breathe in.

Breathe out.

When she finally calmed down, Kazuko had only one single question:

“Can I book a telepresence therapy appointment? I’m going to need it after that.”

Log 3: Last Days in Colonia

The Fleet Carrier that holds most of my ships is already heading to the next basecamp, which sort of limits the activities I can do here in the Colonia bubble. Trading would be limited, and ship combat completely out, unless I want to fork over a fee to transfer the ships in question. That’s honestly fine, I need to do more on-foot activities anyway, to help keep my stamina up.

Who knows how much that’s decreased after spending most of my time ship-bound?

Whoever’s reading this, I’m fine. I swear I’m fine.

I’m just on an expedition, obviously, and have spent most of my time flying from waypoint to waypoint to basecamp. It’s clear that sort of thing means you’re pretty much in your ship for the time-being, and in the pilot’s seat.

Come to think of it, why do people worry so much about me? I can take care of myself, the...thing in me is mostly kept under control.

I haven’t even had any nightmares in a while.

Yes I may have some difficulties, but I can handle myself just fine. After all, I made it to the Colonia bubble in one piece, right?

Log 2: Partially Unwanted Thoughts

I’ve been testing out my new combat ship, Phoenix, recently. And I think I’ve been getting the hang of it, namely taking out single ships trying to interdict me, etc.

And I got to thinking for a bit about how this would be back home.

Then my mind took a dark turn-something that hadn’t happened in a long, long while.

Who did this to me?

Who gave me this parasite?

Maybe I’ll practice on them.

I’ll have to ask Kezika if there’s a way we can find out.

But not now.

Log 1: Finally Writing Again

Honestly, it’s not a moment too soon-only reason I stopped is because everything seemed to happen at once after I was finished with my pilot’s exams.

But that was a few months ago, and now I’m out on an expedition with Kezika and several other pilots-and I technically have been for a few weeks now. I just finally reached the Colonia ‘bubble’.

And hell, it feels great to sleep in a bed that’s not on my ship. When did I get so picky?

I have full intent to take advantage of my 2 week stay here to get some other tasks done. Better get some rest so I have the energy to do it.

A Harsh Mistake (Collab with Kezika)

Kazuko had been easily adapting to her new life as a CMDR, even with Kezika escorting her everywhere, as was the case today. The two of them were off to pull some salvage from a wreckage site on Keltim A1, aboard Kezika’s Clipper, Murus. Kezika had gone in at a steeper than usual angle, and upon hitting glide, started to make a sharp turn. Everything went dark for both of them while their suits worked to compensate for the sudden shift in blood flow. While Kezika was able to rouse with no ill effects, Kazuko, however, did not.

A few seconds passed, but there was no sign of consciousness from Kazuko, prompting a loud tone to be emitted from her flight suit, loud enough for everyone to hear. Kezika heard this immediately, but as she was still easing the ship through its glide, she pressed a large red button on the console.

“Alert. Alert. A medical emergency is in effect. All qualified staff please report to the bridge.” The ship’s COVAS blared a repeated message. Kezika’s butler, Xavier, was the first to arrive, pushing himself through the air due to Kezika descending fast enough to negate gravity.

“Xavier, I’m fine, the medical emergency is with Kazuko!” Kezika exclaimed, a hint of worry in her voice. Upon hearing that, Xavier pushed his way over to Kazuko. Upon looking her over, the first thing he noticed was that she was unconscious.

“She is unconscious.” were his only words once Kezika had landed the ship-and gravity returned. Kezika immediately got out of the pilot’s seat and made her way to the passenger’s seat, aiding Xavier in moving Kazuko from said seat to the floor-and given how light she was, it didn’t take much effort. Xavier immediately got Kazuko’s suit to start taking her blood pressure and blood oxygen levels. Both of them moved Kazuko to the bed in the CMDR’s quarters as well. Before the diagnostics could even complete, however, Kazuko’s eyes shot open.

“How the hell did I get in here? What’s going on?” She asked. “Why are you both standing over me?” She was clearly confused, possibly a bit disoriented.

“Kazuko?” Kezika asked. “Are you alright?”

“Can you tell me your name?” Xavier added. “Your location too? Today’s date?”

“I’m Kazuko. Kazuko Himura..” Kazuko trailed off. “I think this is the CMDR’s quarters on one of Kezika’s ships….” She paused, trying to figure out the date. “March 24, 3306. And I’m fine, I swear!”

“She seems slightly confused, the date was wrong.” Xavier told Kezika. Shortly after, the diagnostics came back. Blood pressure is slightly low, not unusual for someone who was subject to such a sharp turn, but that did not explain the abnormal amount of time she was unconscious. Blood oxygen levels were normal. “Blood oxygen is normal, blood pressure slightly low, but returning to normal.”

“When was the last time you ate something?” Kezika asked.

“I had a small snack two hours ago-you were there, remember?” Kazuko stated. “Now please, lay off the questions. I’m fine. I’m COMPLETELY fine. I swear I’m fi-” Before she could finish her own statement, Kazuko’s stomach gave a loud, betraying rumble. She sighed heavily, pale face tinting slightly red as she mumbled something that sounded suspiciously like ‘fucking space parasite’ under her breath. A shaking hand was quickly brought to her head as a wave of dizziness crashed over her, prompting a slight groan.

“You’re not fine.” Kezika stated frankly, opening a storage drawer, pulling out a sleeve of packaged cookies. “Have a cookie.” She held the sleeve out to Kazuko.

“Give me that….” Kazuko then snatched the sleeve out of Kezika’s hands, devouring the cookies ravenously. Once the dizziness had passed, she briefly glanced up, color returning to her face.

“How are you feeling now?” Kezika asked, her tone having changed to be more caring.

“Still a bit lightheaded…” Kazuko trailed off. “Stomach still hurts a bit too, but both of those seem to be decreasing.”

“Good, good.” Kezika added. “You mentioned something about a parasite earlier?” Her words caused Kazuko to freeze, fumbling over her own words.

“I, I, Um....” she trailed off, clamming up completely.

“Would this have come from your childhood, perhaps? During your time enslaved? It’s not...uncommon for slavers to use such tactics.” Kezika’s question prompted a hesitant nod from Kazuko.

“I’ve been like this for as long as I could remember…” she trailed off, shuddering a bit. “I’m not ready to talk about anything further than that.”

“You don’t need to tell me anything further, I don’t need to know the specifics.” Kezika stated. “What you told me now is helpful. You likely aren’t used to this new lifestyle.”

“Huh? What do you mean?” Kazuko asked, now more genuinely confused rather than hypoglycemia-induced disorientation.

“Sometimes individuals with chronic conditions need to make some adjustments to their normal treatment plans upon starting to fly.” Kezika explained. “Dietary, exercise routines, and medication are some examples of things that could be adjusted. We can get you to a medical facility at Laird’s Progress, get you examined so we can see if any changes are necessary.”

“...Fine…” Kazuko trailed off. “I hate admitting I’m unwell…” she mumbled under her breath.

“It doesn’t mean you’re unwell, it’s just something you deal with in your own way.” Kezika explained. “Most people have to make adjustments for this kind of lifestyle.”

“It’s more than that, Kezika…” Kazuko trailed off. “Illness means weakness, and weakness means punishment….” Kazuko buried her face in her hands, ashamed.

“’s okay…” Kezika put a hand on Kazuko’s shoulder. “You won’t be punished for this. You’re here with Xavier and I now. You’re safe.” With those words, Kazuko looked up, tears forming in her eyes, which she quickly wiped away.

“Alright…let’s go.” She remarked, pulling herself to her feet, and managing to stay up despite still being a bit wobbly.

“Xavier will get you something more to eat while we take you to Laird’s Progress, I’ll have my head doctor there examine you..” Kezika explained. “Until then, let me help you over to the travel chair.”

A Beneficial Reveal (Collab with Kezika)

Having been only a CMDR for a few days now, Kazuko was letting Kezika show her the ropes a bit-and even escort her places, given that she has plenty more ships-and a lot more funds. The two of them were en route to deliver some cargo to Shea City outpost, and were aboard the Kajblood, a python owned by Kezika.

Upon reaching the standard 7.5 km ‘bubble’ that allows docking, Kezika pressed a button on the control panel, sending a signal stating that her ship was requesting docking permissions.

“Docking request denied, CMDR, all of our ship’s pads are full.” Was the reply from flight control. Kazuko then turned to Kezika.

“This was emergency cargo, right?” She quietly asked. “Tell them I’m dizzy from hunger and need food, that should get us in, perhaps?”

“Just have Xavier bring up a food tube,” Kezika replied.

“I’m not actually dizzy, Kezika.” Kazuko explained. “And not actually hungry either, I ate at the last station. Just trying to help get us in quicker. Unless you have any ideas?” She was half-tempted to roll her eyes in slight annoyance, but that would make her look quite bad. Even if the two of them are friends and more ‘equals’ in status now, it’s not the best idea to sass someone who is trying to mentor you.

“Oh, that’s actually not a problem,” Kezika chirped before keying her mic to flight control. “Kilo juliet bravo to flight control, codes incoming.” Kezika then pressed a button on her console.

“Wait, what do you mean it's not a problem?” Kazuko asked in the brief period of silence before flight control responded.

“Access to emergency pad granted, please proceed to hangar airlock.” The comms chirped in response.

“Oh, good to know those exist.” Kazuko remarked as Kezika began moving the ship towards a more obscure airlock on the side of the station. Once the ship cleared the airlock and landed on the specialty pad, Kazuko spoke once more.

“The real question is, how did you get access to this?” she asked.

“Certain individuals can have priority access codes to an emergency pad at stations, or at flight control’s discretion in other situations,” Kezika replied.

“This situation seemed pretty normal to me.” Kazuko remarked. “And I noticed you sent codes, so you are one of those ‘certain individuals’, if I am correct. The real question is, which one?”

“Oh, like station security ships, and the station’s maintenance craft for example,” Kezika responded, seeming like she’s missing the actual question.

“You aren’t either of those, though...did you misunderstand my question?” Kazuko replied. Kezika let out a quick sigh.

“I sent the station owner access codes.” she quickly admitted.

“Oh, I see, so the owner gave you the co-wait a minute…” Kazuko trailed off. “C.E.A. Psychiatric Institutions owns this facility. Don’t tell me you also own them, too…” Her eyes were wide in shock. What had she gotten herself into about 2 years ago taking that cargo inventory job?

“Yes, that’s why, I founded C.E.A. and am President of the company,” Kezika explained, leaving Kazuko speechless. She couldn’t believe what she just heard. Someone like her, befriending the Founder and President of a major corporation and associated faction? It sounds like something out of a story, rather than something happening in her reality.

A Taste of Decadence (Collab with Kezika)

It had only been a day since Kazuko graduated-with honors, at that-from the Pilot’s Academy in Matet, and was flown back to Keltim by Amaleigh. She already knew that Kezika had loaned her a Sidewinder, but didn’t know what else was waiting for her other than plans discussed before her graduation, due to wanting to sleep after the long flight back. Amaleigh had brought a now-rested Kazuko down to Keltim A5, specifically to Kezika’s mansion-it had to be the largest building that Kazuko had ever seen. She was led inside, gasping in awe at the even larger expanses of luxury before her. Polished tile floors with zigzagging lines in three different colors, wood so dark it’s almost black, glass panels accented with dark golden metal trimmings. She was led through that entryway, into one of the drawing rooms, a more muted tile floor at her feet, with black, angular furniture dotted around. Sitting on a black leather couch with solid gold armrests was Kezika.

“Welcome to my humble abode.” Kezika ironically greeted, leaving Kazuko to give Kezika yet another strange look.

“Humble? This is anything but!” Kazuko couldn’t help but exclaim, the pin holding her brain-to-mouth filter in place slipping briefly.

“Oh, just an old greeting.” Kezika replied, waving off the remark as quickly as it came. “Here, let me show you to your room for this evening before the festivities begin.” Kezika then stood up, leading Kazuko down several more halls, to a door marked “Guest Room #23”.

“This one in particular?” Kazuko asked. Kezika nodded, opening the door. Kazuko briefly glanced in, her eyes lighting up seeing artwork from one of the games she’d been playing on the wall. She then turned back to Kezika. “Thank you so much, this means a lot. Anyways, when’s dinner?”

“Well, first, we must have hors d'oeuvres while we wait for the guests to arrive.” Kezika explained, Kazuko nodding in response.

“Well, wouldn’t want me to-” She cut herself off. “Nevermind. It’s not important. Where are these ‘hors d’oeuvres’ you speak of?” Kazuko felt a pang of hunger gnawing at her stomach, adding a small hint of urgency to her prior words.

“Ah, yes, the butlers are putting them out in one of the drawing rooms.” Kezika stated, leading Kazuko practically gearing up to start running, only to stop when Kezika spoke again. “Please, follow me.”

Kazuko followed Kezika down several more hallways, to another drawing room that looked strikingly similar to the one they left, albeit the layout was different. Various plates with different small finger foods were laid out, Kazuko was immediately sampling everything she could get her hands on-she had a small plate piled high with everything present in the room, and had perched herself on one of the couches, quietly eating and looking around.

Guests slowly began arriving, all familiar faces to Kazuko from her time spent in a now-CEA-owned facility, and even a doctor or two from the hospital she stayed at all the way back after her escape. It warmed her heart that these people cared about her that much to come celebrate her accomplishments so far! Some of these people she’d known since she was a young child, without anything, not even a name, to call her own-and having not seen them since then, Kazuko couldn’t help but think what a stark difference it was between then and now. Words of praise and encouragement, congratulatory messages were spoken to her, such things bringing tears of joy to her eyes. Feeling as if she was in a ‘safe’ place, she let herself show these feelings of sentiment to a small degree. She answered questions fielded to her, but didn’t really make much in the way of small talk.

Soon, the actual dinner was ready, and everyone was led to a large, extravagant dining hall, well-lit by chandelier-esque light fixtures, each with long strings of droplet crystals-are they real gems or just glass? Kazuko couldn’t easily tell, as they were quite high up. But they only caught her attention for a fraction of a second, as she could immediately smell a massive number of different delicacies. Turning towards the source caused her eyes to widen in awe-she had never seen that much food before in her life. The feast easily spanned across the entire table, which spanned almost the entire length of the hall. Each dish was made with the most premium ingredients that could be obtained, and it showed, and the variety was as vast as the number of human cultures in the galaxy. Kazuko immediately requested that her plate be stacked tall with as many different dishes as possible, her request was obliged. Various conversations were had at the table, some of which she participated in, some she did not. More questions were fielded towards her, which Kazuko answered honestly, at least in-between mouthfuls of food. She had certainly tried everything that the main table had to offer, and even gotten seconds on a select few items-which pretty much made her fourth plate, which was much more sparse than the previous three. The feast wasn’t over yet, though, there was still dessert-a whole other dining hall dedicated to sweets, spread over several smaller tables-Kazuko yet again requested to try everything, which resulted in 3 more plates. By the end of the second one, she was beginning to slow down her eating pace, but she kept going regardless.

By the end of the night, Kazuko had finished off all of the food she had ordered, but she had her head down on the table, and was sound asleep. Kezika noticed this, walking over to Kazuko.

“She seems to be in a classic food coma from too much food-I’ll take her to her quarters.” Kezika mentioned, carefully picking her up and taking her to Guest Room #23-which Kazuko slept through still.