Profil komandéra goldfishrock > Deník

Jméno komandéra:
Současná loď:
Členem od:
21. 10. 2017
Vzdáleností potvrzeno:
Navštíveno systémů:
9 114
Systémů objevených jako první:
4 727
1 215 992 763 Cr
Roads 2 Riches - Day 8

Having spent several days grinding away visiting high-worth systems, scanning and mapping planets I finally figured I had enough data aboard to trigger my long sought after promotion. After scanning the last planet I set course for DSSA Buurian Anchorage which was about 2800ly from my position and after spending half an hour jumping I arrived in the most beautiful system and was greeted by a neutron star. Heading to the carrier, I finally docked for the first time in over a week and finally got to sell the fruits of my labour. I was pleasantly surprised to hear the message announcing my promotion after selling around 20 millions worth and by the time I'd sold it all, I ended up generating a shade under 100 million.... time and effort well spent.

After refuelling, repairing and restocking my Anaconda I plotted the last leg of my journey to the centre of our galaxy and launched away from the Carrier. 77 jumps between me and Sagittarius A. At the moment I plan on coming back via Colonia however there is a small part of me that wants to push past Sag A and continue on into the outer arms on the other side. It's so tempting to do it while I'm this far from home.......... Exploring is where I want to be......

Elite Promotion

Roads 2 Riches - Day 5

Still following my R2R route into the centre of the Galaxy. After aquiring an estimated 50 million in exploration data I thought it would be a good thing to offload it just in case of any unforeseen accidents along the way. Although I initially thought about heading toward Colonia to offload at first, I spotted a remote outpost a mere 10 jumps off my route so put in a divert to it and decided that it would be safer to offload more often from here on in. I am not carrying any weapons of proper defences, I'm not carrying any cargo but you just never know who's out there who want's to spoil my day!

Upon arriving in Trifid Sector IR-W d1-52 I flew into the ring system around the first planet and located Observation Post Epsilon, a station mined out of one of the large pieces of rock making up the ring. In retrospect, performing an autodock procedure when you have very large chunks of rock whizzing around you wasn't the best idea, however after a couple of very near misses, my Anaconda entered the station intact and I was able to offload my data and increase my ranking to Pioneer + 72%. It was nice to see a little hussle & bustle at the station. After spending so much time out in the black over the last few weeks and now this final push to the centre, being around other commanders for a little while was good. But now it's back to it.....

I am so close now and another couple of days of grind should see me reach Elite ranking all being well. I attained Elite Trader ranking a couple of months ago and have been working hard on this next one. Anyway, there is a Fleet Carrier (DSSA Buurian Anchorage) very close to my route and about 14k ly away from my current position. I hope to be able to dock there and offload the last blocks data needed for promotion. My plan, to carry on to Sag A* and continue mining that exploration data as I go. If I'm flying through all these systems, I may as well benefit from honking as I go?

Observation Post Epsilon

Roads 2 Riches - Day 3

Day 3 of my new Roads 2 Riches quest. I've calculate I need the first 130 targets on my list to generate enough income to push me over that Elite line. I'm currently on number 47 and plan on heading on to Colonia at the end of the quest to offload the data before carrying on to Sag A*

Back home

So I flew back into Garay Terminal in Deciat and offloaded 90 million worth of exploration data. Ranked up to Pioneer and am now looking to make that last 160 million I need to Elite. I wanted to visit Sag A so why not do a Roads 2 Riches Grand Tour all the way to Sag A?

I'll report in shortly.....

Still in transit....

Still enroute to Deciat. I'm around 9k ly out and making slow progress as I have decided to map every new system I find, and at the moment, every jump leads me to a new system that hasn't been mapped yet. I'm currently locked into the New Beginning outpost at Rosette Sector CQ-Y d59 and may stop on my way back to Deciat.

I've spent the last week or so mapping everything I can so I am really hoping that when I hit the cartographic section at Garay Terminal, I am going to turn in a substantial amount of data and all being well, take a large chunk out of the remaining credits needed to hit Elite Explorer. Guess we'll see.....

Time to head for home

I started to head toward The Groerld Association (Groerld IL-P d5-0) but after about 50 jumps decided it was time to turn around, head for home, cash in my exploration data at my home station and decide what's next. I've set my next waypoint to The Five Black Eyes (Phrio Phoea AA-A h12), a system containing 5 black holes amongst other things....... looking forward to seeing it, in 113 jumps!

Skull & Crossbones Nebula

So after many hours of jumping my Anaconda across Sanguineous Rim and into Keplar's Quest I have reached the Skull & Crossbones Nebula (Haffner 18 LSS 27) and the surprise of not one, but two black holes in the same system. These are the first black holes I have discovered on my travels.

So now I need to make a decision, do I carry on further into 'the black' or do I start making my way back to my home system of Deciat. The idea of this trip was to test out my newly acquired and engineered Anaconda (jump range 72 ly). My main goal with this ship was to take it to the centre of the galaxy and to Sag A* however now I'm out this far I am tempted to keep jumping until I can't jump anymore..... I've got a load of materials aboard which will help me synthesize FSD boosts but they were originally meant to engineer my ship. I've got some choices to make......

The Skull & Crossbones Nebula + Black Hole (HAFFNER 18 LSS 27B)

Crossing Keplar's Crest...... still.....

Just taking the Anaconda for a spin, I wanted to just give it a good test on a medium exploration flight before I head for Sag A* on my next expedition. So far so good...... yesterday I ended up just under 12k ly from Sol in the Hyperion Cluster and now I'm heading further out toward the Skull & Crossbones Nebula and advancing across Keplar's Crest. Let's see where today takes me.....

An update

So things have moved on since my last entry. I got to Elite Trader ranking, bought some nice ships, made close to a billion credits and am currently farming materials so I can engineer the bejesus out of my Anaconda to give it a 70+ ly jump range. More soon!


So after making some good credits initially trading and then running passengers, I have now embarked on some exploring. See if I can find some undiscovered systems and slap my name on them :-)