Profil komandéra MEARMORTAL > Deník

Jméno komandéra:
Současná loď:
Členem od:
22. 4. 2018
Vzdáleností potvrzeno:
Navštíveno systémů:
18 569
Systémů objevených jako první:
7 804

Stayed a couple of days at WP11, and was able to see several CMDR's arrive at the designated co-ordinates, it made a nice change.

Got involved in the last mass jump for the latecomers, I say mass but it turned out to be 12 as 2 of the possible 14 couldn't make the jump for one reason or another. Took some nice shots of different CMDR's ships at the Meeting point in orbit of Object 4 in system, with the backdrop of the planet the system and the ships were extremely good looking from a distance and the colours really stood out. The next stage is 13,500lys, to Beagle Point and again that's a long way to the end point.

Looking forward to greeting the long term pilots out there and then making the trip back. I have some ideas of where I want to go, but no definite routes planned as yet. enter image description here

WP 10 to WP 11 - progress

Completed three sets of jumps this last week, 66, 69, 66 over 4000ly's each, not an easy feat keeping up the concentration. I have one last lot of 66 jumps to the WP left, and plan on doing this over the next couple of days.

This stretch has been a little more difficult than the other ones, not as much to see with the lack of special looking systems along the route. In order to do the mapping you need time, time I am struggling to find just getting the flight part done so I can get to the way point on time.

Signed up for the mass jump for this Sunday, hopefully no issues.

WP7 to Wp10

Well it's been one hell of a trip, struggling some weeks to arrive at the designated WP in time, almost arriving hours before the next one is announced.

I've seen alot of interesting views, and some interesting biologicals etc.

Mined for the CG over the week, enjoying some with another pilot gathering materials, got into the upper 25% in the end though, gained myself another 30mil just for that.

Over the last couple of weeks since leaving EA, I've collected some 104mil of exploration data, working as I go to collect information on the interesting systems.

I don't have any mining capability now, but that's fine, I don't need it. I've maxed out all my materials apart from about 5, and only one of those I actually need. So as I move from one system to another this week, I'll be lookng for those pescy ones.

I plan on keep going allthough the stretches will be significantly longer now, on checking, in excess of 12,000lys.

We'll it's going to be interesting keeping motivated to continue, and keeping on track for such long distances, but hey, I will get those badges in the end. I will be able to say, I've been there....


Well I arrived last night after some 126 jumps and 7,686 approximate lys. This was by far the hardest what with 4 night shifts and little to no time to travel. The last two nights have been some really long hauls, one of which was the best part of 14 hours.

Now this one was different, I was met at the waypont by a fellow CMDR who was kind enough to drop out of the PG he was in and join me in mine. We winged up as I was on approach to the landing site in orbit. I arrived and landed near to the CMDR and joined him in the SRV to roam the planet surface. It was a great experience to be able to meet up like this at a way point and see someone else for the first time.

I look forward to more meet up's like this. Absolutely Brilliant....

DW2 - WP5 - WP6

Well it's been a while, I've done some exploration, and see a few of the POI's on the way, not a bad deal to be fair. First Discoveries are good too, now in there twenties and growing. Looking forward to the trip to SAG A although I am starting out a little late from WP5.

See how it goes.

DW2 - Way point 4

Well i arrived with a few days to spare, some great sights along the way, nebula's, Black holes and other such wonders.

While I was chilling out talking with the squadron, another player jumped into my instance and said hello, first time for me at this level of the game.

Texting in the Squadron and being part of the Mobius player group is hopefully going to produce more instances of travelling around with others. Should be fun.

Obtained a new badge for 100,000lys, nice, couple more to obtain on the expedition.

Continuing to take pictures of what I've seen, been really interesting, with the 3 days of travelling, I've taken some 79 photos (from 776) along the way already.

Probably not going to set off with the rest right away tonight, but will aim for departure at about 20:30.

Sacaqawea Space Port

Well I'm here, it looks cool for such a space port to be out this far. Looking to make my way to WP4 in a couple of hours and enjoy the relief of getting here way before everyone leaves. gettng a cuppa and moving on.

Skaudai CH-B d14-34 (Sacaqawea Space Port)

Feb 8, 2019, 3:48:36 PM

Ship: nebuchadnezzar III (Anaconda) Jump distance: 50.65 ly

Distance to Sol: 11,797.02 ly Distance to Colonia: 10,220.16 ly

Estimated value: 210,619 cr

DW2 - Way point 3

Just arrived, wow what a long trip to do straight off, started off earlier this afternoon didn't expect to take this long.

Looking forward to Waypoint 4 possibly tomorrow.

Pru Aescs NC-M d7-192

Feb 7, 2019, 9:20:24 PM

Ship: nebuchadnezzar III (Anaconda)

Jump distance: 48.66 ly

Distance to Sol: 9,166.55 ly

Distance to Colonia: 12,921.75 ly

Eagle's Landing

We'll arrived here safe and sound no issues to report.

Now part of the DW3S Squadron thanks to CMDR Fenrishi.

93% Integrity for the ships, not too bad.

4.1Mil in Exploration Credit.

Eagle Sector IR-W d1-117 (Eagle's Landing) Feb 7, 2019, 5:21:07 PM Ship: nebuchadnezzar III (Anaconda) Jump distance: 20.82 ly Distance to Sol: 7,018.72 ly Distance to Colonia: 15,113.79 ly Estimated value: 96,110 cr

DW2 - Way point 2

Omega Sector VE-Q b5-15 (Omega Mining Operation) Feb 7, 2019, 12:36:56 AM Ship: nebuchadnezzar III (Anaconda) Jump distance: 53.89 ly Distance to Sol: 5,513.18 ly Distance to Colonia: 16,612.46 ly

So I'm here are the mining operations asteroid, and my ship was @93% integrety, 98K cr's to repair. Shield and Hull at 100%.

Did have one misshap on the way which dropped some of my modules to 98% and 99% due to me dropping out at a star, lapse in concentration.

Visited hillary Depot to refresh the modules, which did the trick.

So far all good, looking forward to expanding out the WP3.