Profil komandéra Aldarion 3TwoAlpha > Deník

Jméno komandéra:
Současná loď:
honest tuck [AL-27A]
(Asp Explorer)
Členem od:
30. 10. 2018
Vzdáleností potvrzeno:
Navštíveno systémů:
46 105
Systémů objevených jako první:
21 401
27 157 189 051 Cr
Easter eggs and planet shapes

I try to find a planetary object, which is Easter egg shaped, also known as an ellipsoid shape. Any rotating planetary object might resemble an elliptic shape due to the centrifugal forces acting on its composites.

Anyhow, these shapes normally come as very minute changes of the globe and are barely visible to the human eye.

Theoretically strong tidal forces may form an Easter egg shape. If the tidal forces overcome the gravitational forces forming the planetary object, the body may disintegrate, ripping apart: This is known as spaghettification.

I did not find any spaghetti, yet but an illusion of an Easter-egg-planet shape, here is what I saw:

Easter Egg Planets

System: Byua Aim HC-M d7-2196

I found this system in 3304. This system consists out of 52 planetary bodies and its sun. One moon features 5 lifeforms on its surface and plenty of geysers and fumaroles can be found on several surfaces too.

Fifteen rings around various bodies in Byua Aim HC-M d7-2196; plenty of hotspots of Painite are remarkable. Also Platinum, Muscovite, Alexandrite and many other valuable minerals could be mined in these rings. There is one Water-world located in orbit around the outermost gasgiant as well.

Other from me I know of two more commanders visiting the System: CMDR Chrismasterski and CMDR Dr_Chieves.

System Map of Byua Aim HC-M d7-2196

The next image shows a metal rich 2G world and its rings, the sunlight becomes refracted in the ice crystals and reflective particles of the rings.

Planet 2 Byua Aim HC-M d7-2196

System: Byua Aim HC-M d7-2196 (Part 3)

The system features numerous beautiful sights – I wonder why there are no tourist-vessels around. On the other hand, it feels good not to be disturbed by Beluga Liners filled with hundreds of nosey part time astronauts not knowing what is going on. As well, the commanders of these tourist Beluga Liners mostly are known for their reckless flying – I wonder if they think they were untouchable in an Anarchy-System.

Rings, Rings, Baby

I also had to face some minor damage on my Scarab SRV. Therefore I had to fix the auto cannon while collecting some crystalline minerals on one of the volcanic sites: Once being back on my carrier, I need to ask the mechanics to replace the autoloader springs and give the whole system a good maintenance.

Fixing an SRV's Auto Loader

Some Notable Stellar Objects in Norma Arm

Recently the Shadow Head slowly but constantly moves South, towards the so-called bubble. Honest Tuck is shadowing the Shadow (Head) on loops West and East.

While travelling through the Region Norma Arm, several Notable Stellar Object were found inside system Greae Pjio ZR-A d14-448 or neighbouring systems close to the nebula.

Norma Arm - Notable Stellar Phenomena

The background Image was taken on a different site namely the planetary surface of Oephaik EI-B d13-4193 A 3 b.

Oephaik EI-B d13-4193 A 3 b

Blue Insight

Report About Two Findings Hybrid Probes and Sensor Fragments

The West-North-Western Loop expedition saw plenty of stars, planets and moons as well as numerous lifeforms on the surfaces of a variety of planetary objects.

As well and somewhat surprisingly a second non-human Signal source was detected, which originated from a Guardian-Thargoid Hybrid Probe located at the surface of the following planet: Flyue Flyou KY-C c15-42 2 d Hybrid Probe. The coordination on the planet’s surface are: -5.4201°; 84.7794°; 0.14.

This was the second time I was able to detect such an artefact in outer space far north of the galactic centre. The following graphic shows several things: The HUD indication of the signal source after the DSS-Scan of the planetary surface, the constituents of the signal source, including the broken sensor fragments, the system names and locations in regard to the galactic plain of the two findings. Both findings could be located within half a year.

These findings do illustrate the existence of such sensor artefacts throughout deep space and north of the Center. The origins of these probes – so far - are largely unknown as well as their context in regard of the history and lore of the ED-galaxy.

Hybrid Probes in Deep Space North of the Centre

The collected artefacts are not contagious and can be collected as materials, which is good, since the tiny hold of my exploration vessel is filled with occupied rescue pods, I did collect on a surface somewhere south of the Colonies.

West-North-Western Loop until MAR 3309

During the second half of 3308 I – Aldarion – used the vessel Honest Tuck to travel towards the north-eastern edge of the ED galaxy disc.

During November and December 3308 I returned to the Colonies via an east-western route along the edge of the bulge through the Izanami Region and further on South via the DSSA carriers Smilers’s Obsavatory and Enigma.

At the Colonies the 3.8-Incarnation could be retired and enjoys life hopefully.

The following Map shows the west-north-western loop during this expedition.

West-North-Western Loop until MAR 3309

Vulcan Gate and Errant Marches Sectors

Exploring towards the South starting from Shurley’s Nest in Rodentia went on. I was crossing the sectors southernmost of the colonies until I reached the Vulcan Gate Sector. Finally I docked at the DSSA Explorer’s Heaven, which is located inside a planetary nebula containing a medium sized black hole.

The singularity itself created beautiful and colourful sights on approach and close to the event horizon due to the backdrop of the red-green cloud, which was created during the birth of the black hole.

The fleet carrier DSSA Explorer’s Heaven itself is orbiting a water-world, which again is orbiting a binary star system orbiting the singularity. The following link leads to a video of the carrier and the black hole.

DSSA Explorer's Heaven and a colourful BH (DSSA Explorer's Heaven and a colourful BH)

DSSA location in Vulcan Gate 3309 - Explorer's Heaven

After many weeks resting on board the carrier Explorer’s Heaven I decided to continue towards the West, towards the sector named Errant Marches. Recently I am close to the edge of the ED Milky Way: Upon looking ahead Andromeda is the brightest object in front of a black tinted background and the star field thins out the more I approach the edge of the disk.

Actually I am very close to a point directly opposite of the north-eastern location I reached in the sector Mare Somnia months ago.

Returning from the Far Eastern Edge

I successfully explored the two paths leading via orthogonal routes over and under the Galactic Plain as well as I investigated some areas in the Center Sector around Sagittarius A-Star. Then I made the decision to follow a north-eastern route towards the edge of the ED Milky Way. This project was leading me through numerous sectors during the following weeks:

The Centre, the Empyrean Straits, the Arcadian Stream, the Veils and finally the Mare Somnia became parts I crossed.

Travelling Expressions

After crossing a part of Mare Somnia, where various Brown Dwarfs dominated the star-class distribution of travelled systems, which made me at least once diverting the course, I headed straight East towards the edge of the galaxy. The system density became the lower the more I approached the edge. Finally I made the decision to turn back, following a route towards the West. I had a rough idea where to find the DSSA Fleet Carrier The Late Show, which I reached during the second week of November 3308.

I plotted the related route to the location of the Late Show in one of the earlier reports. I stayed a week on board of the DSSA vessel before heading out and further towards the West again. I had crossed two gaps between two outer arms of the galaxy and now I was able to recognize the glow of stars of surrounding systems again. Heading towards the West also gave me some nice views of the arms in front of me and by progressing I was able to recognize ever more details of the denser star fields forming the arms. Finally, I was able to reach the DSSA carrier Four Monuments Corner. Reaching it I had to progress many light years towards the South-West and I still was many thousand light years away from human civilization.

Four Corners Monument is located inside Ryker’s Hope, where this sector meets the three neighbouring sectors. I used the following day visiting the three other sectors and spent one more night on board of the carrier before heading out towards the West again.

This was the location, where I realized, that there were a split, a fork of realities of the ED-Universe, leading to at least two completely independent entities of myself, Aldarion 3TwoAlpha: one in version 3.8 and one in version 4.0.

If I moved one of them towards some inhabited spaces, this would mean the other one were more or less stuck at a lonely fleet carrier far from everything, eventually becoming a curiosity for the few commanders reaching the carrier. If I were staying somewhere on track in my ship, this situation possibly could and would lead to one of the entities starving due to lacking energy and oxygen sooner or later. I did not like either possibilities. In fact I did like these even less than having to move both entities in different versions of the ED Milky Way without any connections. I realized, the best option would be to move towards some nice part of the galaxy, where the 3.8-commander could enjoy some early retirement including some action every now and then by starting from a comfortable location. The Colonies always were a place I liked, the so-called Mini-Bubble. Would I be able to reach such a far place before the ED-Galaxy were split?

Trip towards the Centre-Bottom

On my trip towards the very low elevations under the galactic plain at the centre, not too far away from and under the Galactic Plain I found a beautiful, colourful gas giant containing water based life: The narrow cloud belts with high contrasts and the cyclones between these linear flows of streams were a remarkable, stunning view. The planet is located in Stuemeae SI-B C13-4303 1 and the following image shows the sight:

Stuemeae SI-B C13-4303 1

The following image shows a selection of a few life forms on planetary surfaces I found following the path towards the lower located systems.

Planetary Surfaces and Life Forms