Profil komandéra DrToxic > Flotila > Type-10 Defender [#53]

Jméno komandéra:
Současná loď:
Keeper of the Stars [drt-e1]
(Asp Explorer)
Členem od:
26. 8. 2016
Vzdáleností potvrzeno:
Navštíveno systémů:
19 812
Systémů objevených jako první:
14 971
4 070 257 375 Cr
Type-10 Defender [#53]
Rock collector [mineco]
0 / 400
Odkazy na vybavení:
Statistiky lodi
Doskok Váha
Max Prázdná Naložená Prázdný Naložen Trup Prázdná Naložená
20,10 ly 19,51 ly 15,87 ly 99,00 ly 80,33 ly 1 200 t 1 683 t 2 147 t
Rychlost Boost Minimální hmotnost Optimální hmotnost Maximální hmotnost Optimální násobič
188 m/s 230 m/s 1 080 t 2 160 t 3 240 t 100,00%
Integrity Explosive Resistance Kinetic Resistance Thermal Resistance Caustic Resistance
2 659 -33,09%  (1 998) -14,08%  (2 331) 4,94%  (2 797) 0,00%  (2 659)
Core internal
Status Priority Výdrž Energie Váha
Reactor bay [8A] Power Plant
On 1 100% 36 MW 89,58 % 80 t
Bulkheads [1I] Lightweight Alloy
On 1 100% 0 t
Military compartment [5D] Hull Reinforcement Package
On 1 100% 16 t
Military compartment [5D] Hull Reinforcement Package
On 1 100% 16 t
Thruster mounting [7A] Thrusters
On 100% 9,12 MW 25,33 % 80 t
FSD housing [7A] Frame Shift Drive
On 100% 0,9 MW 2,5 % 80 t
Environment control [5D] Life Support
On 100% 0,64 MW 1,78 % 8 t
Power coupling [7A] Power Distributor
On 100% 0,89 MW 2,47 % 80 t
Sensor suite [4D] Sensors
On 100% 0,31 MW 0,86 % 4 t
Fuel store [6C] Fuel Tank
On 1 100% 0 t
Optional internal
Status Priority Výdrž Energie Váha
Internal slot (Max class 8) [8E] Cargo Rack
On 1 100% 0 t
Internal slot (Max class 7) [7E] Cargo Rack
On 1 100% 0 t
Internal slot (Max class 6) [6A] Shield Generator
On 100% 4,34 MW 12,06 % 40 t
Internal slot (Max class 5) [5A] Fuel Scoop
On 3 100% 0,7 MW 1,94 % 0 t
Internal slot (Max class 4) [4A] Refinery
On 100% 0,57 MW 1,58 % 0 t
Internal slot (Max class 4) [4E] Cargo Rack
On 1 100% 0 t
Internal slot (Max class 3) [3A] Collector Limpet Controller
On 100% 0,48 MW 1,33 % 8 t
Internal slot (Max class 3) [3A] Collector Limpet Controller
On 1 100% 0,48 MW 1,33 % 8 t
Internal slot (Max class 2) [1A] Prospector Limpet Controller
On 100% 0,28 MW 0,78 % 1,3 t
Internal slot (Max class 1) [1C] Detailed Surface Scanner
On 100% 0 t
Status Priority Výdrž Energie Váha
Large hardpoint [3C] Multi-Cannon (Gimbal)
On 100% 0,97 MW 2,69 % 8 t
Large hardpoint [3C] Multi-Cannon (Gimbal)
On 100% 0,97 MW 2,69 % 8 t
Large hardpoint [3C] Multi-Cannon (Gimbal)
On 100% 0,97 MW 2,69 % 8 t
Large hardpoint [3C] Multi-Cannon (Gimbal)
On 100% 0,97 MW 2,69 % 8 t
Medium hardpoint [2B] Seismic Charge (Turret)
On 100% 1,2 MW 3,33 % 4 t
Medium hardpoint [2D] Mining Laser (Fixed)
On 100% 0,75 MW 2,08 % 2 t
Medium hardpoint [2D] Mining Laser (Fixed)
On 100% 0,75 MW 2,08 % 2 t
Small hardpoint [1B] Sub-Surface Displacement Missile (Fixed)
On 100% 0,42 MW 1,17 % 2 t
Small hardpoint [1D] Abrasion Blaster (Fixed)
On 100% 0,34 MW 0,94 % 2 t
Status Priority Výdrž Energie Váha
Tiny hardpoint [0A] Shield Booster
On 100% 1,2 MW 3,33 % 3,5 t
Tiny hardpoint [0A] Shield Booster
On 100% 1,2 MW 3,33 % 3,5 t
Tiny hardpoint [0I] Chaff Launcher
On 100% 0,2 MW 0,56 % 1,3 t
Tiny hardpoint [0I] Chaff Launcher
On 100% 0,2 MW 0,56 % 1,3 t
Tiny hardpoint [0I] Point Defence
On 100% 0,2 MW 0,56 % 0,5 t
Tiny hardpoint [0I] Point Defence
On 100% 0,2 MW 0,56 % 0,5 t
Tiny hardpoint [0A] Shield Booster
On 100% 1,2 MW 3,33 % 3,5 t
Tiny hardpoint [0A] Shield Booster
On 100% 1,2 MW 3,33 % 3,5 t