Profil komandéra cybulius maximus > Flotila > Mamba [#103]

Jméno komandéra:
Současná loď:
hand of the far god [CY-09E]
(Imperial Clipper)
Členem od:
28. 3. 2019
Vzdáleností potvrzeno:
Navštíveno systémů:
40 556
Systémů objevených jako první:
19 040
42 264 000 348 Cr
Mamba [#103]
nuisance value [CY-12M]
0 / 0
Odkazy na vybavení:
Statistiky lodi
Doskok Váha
Max Prázdná Naložená Prázdný Naložen Trup Prázdná Naložená
18,93 ly 18,74 ly 18,74 ly 53,50 ly 53,50 ly 250 t 490 t 498 t
Rychlost Boost Minimální hmotnost Optimální hmotnost Maximální hmotnost Optimální násobič
491 m/s 601 m/s 368 t 735 t 1 103 t 145,60%
Integrity Explosive Resistance Kinetic Resistance Thermal Resistance Caustic Resistance
1 390 -14,16%  (1 218) 9,98%  (1 544) 18,46%  (1 705) 0,00%  (1 390)
Core internal
Status Priority Výdrž Energie Váha
Reactor bay [6A] Power Plant
Armoured (Grade 4) + Stripped Down
On 1 100% 27,72 MW 85,86 % 20,88 t
Bulkheads [1I] Military Grade Composite
Heavy Duty (Grade 5) + Angled Plating
On 1 100% 49,4 t
Thruster mounting [5A] Thrusters
Dirty Drive Tuning (Grade 5) + Drag Drives
On 100% 6,85 MW 24,73 % 20 t
FSD housing [4A] Frame Shift Drive
Increased FSD Range (Grade 5) + Mass Manager
On 100% 0,52 MW 1,87 % 13 t
Environment control [4D] Life Support
Misc Lightweight (Grade 4)
On 3 100% 0,56 MW 2,02 % 1 t
Power coupling [6A] Power Distributor
High Charge Capacity (Grade 5) + Cluster Capacitors
On 100% 0,82 MW 2,96 % 40 t
Sensor suite [4D] Sensors
Light Weight Scanner (Grade 4)
On 3 100% 0,31 MW 1,12 % 1,4 t
Fuel store [3C] Fuel Tank
On 1 100% 0 t
Optional internal
Status Priority Výdrž Energie Váha
Internal slot (Max class 5) [5C] Bi-Weave Shield Generator
Reinforced (Grade 5) + Fast Charge
On 100% 2,6 MW 9,38 % 20 t
Internal slot (Max class 4) [4D] Guardian Shield Reinforcement
On 100% 1,05 MW 3,79 % 8 t
Internal slot (Max class 3) [3D] Guardian Shield Reinforcement
On 100% 0,84 MW 3,03 % 4 t
Internal slot (Max class 2) [2D] Hull Reinforcement Package
Heavy Duty (Grade 5) + Deep Plating
On 1 100% 2,8 t
Internal slot (Max class 2) [2D] Module Reinforcement Package
On 1 100% 2 t
Internal slot (Max class 1) [1E] Standard Docking Computer
On 4 100% 0,39 MW 1,41 % 0 t
Status Priority Výdrž Energie Váha
Huge hardpoint [3C] Pacifier Frag-Cannon (Fixed, Powerplay)
Double Shot (Grade 5) + Drag Munitions
On 100% 1,02 MW 3,68 % 8 t
Large hardpoint [3C] Pacifier Frag-Cannon (Fixed, Powerplay)
Double Shot (Grade 5) + Incendiary Rounds
On 100% 1,02 MW 3,68 % 8 t
Large hardpoint [3C] Pacifier Frag-Cannon (Fixed, Powerplay)
Double Shot (Grade 5) + Dazzle Shell
On 100% 1,02 MW 3,68 % 8 t
Small hardpoint [1F] Cytoscrambler Burst Laser (Fixed, Powerplay)
Long-Range Weapon (Grade 5) + Thermal Shock
On 100% 0,92 MW 3,32 % 2,6 t
Small hardpoint [1F] Cytoscrambler Burst Laser (Fixed, Powerplay)
Long-Range Weapon (Grade 5) + Thermal Shock
On 100% 0,92 MW 3,32 % 2,6 t
Status Priority Výdrž Energie Váha
Tiny hardpoint [0A] Shield Booster
Heavy Duty (Grade 5) + Flow Control
On 1 100% 1,35 MW 4,87 % 14 t
Tiny hardpoint [0A] Shield Booster
Kinetic Resistant (Grade 5) + Force Block
On 1 100% 1,2 MW 4,33 % 3,5 t
Tiny hardpoint [0A] Shield Booster
Resistance Augmented (Grade 5) + Super Capacitors
On 1 100% 1,5 MW 5,41 % 3,5 t
Tiny hardpoint [0A] Shield Booster
Thermal Resistant (Grade 5) + Thermo Block
On 1 100% 1,2 MW 4,33 % 3,5 t
Tiny hardpoint [0I] Heat Sink Launcher
Ammo Capacity (Grade 1)
On 4 100% 0,2 MW 0,72 % 2,6 t
Tiny hardpoint [0D] Kill Warrant Scanner
Fast Scanner (Grade 5)
On 100% 0,4 MW 1,44 % 1,3 t