HIP 113430 [#1110005746035]

Grant Penal colony [#3790542848]
Planetarer Außenposten
HIP 113430 C 2 (10.082 Ls)
Koordinaten: -46.5478 / -98.8146


Apex Interstellar Transport, Contacts, Frontline Solutions, Missions, Pioneer Supplies, Refuel, Repair, Restock, Search and Rescue, Tuning, Universal Cartographics, Vista Genomics

Letztes Update: 17.10.23 20:10

Optional Internal

Shield Generators Integrity Mass Power Price
1A Prismatic Shield Generator (Powerplay) An alternative shield generator that has higher than normal strength but requires a higher power draw and weight allowance. 48 2,6 t 2,52 MW ??
2A Prismatic Shield Generator (Powerplay) An alternative shield generator that has higher than normal strength but requires a higher power draw and weight allowance. 61 5 t 3,15 MW ??
3A Prismatic Shield Generator (Powerplay) An alternative shield generator that has higher than normal strength but requires a higher power draw and weight allowance. 77 10 t 3,78 MW ??
4A Prismatic Shield Generator (Powerplay) An alternative shield generator that has higher than normal strength but requires a higher power draw and weight allowance. 96 20 t 4,62 MW ??
5A Prismatic Shield Generator (Powerplay) An alternative shield generator that has higher than normal strength but requires a higher power draw and weight allowance. 115 40 t 5,46 MW ??
6A Prismatic Shield Generator (Powerplay) An alternative shield generator that has higher than normal strength but requires a higher power draw and weight allowance. 136 80 t 6,51 MW ??
7A Prismatic Shield Generator (Powerplay) An alternative shield generator that has higher than normal strength but requires a higher power draw and weight allowance. 157 160 t 7,35 MW ??
8A Prismatic Shield Generator (Powerplay) An alternative shield generator that has higher than normal strength but requires a higher power draw and weight allowance. 180 320 t 8,4 MW ??