Skogulumari [#5031789073122]

Komarov Legacy [#3791731200]
Planetarer Außenposten
Skogulumari A 3 (351 Ls)
Koordinaten: 8.11734 / 76.6848


Apex Interstellar Transport, Contacts, Crew Lounge, Frontline Solutions, Missions, Pioneer Supplies, Refuel, Repair, Restock, Search and Rescue, Tuning, Universal Cartographics, Vista Genomics


Narcotics, Battle Weapons, Combat Stabilisers, Imperial Slaves, Slaves, Tobacco
Letztes Update: 17.02.23 16:57

Optional Internal

Shield Generators Integrity Mass Power Price
1A Prismatic Shield Generator (Powerplay) An alternative shield generator that has higher than normal strength but requires a higher power draw and weight allowance. 48 2,6 t 2,52 MW ??
2A Prismatic Shield Generator (Powerplay) An alternative shield generator that has higher than normal strength but requires a higher power draw and weight allowance. 61 5 t 3,15 MW ??
3A Prismatic Shield Generator (Powerplay) An alternative shield generator that has higher than normal strength but requires a higher power draw and weight allowance. 77 10 t 3,78 MW ??
4A Prismatic Shield Generator (Powerplay) An alternative shield generator that has higher than normal strength but requires a higher power draw and weight allowance. 96 20 t 4,62 MW ??
5A Prismatic Shield Generator (Powerplay) An alternative shield generator that has higher than normal strength but requires a higher power draw and weight allowance. 115 40 t 5,46 MW ??
6A Prismatic Shield Generator (Powerplay) An alternative shield generator that has higher than normal strength but requires a higher power draw and weight allowance. 136 80 t 6,51 MW ??
7A Prismatic Shield Generator (Powerplay) An alternative shield generator that has higher than normal strength but requires a higher power draw and weight allowance. 157 160 t 7,35 MW ??
8A Prismatic Shield Generator (Powerplay) An alternative shield generator that has higher than normal strength but requires a higher power draw and weight allowance. 180 320 t 8,4 MW ??