KDT. Firephoenix905 Profil > Logbuch

Aktuelles Schiff:
Promise [FI-15B]
(Beluga Liner)
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Fire's Log 007 - Beginning

4/26/3306 22:28

Entry # 007

Heh. 007. Anyone watch those relics of movies from almost a thousand years ago? They're surprisingly cheap to buy. Guess I'm into old stuff. Any who, I hope all of your days have been well. Today I'm not writing from my Beluga, but from my SRV. More on that soon. Toady was the start of Eastern Promise. Myself and 20 or so other explorers all gathered around the supermassive black hole and all lined up together. We all chatted for a bit as the expedition officially began. It was amazing to see all of the different ships out in middle of the galaxy. We had Diamond Back Explorers, ASP Explorers, Corvettes, and plenty of Anacondas. The mass jump was a fun event to participate in, officially kicking off the journey that I have been preparing for during the last few weeks. Once we all completed the mass jump, we set out on our own paths to our first waypoint. Considering we have almost a week to get there, my plan is to go at a nice leisurely pace and truly take in all of the things that the galaxy has to offer. I began heading out from Explorer's Anchorage, and only a few jumps in, I found a fun planet to check out. It was a ringed high metal content planet that has 1.66G. I've never tried landing on a planet with more than 1G, so I immediately was up for the challenge. After almost crashing once, I managed to get my Beluga onto the surface of the planet at the base of a giant almost mountain in the middle of a crater. You can guess why I'm in an SRV now, right? I'm having a fun mountaineering experience attempting to climb up this almost vertical face in my SRV on a planet with a gravitational pull higher than Earth. I'm maybe halfway up the mountain, but I hope to peak tomorrow and continue on my journey. Today was a new beginning. Something that I will remember for the rest of my time in space. Today was the beginning of my first expedition, and my journey with Promise. I hope to talk to you all tomorrow again with a happy face and more good things to tell you all. Until tomorrow Commanders.


Fire's Log 006 - Destination

4/25/3306 20:11

Entry # 006

Good evening everyone. After several days of non-stop travel, I finally reached my preliminary destination of Explorer's Anchorage. Hundreds of neutrons later, I finally made it. The Promise and I saw many things never seen before, discovered loads of systems and planets, and learned some new valuable lessons. Before arriving at Explorer's Anchorage, I visited the supermassive black hole. I was always told that it was amazing, and that it was worth seeing for yourself. I never realized how true that was. I almost jumped out of my seat as I jumped into the system for the first time. It genuinely scared me how close the black hole was to me as I jumped out. It was beautiful, just as everyone said. The reflective properties of the black hole were of something I've never seen before. It was all so unique and interesting. I look forward to tomorrow as the expedition gets underway. I look forward to the party and the coordinated jump at the start of the expedition. It will be a new experience for me, and one I very much look forward to. I hope to tell you all good things tomorrow night, as the first day of Eastern Promise is underway. Until tomorrow Commanders.


Fire'sLog 005 - Watching

4/24/3306 22:57

Entry # 005

Greetings Commanders. The day concludes once again after a long day of travel. I near the galactic core, but I'm still a few thousand lightyears away. With the start of Eastern Promise less than 48 hours away, I'm beginning to grow quite excited. The time I've been waiting on for several weeks is now just around the corner. Today was more travel and discovery. I found some new systems a few thousand lightyears from Colonia, and hopped between neutrons as I continue my journey. It's now that I really begin to love my Beluga even more. Of course it's a large ship, and the range is arguably mediocre, but the ship is just too much fun to fly. Something about flying a huge ship around the galaxy is just fun to me. As I traveled today, getting ever closer to the galactic center, I noticed the density of the stars increased exponentially. As I jumped into different systems and got up to speed, the starts of different systems lightyears away began to slowly move. They're so unbelievably close to each other that even though I'm in another system, my perspective of them still changes as I move. They're truly all around me. Hundreds upon thousands of stars that have yet to be seen up close by anyone in the entire galaxy. Thousands of unique and special locations never seen before by an explorer. The way the stars move across space make them almost seem like eyes, watching my every move, making sure that I don't violate the ancient laws of space. They're always watching, no matter where you are. They see everything. I look forward to finally getting to the galactic center tomorrow. I look forward to seeing the supermassive black hole for myself the first time. Until tomorrow Commanders.


Fire’s Log 004 - Endeavor

4/22/3306 21:58

Entry # 004

Good evening Commanders. It’s been a long day of exploring and travel. Today I made a few milestones. I discovered my first Water World, and Earth Like World, and I made it to Colonia for the first time. After days of travel I finally made it to Colonia with very minimal hull or internal damage. The journey to Colonia taught me something important. Being an Explorer is not for the faint of heart, nor for those who always have to be somewhere in a hurry. It’s for those who will put in the extra hours, to go the extra distance, to reach a destination. Exploration is about slowing down and taking in the sights and the views that the planets in our galaxy have to offer. After a quick stop in Colonia, I have headed out toward the Galactic Center to view the supermassive black hole, and reach Explorer’s Anchorage. With only 4 days until Eastern Promise departs, I could never be more excited to explore. It’s a wonderful thing. It’s an experience like no other that words can only begin to describe. It’s an endeavor. I hope to reach the Galactic Core tomorrow, and be ready for the journey that awaits. Until tomorrow Commanders.


Fire’s Log 003 - They’re Always There

4/21/3306 21:47

Entry # 003

Good evening Commanders. I currently sit approximately 40 jumps away from Colonia. Due to sidetracking to explore and take in the sights, I’ve run a little behind my intended schedule. I was intending on reaching Colonia today, but that may wait until tomorrow. I still have until Sunday before Eastern Promise is underway. Today was very fun, relaxing, and certainly in solitude. Being in the middle of nowhere with no one around for hundreds of light years truly brings a new meaning to being alone. There’s no one to explore with, chat with or do really anything with. I’m glad I decided to go on a long expedition with others. I look forward to the funny moments and friendships I’ll make on the journey. Today, I exited the Inner Orion Spur, and as the galaxy grew more dense, it was amazing to see how many starts there were all around me. You could look anywhere and there would be hundreds upon hundreds of stars. It almost hurts my eyes with so many white dots in view. It’s amazing to think how they’ve always been there. Even back around Sol, they’re still right where they are now. It’s like they’re covered in a shade of darkness that you can only begin to see through as you get closer. It almost gives you a reward for adventuring into the unknown. They’re always there, but you never get to see them until you push through the dark shade that’s hiding their beauty. They’re always there. Always. Until tomorrow Commanders.


Fire's Log 002 - Everyone is Different

4/20/3306 19:55

Entry # 002 - Everyone is Different

Everything in the galaxy was made by chance. Everything that we've seen an done was against incredible odds. Even though a lot of things are up to chance, the end of a day is not up to such odds. It's definite. As today ends I have made just under half my journey to Colonia with the Neutron Highway. I ended up discovering my first solar system today. It's amazing to think about the fact you just discovered a humongous body of mass that no one in the entire universe has seen before. It's your own little treasure that few will ever see. It was a unique experience I look forward to repeating. Jumping between Neutrons was quite dull at times. They're all the same. They all look the same and give you the same boost so you can go to another Neutron Star to do it again. I almost savored the times where I had to make a few jumps between the Neutrons just to see the planets and suns. Even though there was certainly a lot of repetition in the day, I began to notice something that was interesting. I noticed after a while that every Neutron is unique. It honestly wasn't obvious at first, and some would probably scold me for only just now realizing, but as I progressed I realized that every Neutron was not like the one before. Whether it be the size of the cone, or the speed in which it spins, every one was different. It made the long trip more bearable, and the Neutrons more fascinating to look at. It shows that difference can make something much more exciting than it was before. Maybe that's why we've been able to sustain life for this long as humans. Maybe because it's for the same reason that Neutrons are easier to bear for me now; Everyone is different. A strange lesson learned, and thousands of light years traveled, I now head to the sleeping quarters to get sufficient rest for tomorrow's journey. Until tomorrow Commanders.


Fire’s Log 001 - Good Morning

4/20/3306 18:51

Entry # 001 - Good Morning

Hello Commanders. My name is Fire. It’s a pleasure to meet you all. It’s time for my departure. I’m the commander of a Beluga Liner that I have named “Promise” after the expedition I’m about to embark on. With a maximum range of 55 Light Years, it’s now that I begin my journey for the first time to Colonia, then to Explorer’s Anchorage. I don’t expect the journey to be easy, but I hope to see some interesting sights along the way. With 6 days until the Eastern Promise expedition begins, I intend to enjoy my first large steps outside of the bubble before the beginning of Eastern Promise. I’ve made all of the necessary preparations for the 2 months I’ll be away from the bubble. It will be my first expedition, but I look forward to the sights, experiences and challenges it will bring. I hope to bring you all along for the ride with me, and share my findings outside the bubble. See you all soon.
