KDT. Lazarus Kerman Profil > Logbuch

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Flea [Laz-dw]
(Krait Phantom)
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It's been 2 years. I've not been on the bubble side of Sag A for over 2 years. Getting closer now, I hope I still know how to dock in a station. Haven't heard a human voice in over 2 years. Let's hope civilisation is still there...

Distant worlds 2 Update

Made a mad dash for the mineral spheres, my first lagrange cloud, and these spaceballs, so mesmerizing. Using my Spaceballs, the camera, I took some very nice shots, for the scientists back home to scrutinize, and a full range of scans on the composition of these things. Strange readings, do not know what to make of it. After that I set out to anchorage, almost at the destination I found a weird signal in a system about 2 jumps out of anchorage. More life, More molusks. They seem to be sentient, coming up to my canopy, and peering in. (Peering? Sensing? Don't see any eye like structures on the thing). It seems they co-exists with the metallic crytal structures found in the outer skirts of the rings on a gas giant. Makes you wonder about all the things out there that we have no idea about... They probably don't have any idea about us as well. Probably. Hopefully?

Docked at Anchorage, spent some time just looking at the ships coming in and going out. I'd never expected this much traffic this far out of the bubble. There's nothing out there. Where are these sidewinders going to?

Time for a beer, and some good nights rest in some artificial gravity. Beter then sleeping in zero G I guess.... I should find a nice 1G planet one of these days to spend a few days of R&R on ...

Distant worlds 2

week 3 of the expedition,

After helping out with the mining and bounty hunting, I took a little sidetrip outside the main highway. Exploring as I go, a short visit into the temple region, then off to seqcuanga outpost or whatever this backwater outpost is called. I received notifcation of the next waypoint. I'm coming in from the opposite side. A few hour later I arrive at the abandoned site. The datascans tells a horrible tale of what went down here. I hope I won't suffer the same fate. Free loot though, whoopee.

I will backtrack to the previous waypoint, and then make my way back, along the POI's that were featured in the datapacket brochure. I think I've deserved just being a tourist for a few days, and taking in the sights.

Cmdr Laz out o7