KDT. Torquille Profil > Logbuch

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Season 3

Season 3 is only slightly longer - distance wise - then first two. It has some 471 ly from the initial system of the season, Byoo Briae LF-P b19-0 to the last, Bla Byoe KM-N a116-0. I am finally starting to feel like an explorer though, as most of the planets here are not mapped and I even found one yet undiscovered system in second part of my journey through the season's systems. Not that it was sorth much which was the main reason why the discovered planets were not mapped - most of the planets here are Ice Bodies - but it is nice change anyway.

As far as my memories to the original story goes, third season is a bit sad one for me. Traitor Seska makes a grand entrance in a dual episode at the beginning with yet another Kazon attack, there are also several interesting time shift or flashback episodes through the season. Q Continuum makes its appearance again. However, most what I remmeber from this season is Kes, as this is the last time it is fully seen in Voyager before she fell victim of producents not willing to pay more for actors in fourth season, where Seven of Nine taken precedence. While Seven is definitely interesting character too, I liked Kes more and missed her almost as much as Neelix in rest of the series. The Doctor just made himself a holodeck family as many other experimental programs later in the series - so he probably survived the exchange rather well.

Season 2

Entire second season was also rather fast to fly through, it spans just little under 400 ly point to point betweeen systems Byoo Briae TY-Q c18-0 and Byoo Briae LF-P b19-0. Of course, lot happens between these systems on USS Voyager - season kick off with finding buch of so called "The 37's", group of humans in stasis (including Amelia Earhart), abducted originally from Earth in 1930's by now also lost alien race. There are several episodes with Kazon, as well as some which allows us to better know members of the crew, especially Kes, Chakotay, Harry Kim, Tom Paris, B'Elanna Torres and of course - my favourite, The Doctor. Q Continuum makes its appearance and near the end of the season also one of the probably morally most disturbing episodes of Voyager - Tuvix, where Neelix and Tuvok gets merged by teleporter accident which creates a new being.

Captain Janeway of course gets featured a lot too. She is type of a person I can respect and definitely a strong women (rare type in the era, expecially in Star Trek), however I found her too much relying on procedure too much, forgetting that she is also supposed to be a human. I therefore never liked the character that much.

In any case, it is becoming apparent that stars are more frequent here and I encountered a few which were yet unmapped, although not yet the type which would be worth mapping. But the exploration of the journey is again becoming something to look forward to.

Season 1

I was finished with first season of the Voyager rather quickly, as all it needed was to travel from Byoo Bryae CW-C c26-0 to Byoo Bryae TY-Q c18-0 - only some 342 ly journey. Of course, that is not the entire episode, just the part which is actually possible to recreate in ED, as Ocampa homeworld where Voyager first ends up is some 70 000 ly away from Sol and unreachable for us. Also, I was not hunted by Kazon nor sabotaged by traitorous former crewmembers. Still, the fact that we are able to travel that fast is awesome.

I noticed that this part of the journey was actually rather dull, as stars are still relatively scarce and waypoints of the Trail are close together here. Even though explorers have usually very varied ships, there is simply not enough space here for us all to find something new and flying here is more like flying inside The Bubble - everything is already explored and mostly even mapped (or worthless). Further ahead, when Voyager starts using more experimental means of tranportation, it should get more interesting from exploration side of the journey.

Voyager's Reach

I finally made it to Voyager's Reach at Byoo Briae CW-C c26-0, little over 61 000 ly from Sol. Technically my journey is at its starting point now, despite being in half ly-wise and almost precisely a month on the way. It is still a great achievement for me, I never was so far in the deep space before. Now I will fly back to Sol following Voyager's Trail. Voyager's Reach

DSSA Alvin's Rest

When I made it into the Blia Chraei QU-M c21-0 system, I found DSSA Alvin's Rest orbiting around an ice body more then 400 000 ls from the main star. Given that it is slightly over 55 000 ly, anybody who strays that far is not likely to be bothered by it though. It is my last stop before the Voyager's Reach - and some time after that on the return journey too - so I made all the necessary repairs and sold all the cartography data I collected from my last stop. I finally made an exploration Elite thanks to that.DSSA Alvin's Rest Now all it remains from the journey "there" is some 7770 ly of more or less direct journey - as far as it is possible in these parts of Milky Way. I will then continue to Sol through Voyager's Trail, without any further stops along the way at least until the point where Voyager used Borg technology to directly jump some 30 000 ly straight to Sol (or at least that is the plan, we will se how it will go).


I finally entered Acheron region in the system Prie Bre QX-A c14-0. Stars are getting really scarce here, my jumps have very variable range because of it sometimes and that almost entirely deep black sky all around is not something for weak souls. I should be getting close to DSSA Alvin's Rest now, realtively speaking that is. It is still more then 1000 ly away from me, but I am cutting that distance away with every next explored system.

Closing on Acheron

I am getting near the Acheron region, so it will soon be my last chance vor some sidetracking before reaching Voyager's Reach. I decided to plan this one out this time, so I set course for DSSA Alvin's Rest on the borders of The Veils and Acheron. I want to make some repairs there as well as sell all the cartographics data I have on me. Of course, near is relative term around here - it is still some 10000 ly away. Then I will have only Voyager's Reach before me - and entire way back of course.

The Veils

I am officially past two thirds of my journey to the Voyager's Reach - and I also finally made it out of Arcadian Stream, this time for good (at least as far as journey there is concerned). I entered The Veils in Prie Aoscs TI-O b47-2 system, nearly 42 000 ly far from Sol. I should now just cross them into the Acheron where the Voyager's Reach is located.

DSSA Callisto

As I am near two thirds of my journey to the Voyager's Reach, I made another stop for maintenance and some refreshments - this time at DSSA Callisto, Fleet Carrier cruising around the Phraa Blao HO-S c20-7 system little over 36000 ly from Sol. I must say, even though I have no use for them, these FLeet Carriers really do look majestic.DSSA Callisto

After that I set up the return journey to my original patch. Although DSSA Callisto was not far from my patch, I set up to meet her from almost 9000 ly afar so I will again skip several waypoints again. I should join up with my original travel plan at Hypi Bre IW-E d11-67 without any need to backtrack.

Empyrian Straits

It seems someone is watching my journey after all - though I have yet to decide if he/she/it is making fun of me or wants to help. Shortly after I complained about being bored by Arcadian Stream and wanting some change, I suddenly and unexpectedly entered Empyrian Straits, in the system Sphaukea VD-A a96-6 - unexpectedly because both my last and next waypoints were in Arcadian Stream. Within a few jumps I returned back to the Stream of course, but it was a nice change nevertheless.