KDT. Torquille Profil > Logbuch

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Free at Last

I started my expedition today at Lombi. It should be called Limbo more like, as far as I am concerned; there was no plan really in my starting point as such, unlike my previous journeys. I was simply at the place when I decided to start my expedition. Specifically at Xin Hub, because I needed material trader there to do some final upgrades on my Anaconda.

Now that I am sitting at Aucocks systems at my first waypoint on route to Sagittarius A, I am realizing, there is really no point for me to ever return to core systems again. My Eternal Wonderer is now at the point where further upgrades are possible, yes, but unnecessary; more cosmetic then with any real impact. And there is nothing more to gain in here really anymore, as no better ship for me then I already have exists either. I can finally do what I always wanted, to just freely travel from one point to another, never to be binded by demands of quests, factions and society in general. I will of course stop on stations and carriers occasionally to make repairs and sell my cartography data, but that is all I need, and I can find some place for that almost anywhere.

So I guess this is it then. The same way I never returned to my starting system Eravate, once I headed out of it for adventure elswhere, I will now seek my adventure out there on the wilder parts of Milky Way. For now, Sagittarius A and then Beagle Point are before me, and after that - whatever I will have a mood for, I guess. :-) But in any case, no need to plan for return journey this time and I can just enjoy myself. :-)

Finally heading for the Beagle Point

It was quite while since I made my last journal, but engineering things was a bit bore and there was nothing to write about. I also caught quite a nasty version of the virus which was rampaging through section of the galaxy where I was colllecting some elements for next upgrades, and spent several months in isolation, with my ship locked down in a dock (now that was NOT fun at all - neither of us are kind of girl who like to be kept in bed by force).

I am still recovering from it to tell the truth, and tire easily, but I am also itching for some free space around me after being locked in a tight room for so long. As my Eternal Wonderer's upgrades are pretty much finished (all important ones anyway, I can live without the rest) I decided it is time for some recuperation journey. So I am heading straight to the Beagle Point, more or less - I want to take a look on Sagittarius A on the journey as well. It is almost incredible, giving the time I am flying around this galaxy, that I did not yet managed to get to either place. The expedition should give me enough time to get my strength back. And it will certainly get far enough from any irritating doctor who may try to keep me in bed.:-)

I am still figuring out what my return journey will look like, but that is something which I can solve later. For now, important thing is, I am finally getting out of here. :-)

Eternal Wonderer in Action

After putting some thought into it, I eventually decided to put almost 1 000 000 000 of credits I got from the Voayger expedition (after expenses like repairs, fuel and such) to bright new Anaconda. My Krait Mk2 did a wonderful job considering its 48 ly jump range, and I am keeping it because - let's face it - it is just joy to fly and I put lot of effort into engineering it. But for expeditions like this, I just need something which can get over long distances much quicker and - considering my flying style (that is, the kind "hey that is a nice view over there, oh shit, that sun was much closer that I though AAAAA") it needs to be able to withstand some damage and have some range. So Anaconda it is, although Phantom was quite tempting - but it just do not have the endurance I need. I named it Eternal Wonderer, which kind of sums up me, my flying style and also the ship's purpose. I am now gonna engineer the hell out of it, so I will probably not be doing any logs for a while. :-) Eternal Wonderer

Back in Sol - Season 7 End

I have done it! It has not really hit home yet I guess, I do not feel it really. But the journey copying the USS Voyager - to the Voyager's Reach and Back, whole 135 000 ly or so - is finished. It took me half a year and a lot had happened in those months. Aside a lot of new discoveries here in ED I also served in military of my country duric word-wide pandemic, came out openly as a trans woman and officialy started my transition, both started working on and finished my first fantasy novel as an editor and also - after eleven years pause - again restored my guitar, started practicing on it and even also partially recorded a new song. I also wrote my first ever poem in foreign language. I have no idea why people tend to say nothing ever happens out there in the black. :-)

Back in Inner Orion Spur!

I am back! Nearly, that is. I still have almost 9 000 ly or so to Sol, but after many months of travelling I entered Inner Orion Spur from Norma Expanse again today at Prua Hypai CV-W b31-0 system. It kinda feels like being at home again, although for now the systems around me are still entirely empty. But it should get more lively soon.

The Lemon Drop

I decided to make one final Fleet Carrier pit stop on my journey, to upload exploration data to Universal Cartographics and to make some repairs. I have chosen to land at The Lemon Drop in the Gleeque HW-N e6-149 system, which was nearby. Also, I had not yet visited this one. I must say I really like its color. :-) I also used the occasion to repair my paint. I know many pilots prefer to have a worn one to show that they really have some miles on them, but not all of us are scruffy nerfherders. I prefer to look pretty myself.

The Lemon Drop

At any rate, now the only thing left is journey home to Sol. It is some 26 000 ly or so, more or less direct. Unless something unexpected occurs of course. You never know here in the deep space.

Season 6

Unlike season 5, season 6 is very short (at least when comes to the actual lenght the USS Voyager got to travel through the episode). The whole season is developing on some 1 238 ly between Eos Chruia LG-C c1-16 and Pheia Auscs TQ-I b9-51.

At the beginning the Voyager have an encounter with federation science vessel Equinox, which ended up in the Delta Region the same way like Voyager, but their approach to the situation turned out to be very different. Later in the season Tom Paris is obsessed with a shuttle which have a mind of its own. There are several holodeck episodes of various kind and also episode about spacetime flow difference. Doctor becomes temporarily an opera star. There is episode with The Rock as a guest star. Kes returns one more time, and attempts to change time. In one of my favourite episodes Doctor is sent via uplink to treat his creator Lewis Zimmerman to Alpha Quadrant, because he is dying from deadly ilness - and patient (with the same happy personality the Doctor have) is not at all happy about it. :-)

Season 5

I finally managed to get through the entire 32 938 ly of the season 5 of the USS Voyager's journey. Starting at Pri Chrea FP-V b29-0 and ending at Eos Chriua LG-C c1-16, with three long jumps.

First jump is 2500 ly long, from Prie Chrea WC-Z b26-1 to Hyie Chiae IY-F b38-0. Right at the beginning of the season Voyager enters "The Void" - region of space where starlight is completely shrouded - and encounters the Malon. There the crew have to fight against the aliens which made The Void their home, in the end escaping through the Malon Vortex which shortens their journey for 2500 ly.

Later when Voyager uses experimental slipstream technology to get all the way home, but it ends up crashed and frozen on an ice planet. Chakotay with Harry Kim have to travel back in time several times to rescue both ship and the crew, in the end resulting in the smaller, 10 000 ly long jump which everyone survives. It takes Voyager from Hyie Chiae MN-S c17-2 to Plae Free CW-E c11-80.

Third jump is between Plae Free JS-K c8-34 and Eos Chruia XS-T b7-2, where Voyager encounters the Borg again. After some heated moments captain Janeway manages to steal Transwarp Coil from disabled Borg ship and make 20 000 ly jump this time.

On-The-Road Repairs

Fifth season is really long as far as the travelling distance goes. In total it has almost 33 000 light years. I crossed to Arcadian Stream region, then for a few systems to Empyrean Straits and returned to Arcadian Stream again. It is no wonder some of the hardware on my ship started to feel it - after all, total distance of my journey got over 100 000 ly now - and I had to make emergency stop, because my main joystick stop functioning. I was kinda scratching my head for the moment, what to do with it so far out in the black in here. I was just thinking about mcguyvering my way out of it (at least for now), but then I found a crashed Fer-De-Lance. No sign of the owner anywhere, but I managed to scavenge intact joystick from it. It could not have been there long, as it was relatively new version of VKB Gladiator NXT model. That will do just fine for my Krait. And anyway, finders, keepers.

Season 4

This one took me a while to travel through, as USS Voyager finally picked up a pace in fourth season. Of course, that was mostly thanks to Kes, as she - as final farewell - right at the start of season "pushed" Voyager with her newly expanded mental abilities from system Bla Byoe KM-N a116-0 to the actually initial system of the season Prie Chrea OO-Z d13-9, little over 7 500 ly (specifically ten years of journey). I did not had Kes with me so had to fly it classic way and jump from one system to another, which took me a while. I crossed back to The Veils region shortly before reaching Prie Chrea OO-Z d13-9, in the Tyroesly SA-P b19-0 system. It was journey I actually quite enjoyed, as most of the journey was composed from yet undiscovered systems and I even found a few planets worthy of mapping in them.

After that, it was back to short waypoint and discovered systems - as Seven of Nine is the new character in season 4, most of it focuses on her and with relation to her of course the Borg. Hirogen are new long-term interesting villain species, and Krenim with their Year of Hell makes an appearance - only for their timeship to be destroyed and events with them undone though. In one episode USS Voyager and entire gets also cloned by intelligent silver liquid, story which have sad ending in later season. At the end of the season USS Voyager encounter stranded federation science ship USS Dauntless with few remaining members of its crew, which after some dramatic scenes and plot twists results in Voyager using slipstream technology to quickly jump few hundred light years from system Prie Chrea RJ-I d9-15 to system Prie Chrea FP-V b29-0, where season ends.