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Senator Ursula Torquatus & Karl Nerva - Secret NMLA Agents In the Imperial Senate?!

My assumption with the name Torquatus being masculine threw me off for sure... The identity of this Torquatus referred to the surname of a particular Senator by the name of Ursula Torquatus. I can't believe she actually thought her precious Omega Grid network was secure enough for her to not assume some manner of pseudonym like the elusive Theta Seven, and others. That Torquatus herself could be so stupid is an insult, and only makes it clear that the Imperial Senate themselves only tried to stop ACT because they are pulling the strings- I believe these questionable senators to be the "mysterious benefactors" of the NMLA. It makes a lot of sense since this Omega Grid is a clone of the one the Empire uses for official business.

This morning I have received another set of intel from ACT, and I hope to get a-crackin' as soon as possible. Today's destination is the "Saffron" system.

((UPDATE)) The starport "Cresswell" had an interesting signal just nearby, an "Unidentified Beacon" - I did note that the cypher looked splendidly different, and it has proven true. Did they truly believe that changing their encryption method would actually help them any? I am now decrypting the message as we speak. I wish the best of luck to other CMDRs working this case.

((UPDATE 2)) Translation complete! Original Message: 5GF5M1 2DF 1MW2GD4 1R13K Y45 Q1C2 D4 Q2MJ L2 3C2 M2SD V1J3D4M B3DQ LY S1L3MY D4 1C43T 33FF H52FD34K3KR BQ1D 3S DQ1D M1KT15 B4L1K G21MMY V1K VG1VN 45G 4L2R1 RG3T N1GM JG4L3F2T L2 DQ1D B1F 3LJ4FF3WM2 Y45 NK4B 3C2 1MB1YF W22K M41M D4 Y45 1KT DQ2 4DQ2G M4GTF W5D 3 K2C2G TG21LD 45G B4GN V45MT 2ZJ4F2 L2 J2GF4K1MMY T4 F4L2DQ3KR

Incomplete Cipher:
F = S, G = R, I = 3, J = P, K = N, O = 4, P = J, Q = H, R = G, U = 5, V = C, W = B, X = Z, Y = Y

Complete Cipher: L = M, A = 1, M = L, T = D, H = Q, N = K, D = T, E = 2, C = V, S = F, B = W

TRANSLATION: Omega Grid 2 - SAFFRON "Ursula it's Alberto again, you have to help me! I've left Capitol with my family to avoid IISS questioning. What if that Landau woman really can crack our Omega Grid? Karl promised me that was impossible! You know I've always been loyal to you and the other lords, but I never dreamt our work would expose me personally. DO SOMETHING!"

I know Karl refers to another Senator, specifically Senator Karl Nerva. He is one of the well-known opponents to ACT and IISS investigations. We now know for sure that the senate is filled with NMLA moles. To quote Senator Nerva on his GalNet broadcast the other day; “It is time for ACT to devolve and return much-needed resources to the Empire where they belong.” - How Ironic, since he's been helping to provide terrorists with equipment, intel, and their own dark-comms grid. Gotcha, ye sick bastard! YOU were the one taking resources from the Empire to fuel you and your kind's sick agenda, the assassination of Harold Duval, and all those bombed stations... Civilians and politicians alike died in those attacks.

More speculation is to be had however, as I've not the foggiest who this Alberto could be- clearly important if they're on a first name basis with several imperial lords as well as other senators. My sources tell me that we have no information on an "Alberto" in a known-leadership position. However, due to the mentioning of Imperial Lords' involvement, I want to believe this Alberto is also one of these "lords." Alas, we will just have to wait for further intel from Captain Landau- I have full faith that she will find the identity of this individual, or in the very least provide us with further breadcrumbs to help decipher this mess.

NMLA Beacon Located! - Mission Start! - HIP 290

As a former Imperial citizen, I can't help but feel the unrest from this far outside of the bubble surrounding the NMLA. The Empire is already rife with chaos, and the current tension does not aide her people any. The Pilots' Federation has issued an alert through GalNet, pointing CMDRs everywhere at a particular "Imperial Beacon" within the HIP 290 System. Imperial Senators appear to be blocking the ACT's efforts at locating the NMLA's copy of the Omega Network, so those of us without political ties are free to investigate on their behalf. While I dislike the security and privacy of the people being compromised, I am more disquieted by the thought of more people dying at the hands of these terrorists! Lives are more important, and most importantly the Emperor's.

I'm some 1500 LY away from the bubble, however I do hope to return and obtain my own copy of the encrypted message. Instead, I have started with a copy that was obtained through a friend bubble-side. My results are as follows;

"This is Torquatus. Abandon work on establishing a new NMLA figurehead, no existing candidates have sufficient support to replace Theta Seven. His martyrdom was expected, but has unfortunately happened ahead of schedule. For now, concentrate on avoiding detection. There will be other chances to remove the remaining Duvals."

I will be returning to the core sytems forthwith! My current location has been marked on my maps, I can always return at another date, when far more pressing matters are at stake. First and foremost, we need to figure out whom this "Torquatus" could be. The name in Roman times referred to a general by the name of "Titus Manilus Imperiosus Torquatus" so I can only assume this individual is masculine, which doesn't really narrow our search much.

I will have further reports soon.

((UPDATE 1)) It took me most of the day, however I have finally made it back to the Core systems, straight into the HIP 290 system. I have snagged the scan of my first NMLA Omega Network beacon, that is if there are any other beacons out there we should be scanning when we receive further breadcrumbs to follow. I eagerly await my next message from the NMLA or instructions from ACT- I feel like we're finally on the crux of something big, and I have a bad feeling it's not going to be pretty.

Beautiful canyon find; Wredgo JB-F d11-103 Moon: A 1 d

Yesterday, I was too excited to think clearly... I found a beautiful world, without much exciting in terms of material value... It wasn't a high metal, or a metal rich body at all. It was a small moon, orbiting a gas giant. The biological signals were the first to catch my eye, and I'm certainly glad they did.

Most of my speculation about this moon is purely observational. It looks as if an asteroid smacked into this moon so hard, it created tectonic activity that cascaded across the entire moon's surface. This event carved deep canyons and mountains aplenty into this otherwise featureless hunk of rock. It is likely that this same catastrophic event introduced its primitive plant life, and various fungal species to the moon as well. Scans indicated that much of the life was located within and around the largest crater, hence my reasoning behind this conclusion. . However, it is possible, there was already native life, as there is some that can't be found in its' largest crater, but plenty of nearby smaller craters.

Most peculiarly, the same biological signals can be located on some of it's neighbouring moons. Perhaps the largest event affected everything nearby the body at that time in its' history as well. Nevertheless, this beautiful moon is sure to be a hit with canyon-loving CMDRs everywhere.

The system coordinates are Wredgo JB-F d11-103. The moon you're looking for is A 1 D. A Small rocky moon, with tenuous atmosphere. It features a large crater, and canyons that stretch across the entire surface like a tectonic spider web.

Thargoid Sensors in Wredgeae DC-N b35-6

How peculiar... I've never thought to find any of these out and about. Not much is known about these errant sensors that folks have been reporting other than they arrive at random in systems thousands of lightyears from Thargoid activity.

The logical part of me wants to ignore the sensors and be on my way to my intended destination, of the Izanami region, but my heart tells me to explore this region of space more within the Elysian Shore. There were two of these signals on the same planet, and it is indeed a very sizeable icy planet with mighty bands of rock and ice. Two sensors? In the same place... And this view...

enter image description here

Even if this find proves to be nothing, the sight of this beautiful world makes it worthwhile.

enter image description here