KDT. Sailen Blackwind Profil > Logbuch

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(Diamondback Explorer)
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122.707.543 Cr
Life within the heavens

I've roamed these cosmos for some weeks now. Recently joining with The Dark Matter Corporation in the near by system of Nungar. Their pilots are friendly, and come with force. my type of people they seem. With actions being taken by them in politics, i see some interesting stories ahead.

I've given them my support in their goals in varied handfuls, but I've really taken to exploring the surrounding dead space, being the first to set eyes on many new planets.

this brought me to my latest find, while spending some time looking through my codex system, I discovered the potential for some.. other form of life amongst the stars, just a reasonable 600 LY away. plants it seems. more specifically a forest.

I'd never seen anything like it, so I decided to set my navigation toward the planet of Synuefe ZQ-V b35-4 3.

The trip was smooth and only slowed by the opportunity of first contact in a few systems i thought interesting enough to slow for, and eventually I arrived. Probes ready, and the planet fairly small, it wasn't long before i had found the signals of several forests all across the rocky planet. landing on the edge of nightfall, the horizon looked especially peaceful behind the silhouette of this alien forest.

As I sat upon the soil and watched the sun set, I noticed an orange shimmer hanging from the branches of several trees. Fruit. it was its fruit. I doubt it to be edible, but it was rich with something more. material. minerals, a variety of all kinds, hanging in plenty in a forest of golden apple. in a time long ago, some would say these fruit are forbidden. For my self, these fruit are truly treasures of the heavens.

Life comes in all forms among the heavens

I've come to deliver some bad luck.

I've made the right choice it seems. It started with a hand shake, and a declaration of support. the aged but spry old woman that greeted me to Raven's Landing was as blunt in her lack of confidence as you'd expect from a woman such as her, but she gave me the chance, and started me on some messenger work for the faction.

Smoothly enough, the work was routine. go there, drop a note, come back. something in the data i was moving for them though must have been important, because as i returned from a delivery, i was greeted by a much different tone from her. Pleased, some might say.

I was told of how my work for them has granted them some deals that had spiked their economy as a whole. Who would've thought, my actions would have such a major impact, and one so soon as well. this economic boost placed their people into a state of Civil Liberty, allowing them to invest in the Cai system, and pursue plans of expansion.

This lead to the request of my services in planetary scans, which i excitedly accepted. Cash flow immediately sky rocketed, and i stumbled onto a new profession.

A black cat needs prey though, and the Raven's would be sure not to disappoint. these scans lead to the need for local pirate eradication, and a warrant was issued. The moment i had been waiting for, the chance to deliver some bad luck.

it was a graceful strike indeed. arriving in the target system that the intel tracked him down to, it was no issue snaring him in the sights of my interdiction. His hull screeching out of cruise, perfectly locked at the end of my guns, i made quick work of him, and his back up too. He must not know where i come from... But i came to deliver some bad luck.

Even Ravens Need a Black Cat

In my journey toward the outer rim, I've found my self in the system of Cai. initially, i arrived here on my route, scanning the planet Xyile for its high priced scan data, and encountered the faction of Raven's Scouts.

They seem to be well formed here, and even have an installation on the planet Trango, although its air space is restricted, it is accessible by surface travel, and seems to be an industrial hold.

A people that formed in their pursuit of exploration, and banded together to make their home here, while expanding on their facets of life.. i can relate to these people.

A small system, with medium levels of security, I've had one interdiction attempt on me from a non CMDR class pilot by the name of Biggles, unknown if he is still present in the Cai system, but will be sure to deliver him some bad luck if encountered.

Overall, i enjoy it in this area so far, and will be getting to know Raven's Scouts better. if they continue to appeal to me, i might just hang around for a while. Even a Raven can use a Black Cat.

My place is on the wayward wind..

So in my travels upon this new cosmos, i finally had the moment.. that moment when you wake up inside, and realize your path. Interestingly enough, it was while i was rummaging through the mission boards in LFT 1672, where i encountered the minor faction of LFT 1672 Advanced holdings.

A mundane seeming group of people, with no holdings to be particularly proud of from what i read on their intel.. these people dont seem to know who i am.

a perfect task for hire, and yet i turned it down. They spoke to me with such arrogance, high and mighty despite their true colors, in a way that reminded me of the Amarr, back where i come from.

The thing they said that really spoke to me though, was "Know your place, you are here to serve us" .. it was at that moment that i realized, no.. no i am not. i owe nothing to these people, and i will not serve them, even for an open contract.

my place is my own, and the choices i make are mine as well. ive chosen to withdraw my support of the LFT Advanced Holdings faction, and given opportunity, will side against them in combat as well. Then we'll see where who's place truly rests.