KDT. Content2541 Profil > Logbuch

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(Diamondback Explorer)
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50.001.593 Cr
Omega Mining Operations

Took a rough landing on a decently high gravity world not too long into my trip to Colonia and Sagittarius A, and ended up with 53% Hull. Decided to take a visit to some occupied system in the Omega Nebulae. When I got there I found out a bunch of information on the station, as well as finding the 16th megaship placed on the Colonia bridge. Went roughly like “Distant Worlds 2 was made to establish a starport next to Sagittarius A and most of the resources required to build the starport were mined down in this system at this asteroid base.” Thought it was cool and I would write it down. Colonia megaship was cool as well, definitely didn’t expect to see it there. I am now allied with both Brewer Logistics and Omega Mining Corporation.

The Phoenix Frontier.

Plotting, planning, reviewing, recruiting... the list goes on and on and on. If you’re wondering what this is about, I’m currently making an expedition called Phoenix Frontier. We will be going across 9 galactic sectors and roughly 100,000LY! It’ll be fun, now I just have to set it all up, I have a friend working on the expedition patch while I work on... well everything else I guess. God I love that name... Phoenix Frontier... rolls right off the tongue doesn’t it?

There’s a journal in this thing?

My first log book entry! Well this is exciting isn’t it? Guess I should say something but I don’t know what to say right now, so uh. Hello whoever reads this, and I hope you have an amazing day!