KDT. MediaMagnet Profil > Logbuch

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Isiyari's hunt [MQ3-T]
(Imperial Cutter)
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1.152.983.181 Cr
To Have Hope


Begin log file: Personal Log of Commander Alexandra Webb “MediaMagnet”

"Of course we knew why I was out here... People only come to Dav's Hope for one reason now a days..."

She sighs rising from the control chair "Midnight with me." she says as the AI starts copying itself to the SRV in bay one. she sits in the SRV activating its control surfaces as the guide arms from the Isiyar's Rage lower her down to the rocky ground the COVAS giving its at this point standard warning of low gravity. clearing the underside of her ship she starts heading into the abandoned mining base only to catch a glimpse of a Dolphin heading into orbit. "Either tourists or the place has already been picked clean..." grumbling she pushes the throttle of the scarab forward heading into the the middle of the buildings. Looks around for little bits of useful material slowing the scarab down spying some prey on her radar. She has midnight turn the night vision on because of course the time she decides to visit this ruined place it had to be on the dark side. watching the wave of the night vision extend out she notices the outline of a box. "Ah guess it's not picked clean after all..." she rolls forward towards the materials lowering her scoop as she does collecting the random bit of prized junk into her material hold. Knowing that there was at leas some "gold" in them there hills she slowly loops around the outpost collecting any little bit she can find.

About an hour later finally aiming the Scarab back towards her Anaconda she rolls under the 'Rage only to see the Dolphin return. "Must be a tour bus... strange though why would they want to come out here especially when Dav's Hope is on the dark side... seems they'd do a better business when the base is on the light side..." she shakes her head "Oh well... Midnight would you be so kind as to get the ship ready while I pull the SRV back in?" she gets an "Affirmative" from Midnight as the guide arms pull the SRV back into the hold. Heading back to the bridge she sits down in the control chair and watches the Dolphin laze about above Dav's Hope almost able to hear the tour guide talking about one of man kinds many screw ups.


Back in the Saddle


Begin log file: Personal Log of Commander Alexandra Webb “MediaMagnet”

"Been a while." she remarks walking onto the bridge of her Anaconda Isiyari's Rage sitting in the pilot's seat she starts powering up the ships systems working her way through the preflight checklist. Satisfied that the ship is good to go she hands stuff over to the auto-launch computer before sitting back in the seat watching for other people departing around her in case she needed to override the auto-launch. clearing the mailslot she overrides the launch and points the ship downwards and then boosting away from the station, and into super cruse as she ponders where to head next.