KDT. DOONE UDYR Profil > Logbuch

Aktuelles Schiff:
Carolina's Pilgrimage [do-08k]
(Krait Phantom)
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2.388.023.647 Cr
Flight Log 1 MAR 3310

It's been about a week since I decided to leave into the solace of the black, and today I have crossed into Hawking's Gap. This expedition feels different than my previous voyages, I feel less restricted in my purpose out here. I believe my new ship is the reason. I've decided to touch down for the night in a triple binary star system with over a dozen Metal Rich Bodies, one of these bodies happens to be a terraforming candidate and also harbors native bacterium. My Krait Phantom is very fun to fly. I've thoroughly enjoyed cruising around the planets I've visited and it's felt really good to finally have a ship that isn't a pain in the ass to land. A ship with a 75LY jump range that can land in the mountains with ease is something I wish I had pursued sooner. However, I must be more careful until I get used to how this ship handles. During my canyon running today, I smacked the side of a cliff while attempting a dangerous maneuver. The experience humbled me slightly, although I wouldn't have been too upset if my ship blew up from it; for I was still only 1500LY from Shinrarta Dezhra. I still don't know what I expect to find on this trip, but I do know that I will not place any rush on myself to reach any specific destination. Since crossing into Hawking's Gap, I have manually chosen the neighboring stars to hyperspace jump to. If I find myself yearning for some interaction, I will look for a fleet carrier to dock at and socialize. It's time for sleep now.

  • CMDR Doone Udyr
First Entry

Its been a couple weeks since I've returned from the black, A trip lasting nearly 5 months. I spent half a billion credits on ships and modules from the 2.5 billion I earned from cashing in my exploration data. The Anaconda dubbed Carolina's Voyage has been retired, I hated that boat of ship. I've fully engineered a new ship, Krait Phantom which I've named Carolina's Pilgrimage. A fitting name for my lovely feline companion. However the itch to get back out there once more has returned. I think this time I will stay longer. It's been nice being back in the bubble for the past month, getting all the data dumps from the civilized systems and catching up with all the news on the Galnet. I have made a new home in Shinrarta Dezrha, but its time to get back out there. Signing off...

  • CMDR Doone