KDT. Murhapuro Profil > Logbuch

Aktuelles Schiff:
Flathead [MU-11C]
(Cobra Mk III)
Mitglied seit:
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Besuchte Systeme:
Zuerst entdeckte Systeme:
5.535.605.845 Cr
Last visit to Gnosis

I've been missing out. When Gnosis was hyperdicted by Thargoids in Outotz ST-I d9-6 system, I thought thats it, Gnosis is now in it's final resting place.

Today, 25 Jul 3306 at 19:00, I am at Gnosis megaship, in Sifi PC-V b57-0 system. Looking at the travel log of the ship, it is clear that it has been all over the galaxy while I thought it's just slowly rusting away from the inside. I wish I had known this, I would likely have been travelling with it to see places. Now it's too late. Gnosis will be demoted into a local tour bus on Sep 10th. Well, at least there are plenty of CMDR owned carriers now so it's not a total loss.

A good reminder not to assume things. Again. When will I learn..