KDT. Chris Birch Profil > Logbuch

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(Asp Explorer)
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A New Snake in the Cosmic Grass

Birch Log - 17:30 2 August 3304

I recently got my first major expeditionary-class vessel - an Asp-Class explorer. I decided to name this after a semi obscure astronomer, Dr. Aaron Price. A bit of research (you wouldn't believe how hard that was. Far too many records were destroyed and mangled during WWIII) indicated that his favorite color was yellow, so I decided on that as the paint job.

Here it is, my new pride & joy, the Aaron Price floating, just repainted, outside of the Galileo starport in orbit around the Moon. Love these Orbis-class stations.

The Aaron Price near Galileo Starport

To put the Price through its paces I took it to a rather special place to get another picture. This is the cockpit of the Aaron Price. Yea, that's me. Wow that light makes me look like hell.

The march of history has largely forgotten Dr. Price. He was overshadowed by his more famous daughter, Caroline, who, of course, is known for being part of the first Titan Expedition launched by the United States of North America in 2065 after the end of WWIII. Caroline, legend has it, laid the keel for the first Titan orbital station, the direct descendent of the Orbis-class starport now in use today.

I came all the way out here to get this picture at this particular star. The star outside the ship at this point is Mira. It's weird what can come down to us from history. I came out here because history tell us that Dr. Price's daughter, Caroline, had a middle name of Mira. She was named after this star. Weirdly, there is another story that says she was named after an ancient computer server. The vast majority of historians completely discount this, but the story lives on after more than a millenium.

Cockpit of the Aaron Price near Mira

Starting with The Canonn...

Birch Log - 03:40 21 July 3304

For scientific issues I've aligned myself with The Canonn.

I've travelled to their station in the Chacobog system learn their ropes.

As a "reward," before the trip, I financed my newest and most expensive ship - an ASP Explorer, the SS A. Price, named for an early 21st Century astronomer and educator on Earth. I went all out on this ship, outfitting it not only with upgraded modules and an engineered Frameshift Drive, but weapons as well. Managed to destroy three pirates on the way out to the Chacobog system and didn't lose the ship!

Hopping Aboard the Gnosis

Birch Log - 04:12hrs 19 July 3304

As part of my expedition to survey the Generation Ships, I found the Gnosis in Charick Drift. It is set to move to the Hermitage system - not too far away - three hours from this timestamp.

I'm hitching a ride. This will be my first experience doing so.

Wherefore Art Thou, Pleione?

The Birch Log - 14:51 18 July 3304

I've decided to start these Birch Logs. I figure as an explorer I should document what I'm doing, and any strange things I come across.

I'm not a big time stay-in-the-black-all-year-have-been-to-Colonia/Sag A/Beagle Point/M 31. The biggest expedition I've been on at this point was Small Worlds 3, which was pretty good. I've a couple of new systems under my belt. So, yea.

I'm thinking I'm starting this entry because I did a survey of the Generation ships. It was prompted by the discovery of the _Achyls _in HP114458. This little, private expedition was quite successful. I have to say the log entries were haunting to the extreme. Not something I'll forget anytime soon.

I only had two challenges:

1) Finding the Generation Ship Hyperion. The public data said that the ship is located in Lalande 2966, and can be found by traveling to the fourth planet in the system and then changing course toward Yemaki for 7,000 ls. This didn't work for me. I was able to find it by starting from the Lalande 2966 star and then travelling 8,000 ls toward Lyncis Sector LX-U C2-19.

2) Finding the Pleione. I never succeeded here. It was the only failure of the expedition. All the data I can find, including data from a recent expedition says it is located in Hez Ur, and can be found by traveling to the fifth planet in the system and then changing course toward Teuten for 8,000 ls. I spent some time moving through this area between 7,000 and 10,000 perhaps three times and found nothing. Has anyone any current data on the location of this ship?