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ADF Lion's Pride [AR-16P]
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Reached the Asteroid Base

After a long journey, I have reached my first destination. It is indeed a beautiful sight and a marvel of space engineering - but then again, so are many things in this world. I will spend some time here prepairing for the next leg of my trip, a nice little piece of civilisation away from the bubble. After many "nights" sleeping on the planet surface or in deep space it's good to feel the metal of the station again. To connect with the events, too. I'm reading that an alien ship destroyed a Federal Battlcruiser and Hudson now considers the Federation at war with the aliens. I hope nothing too terrible comes out of it, I hope it was a misunderstanding and we can coexist with these 'Thargoids' as they are being called.

On an unrelated note, I found a strange inconsistency in the star charts. I laid in the course to this station and relied on my computer, but only upon arrival here did I realise that something feels off. I looked it up in older books, and it seems like the Thor's Helmet nebula is supposed to be 15 thousand LY away from Sol, yet here it is, just over 3k and I'm here. Perhaps all the old books are wrong - it's been known to happen - but maybe there is something I don't quite understand. The nebula is definitely here, and the stars are all the right ones. Could I have travelled fifteen thousand light years without realising it? It something wrong with my nav computer? I have no answers. I shall attempt to ask around - maybe there is a reasonable explanation to this after all.

Let's see what this whole thing is about.

All right. This is the first and quite possibly only entry in this logbook. I'm not the kind of person to reliably record my progress especially since nobody will probably ever read it. But I just found this website and it looks like a neat little thing; so I'll give it a try.

Right now I'm in Plio Eurl XD-J c25-0. It's pretty empty, but this is where I start my current journey. It's not my first one - in fact, I'm already over 2kly away from Sol. But I guess you could count it as a start for the purposes of this journal, such as it is. My initial goal was to just head out east and go until I get bored, then return via a different route, but I've decided to check out an asteroid base. I've been flying a long time, but I've never visited one, not even in the bubble. So I'll be changing my direction soon towards the Sagan research centre in Thor's Helmet Sector FB-X c1-5. Here's hoping I find something interesting there, or at least along the way.
