KDT. Weylandt Profil > Logbuch

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Finity's End [WEY-01]
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Journey's End

April 28th, 3304, 6:52, CMDR Weylandt of the Peregrine, at Vogel Enterprise, Achrende System:

Today, at 6.47 IGT, Peregrine docked at Vogel Enterprise, officially completing the Dead Ends Circumnavigation Expedition. It took me 196 days to finish this epic journey, and despite some scares along the way, I have to state that Peregrine has performed admirably on this long and arduous trek. I believe that I may now indeed claim to be a veteran explorer.

Selling my exploration data, I have earned 967,615,463 Cr since my last dock at Colonia. This means that in total, I made about 1.8 billion Credits on this journey. I also took more than 1100 images, scanned 139 Earth-like Worlds (about 95 first discovered by yours truly), 144 Ammonia Worlds (111 tagged with my name) and discovered one black hole and dozens ouf new neutron stars. Also, I visited all the designated waypoints, although I missed most of the basecamps as I was moving ahead of the main group.

But all these numbers cannot truly convey the joy and wonder that I experienced in these last months, traveling to places where really no man has gone before, and at the same time, meeting many great and extraordinary people on this expedition. Sure, boredom crept up on me from time to time, and the news from the Bubble were (and are) worrisome, but still... I'll be back in the black... soon, after some R&R.

Now, I'm getting drunk... screw that it's way too early in the morning.

CMDR Weylandt, signing off.


April 27th, 3304, 18:56, CMDR Weylandt of the Peregrine, at Sagan Research Centre in Thor's Helmet Sector FB-X c1-5:

After about more than 574k ly, more than 12500 jumps and 195 days in space, I have finally returned to Human space. I reached WP37 in the Skulls & Crossbones Nebula 2 days ago, and from there, plotted a course to one of the outlying stations in Human space, Sagan Research Centre. That means that I have not yet officially completed the Dead End Circumnavigation Expedition, as I have yet to reach Achrende, the final destination. Nevertheless, I'll stop over here to upload 3-4 months worth of exploration data, repair my trusty Peregrine... and get some fresh food and a beer or two. I'm home.

Weylandt out.

Going home... finally!

April 20th, 3304, 17:40, CMDR Weylandt of the Peregrine, at Sidgooe FG-Y d1:

I visited Waypoint 36 today. Needed to use some FSD boosting, but nothing major, Peregrine is still very well stocked. Next destination: the Skulls & Crossbones Nebula... and then home. Let's just hope I don't meet any Thargoids or any other unsavory folks on the final stretch of my journey.

Weylandt out.

Peregrine is going home

April 9th, 3304, 17:40, CMDR Weylandt of the Peregrine, at Magellan's Star (Ood Fleau ZJ-I d9-0):

Peregrine has just arrived at Magellan's Star, the most "eastern" location of this trip. I was able to go to Ood Fleau NO-Z d13-1 (about 650 ly away from Magellan's Star) without resorting to FSD boosts. I forwarded the route that I took to DECE Fleet Command for further dissemination. Next Saturday, April 14th, we will have been in space for exactly 6 months. Most CMDRs participating in DECE are currently closing on Beagle Point which is also the halfway point of our expedition. Scuttlebutt says that DECE Command has planned something special to celebrate the occasion. Speaking of celebrations: Peregrine is finally going home! From here on, I will be moving steadily towards Sol and the Bubble. Sure, the longest leg of the journey is still ahead, about 20k ly worth of traveling, but the end is in sight.

Weylandt out.

Hot Arrival at Void's Brink

April 8th, 3304, 16:40, CMDR Weylandt of the Peregrine, at Chanoa QK-C d14-0:

From Goliath's Sling, I've been travelling to to Pamplemousse and now Void's Brink in the last two days at a leisurely pace. Everything went well until arriving at my destination when I left witchspace smack between two A class stars which caused my poor Peregrine to heat up very quickly. I used a heat sink in order to get out of this hot embrace. So, I'm down to 7 heat sinks, but given that I'm only about 40k ly from home. I think I'll spend some time exploring the rim before heading to Magellan's Star.

Weylandt out.

WP 34, Galactic Records and Goliath's Sling

April 6th, 3304, 16:40, CMDR Weylandt of the Peregrine, on Groa Eaeb KT-O d7-4:

I reached WP 34 last night and then today moved on to one of my self-selected waypoints, Groa Eaeb KT-O d7-4, aka Goliath's Sling. The outermost gas giant of this system sports an enormous ring system, about 17 million km across. It also has some moons and even another ringed gas giant in orbit, which in total make for some truly impressive sights. I took a few images and may propose this location as yet another future basecamp.

In other news, I've been notified by the Galactic Mapping Project that I discovered a galactic record holding star a few months back, the Herbig Ae/Be star farthest away from Sagittarius A*, Oob Aewsy XY-S e3-0. I visited this system in the beginning of November 3303, but it seems that the administration within the Galactic Mapping Project is just as slow as any other bureaucracy.

In fact, I've just been notified that I also discovered the heaviest rocky ice world, Hypo Phlue LA-A d17 A 7, which I visited in mid-December. My next waypoint is Dryeou Flaae OM-W d1-4, also called Pamplemousse, a giant star about 2400 ly away from my current position.

Weylandt out.

Crossing over into Tenebris and King Midas

April 2nd, 3304, 16:06, CMDR Weylandt of the Peregrine, on Oodgolf FF-G c24-0 A 1:

I finally arrived in the Tenebris Sector a few hours ago, after a rather long FSD-boosted trip to cross over from the Sagittarius-Carina Arm. For the most part, I followed a route discovered by CMDR Spacelok some time back, although I did indeed discover some new systems along the way, many of them rich in resources. I'll communicate my findings to DECE Fleet Command later on.

My next destination is King Midas, a supposedly remarkable Ammonia Giant. I then intend to head on to WP 34 and beyond. According to the star charts, the Tenebris Crossing seems to have been the last major obstacle on this journey.

I landed on Oodgolf FF-G c24-0 A 1, a supposedly polonium-rich planet (1.1 %), although I haven't seen much, even after some intensive prospecting. Nevertheless, I am content as I also was able to mine loads of other valuable resources like Nb, As and such. I still have to check the moons of a nearby gas giant, this system might actually be a green system.

Weylandt out.

April 2nd, 3304, 20:02, CMDR Weylandt of the Peregrine, at Prea Aick MO-Z d13-2 (King Midas):

I have arrived at King Midas in the Prea Aick MO-Z d13-2 system, a truly impressive ringed Ammonia World. Who knew that this system is also a green system? Don't need the materials now though, as I have about 150 J1 and J2, and 105 J3. Next stop: WP 34.

Weylandt out.

WP 33

April 1st, 3304, 17:25, CMDR Weylandt of the Peregrine, at Synookaea MX-L d7-0 (WP 33):

After an arduous trek of about 2000 ly of manual plotting, I have finally reached WP 33, a pretty unremarkable F-class star. I had to use FSD boosts for most of the jumps, so it was a good idea to come prepared with plenty of materials, although there are also green systems along the route. I took notes of my course and will transmit it to my fellow DECE CMDRs later. I imagine the way from here to King Midas will be just as annoying as the way here, but I still have plenty of FSD boosts left. Let's hope that the stars are less sparse in Tenebris. I have now completed about 80% of the journey, and I'm looking forward to seeing other people than myself in the mirror again.

Weylandt out.

Tumbling down a hill

March 31st, 3304, 16:30, CMDR Weylandt on Nuelooe SD-I c26-0 1 b:

While proceeding to the Tenebris Crossing and WP 33, I came across the Nuelooe SD-I c26-0 system, a single G-class star. The first planet is a ringed gas giant with its usual cluster of moons, of which the first two form a close twin moon set. I landed on Moon b, near a large canyon system (coordinates 62°N 32'24" 47°E 21'40") and the view is simply breath-taking, both on the ground, but also in the sky, with Moon a and the ringed gas giant dominating the sky. The terrain here tends to be harsh, with lots of chasms and fissures, and I experienced a moment of panic, when, during my excursion with Rover One (the yellow one), I suddenly tumbled down a hill, with no chance of controlling my descent. I managed to put full power to shields, but nevertheless, I lost about 40 % hull. After returning to Peregrine, I relocated the ship to the bottom of the canyon system, which is almost flat. I also noticed the rich material deposits around here, and when I investigated further, I found that this system is what is called a green system, i.e. all materials necessary to synthesize FSD boosts are available here on the moons of the first planets.

I communicated my find to the proper authorities and also notified DECE Fleet Command that I think that this might be a very interesting location for a future basecamp, especially as it allows my fellow CMDRs to prepare for the crossing from the Sagittarius-Carina Arm into the Tenebris.

Weylandt out.

Encounter in the Eock Prau Nebula

March 29th, 3304, 6:50, CMDR Weylandt, in the Eock Prau Nebula:

I've just rendezvoused with CMDR Maia Posidana of the Gloria Coelis on the surface of Eock Prau WS-K c8-0 A 2 d a where she's been searching for geysir formations. She's been in space for about 14 months now, and following the DECE course backwards, which means that she is enroute to Beagle Point where she started her run. We had a nice chat and also used the opportunity to stock up on FSD boost materials and enjoy the view. She also warned me about the hazards of crossing the void between the spiral arms where she almost got stuck due to lack of polonium. As WP 33 is right in the middle of the crossing, I don't want to avoid it, so we just will have to see.

Weylandt out.